
  1. Every time i pray i cannot seem to pray with full concentration
  2. I am certain that wearing of this head wear is NOT Fard,
  3. The Asr prayer had finished when I reached the mosque, so I started praying Sunnah by myself
  4. 2 Rakaah prayer for Syedna
  5. Since I attained puberty which is about the salaath of Juma.
  6. Why do we say ameen during our prayers?
  7. I recently went to a Mosque with a friend of mine and she told me that I have to follow the pace of the Imam.
  8. I am kind of afraid that when I start school again, it will be difficult to pray at the times required.
  9. Could you advise me on whether it is OK to pray whilst sat in a car?
  10. I recently went to a place where Juma`a is offered
  11. I am confused that in our fard namaz we have to read surah fatah behind imam.
  12. If the Iqama for (`Isha`) prayer is proclaimed and supper is served, take your supper first."from
  13. I have a doubt regarding shortening of prayers while travelling/journey.
  14. Can you let me know if it is ok for Men to offer Salat with ones shoulders exposed?
  15. Is it allowed to pass by in front of the person who is reading `namaaz`?
  16. What if in the middle of a namaz a person`s mobile rings?
  17. I recently converted to Islam. And im just learning how to pray.
  18. Can you outline the benefits of congrgational prayer. i feel it also strgthens one`s faith
  20. What will be the action of a person when he joins a jamat for prayer and Imam is in sujood.

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