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Kutub as-Sittah
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Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
Comparative Religion
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Would like to know about kazaa namaz
I have read on a site that the beard is of immense importance and that an Imam should have one.
When praying by ourselves, should we audibly say the main prayers aloud?
We know the immense importance of the 2 Sunnah rakats before the Fagr fard and that you must also pray them in Qasr salat.
My question is regarding Qasr Namaz I am working at sea for 6 to 7 months. Can u please give in detail format of Qasr namaz for all 5 times.
I don know about prayer correctly.can u tell me about 5 prayers that in which rakat we have to reciet soorah after alhumdu sharif.
For the silent prayer during Zuhr and Asr (in Jama'at), my understanding is that when reading Surah Fatiha, it is enough just to move your lips and read the surah in your mind.
If I join in a Jama'at late, should I still start off with Thana (Subhanakallah Humma etc) or is it only required in the beginning?
During a particular year, I kept a diary and marked all missed salat.I also missed many years of unrecorded salat
One big annoyance of mine is when people do not observe straight lines and have gaps between themselves before Jama'ats
On Qasr prayer (when travelling), can you combine your prayers?
When you pray Salat on your own, do you need to do Azaan or Iqama?
I am a diplomat and am posted in different countries. Presently I am in Bosnia. Here besides Muslims Christians also live in large quantity. I am gfacing a probvlem with respect to food.
Regarding joining Prayers, though not applying it as a general rule, but when I am in office and I may become very busy in a meeting and fearing that my Asr Salah may be missed
Moulana could you tell me that i have heard that any one who misses the friday prayers for the three continuesly he will be atuometically counted in kaufars.
I am studying, and while the timings of asar and maghrib i am in my tutions, out at the houses of particular teachers, so i wanna konw that i , approximately, qaza them everyday,
I have been thinking latley and deeply about the way that muslims have come to pray.. and I realized.. mohammad is the last prophet to arise.
Can i do namaaz with jamaat with my wife, if we both are alone(me as imam and my wife as muqtadee) ?
I am always confused about the faal
My question is regarding Qasr prayer
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