
  1. Can a pregnant women offer prayer while sitting if she feels difficulty in praying.
  2. I have a problem that i get some silly ideas and thoughts in my mind when my heart is not willing to offer a particular Farz, sunnah or Nafal.
  3. Can a person give kaffara for his or her missed prayers?
  4. If you miss a namaaz an then you do kazzaa how many rakats do you read
  5. Post-menstrual discharge
  6. Why do we take out the istekhara?
  7. Missed Rakaahs in congregation
  8. I missed my fajar - morning prayers, as i overslept. I got up as the sun was rising. What is to be done in such situation?
  9. I want to know about how many Farz rakan are there in every farz paray. i hope i receive your answer with the light of Quraan and Hadis.
  10. In the Islamic centre where I pray, they follow the Hanafi madhhab, and they pray witr with three rakahs,
  11. My doubts is to clarify Why so many people pray 20 raakaahs tarawweeh and tahajjud and that also leading in congregration
  12. Missed Rakaahs in congregation
  13. In the witr prayer if we forget to say qunoot in the 3rd rakath and ruku is done Is the sajda Sahu necessary or repeat the prayer again
  14. I have a shia friend ,who just told me that they do not pray tarraweeh namaaz as it was also not done by our beloved rasool
  15. I have question about "Witr". Could you please explain to me " There are how many ways to perform "Witr".
  16. My mom tells me to pray sunnah also with the farz prayerz
  17. I wud like to ask whether witr is obligatory in isha prayer
  18. Please let me know about prayers. When we go for sujud should our hand or our knee touch the floor first
  19. I have heared from my friends that if a man offer his prayer in house than it is not acceptable he should go in Mosque
  20. Whenever i stand to read namaz......differnt bad thoughts come in to my mind

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