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Kutub as-Sittah
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Kutub as-Sittah
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Islam & Terrorism
Islam was spread by sword
Root cause of current Muslim affairs
Assalamu alaikum, Dear brother, I`m sure you have heard of the recent attacks in New York City....it has certainly reputation of Islam here in the US. If this was an act of a Muslim organization, was it the right thing to do? Please let me know your point of view regarding this issue. Your brother in islam.
Will of deceased third.
How to show gratitude.
What happens to innocent people in suicide bombings
How to react to bias media labeling muslims Whabis, Terrorists, Fundamentalist, Extremists, Radicals..etc
We as muslims say that Islam was not spread by sword but by love, Ikhlaq, by logic, by the Pious people etc. However its written in the books that Sahaba during their wars used to given three options to non believers.
I am refering to the attack on the WTC, where several hundred muslims are said to have lost their lives as well as non-Muslim citizens of some 80 other countries.
Does Islam accept terrorism?
Islam & Terrorism
Quran to justify attack on New York
Muslim at fault
Ossama Bin Ladin
Who is right, the U.S. or Afghanistan?
There is so much violence in the name of Islam
4000 Jews missing from WTC
What happened in New York City?
Osama Bin Ladin
Islam and Terrorism
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