Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
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Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
Comparative Religion
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Pls tell me about "pray `salat` with shoes" (when allowed and when not with the hadis-e-rasool (peace be uopn Him) if any
My question is we can pray salah for any one who is not keeping well?
I know a man he eat`s haram or a backbiter and some time he offer namaz as a IMAM.
Will namaz invalid if someone pass air in end of last rakht or will we have do wadh & pary again?
I masturbate every night.. and cause of that i do miss my prayers..
I want to know if we can go for kunda ki niyaz?
Iam not get up early in the morning for the prayer the fajar namaz.
Can you plz give me the detailed information of performing viter namaz in Isha
What is the correct way to perform witr prayer.
If there are other type of istikharas where other people take istikharas for us
I would like to know whether it is necessary to wear an abaya on top of our traditional dress ie,kurta shalwar
Please advise in the light of Hadeeth the duration of Maghrib Prayer.
What is the right way to offer salah?
If Khutba has started in Juma should we not perform our Sunnat prayers.
Can you please provide the reference to this hadees as you have given for the one which say lifting hand other than beginning of the prayers
I want to know about RAF-E-YADAIN & FOREFINGURE when we sit n start ATAHYAT till end of the prayer.
Can a women in her periods - menstruation say her five times namaz?
Where are the five obligatory prayers mentioned in the Quran.
Can a converted to Islam person offer prayers to her/his dead family members?
Can u please guide me to the correct way of praying tahajud namaaz?
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