Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
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Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
Comparative Religion
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Can women pray if a baby vomits milk on to her clothes.
I cant able to pray namzat proper time shall i pray my namz in my office
This namaaz is the kaffara to cover 700 years of qazaa namaaz.
I have question regarding Salam When finishing Salah Prayer.
"prayer of the hypocrites would leave prayer to just before the commencement of the following one".
Is it forbidden in Islam to sleep after Asr?
Is it necessary to cover complete hands for a woman during praying namaz
Should one always pray Fard or Sunnat Namaaz with the Rakaats going upwards in the Quran
The references from the Holy Quran in which Allaah Ta`la orders us to worship Him alone and importance of salath (namaz).
I just want to ask about the namaaz we have to offer when we are in a journey or safr-e-namaz,
Why do we have to understand Quran when we pray?
How many Rakats are there for ladies for Tarabi namaz during Ramadan
Some one told me about a 2 rakat nahif called thaiyatul wudu.
Please advise me on the method of performing Nafl/Sunnah and Witr Prayers.
Why do we have to understand Quran when we pray?
Is it compulsory for a female to remove her pant weither pure before prayers.
When can we perform Qasr prayers and for how many days while travelling?
Can i pray my `kaza namaz` inatead of `tarawee`.
If we want something can we pray 2 Rakat of Salat Ul Hajat
A friend who mostly works outdoors! he is a medical delegate. he mostly visit hospitals. once when i asked whether he prays 5 times
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