
  1. How much gap is need to be in legs and whrere i keep my hands on stomuch.
  2. I wanted to ask that what are the reasons that Moharram is celebrated and In Namaz if a person by chance reads the same surah is that wrong in it.
  3. Q.can i recite sura`s in my nafil prayer loudly?
  4. If i want some position and did istakhara, but mulla tells me istakhara says that position is good.
  5. While offering prayers following imam, if imam by mistake concludes the prayers for Esha.
  6. I want to know how important is parda in Islam? when i was in pakistan i used to pray 3 4 times a day.
  7. I have a doubt regarding qibla sumbody told me that where ever the sun sets its the qibla.
  8. Sir i want know about 2 Namaz same time. last month rainning season when i went to mosque for Maghrib rainning on going little little but after jamat maghrib Imam said we pray now for esha.
  9. Is it acceptable to pray the namaz in the office.
  10. When we sits in Tahasshuid we have to recite At-Tahiyah and in At-Tahiyah we have to recite one sentence Ayyiannabiyou rahamatullahie wa barakatuhu that is "O Prophet peace be upon you", that means we are consulting with our Prophet in Salah at this time So what is the fact or meaning of this sentence please inform.
  11. Could u please tell me the correct way of performing salaat ul witr in accourdance with the authentic ahaadith.
  12. I stay in bombay. how soon can i say my zohar namaz?
  13. I want to know how to keep our hand while praying in the starting.
  14. Q 1)is it necessary to wear a cap for offering namaaz? Q 2)are children aloud to stand in any line during a jamaat?
  15. What compensation must i do, if i miss on jumah?
  16. Q1/ do you place hands on chest? Q2/ do you raise hands to shoulder level before you go in to ruku and after it?
  17. What is the significance of offering reduced Obligatory prayers.
  18. I am travelling to Toronto in 5 days time from now. I urgently seek your answers to the following questions.
  19. My mother and wife requested me for Jamaat.
  20. Vitar sala which is the Afzal 5 rakat, 3 rakat.

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