
  1. I heard that there are only two types of salaah (fard & nawaafil).
  2. I have one doubt which i think it can be cleared through you. During the month of Ramadan one of our family friends (non-muslim) invited us for Iftaar party at their home.
  3. I have a quetion, when only two musallihs are performing salah (one of them Imam and the other Mukhtadi) what should be the standing position of them? Should they be standing next to each other as if they are Mukhtadis or should there be a gap between them (Imam little front and Mukhtadi couple of feet behind)? Please clarify this to me.
  4. My question is regarding Folding pants while praying, are we allowed to fold our pants if it goes beyond the ankles while praying.
  5. If my husband seems to be slaking in his prayers, and not waking up in time for fajr or putting off his evening prayers for a later time, is it permissible for me, being his wife.
  6. Compulsory to pray 2 rakah after entering the mosque
  7. My question is ,is it compulsory to cry while making dua after every farz/nafeel Namaz.should we cry every time we pray.i personally think that it will become an acting if we make it compulsory to cry every time we pray.please enlight me on this.
  8. My question is that is it right to recite surah IKHLAAS in all the rakats of namaz? That is, Sunnat, Vitar, and Nafal.
  9. I would like to know in the light of Quraan n sunnah that wether one talk during Namaz.or one should keep silence.i
  10. I want to ask question about validity of 5 times obligatory prayers.
  11. Are we allowed to start our prayers between the azan ( call of prayer) is going on or should we wait for the azan to finish.?? Is starting the prayer during the azan is forbidden??
  12. Iʼm working in a software house. In my office, there is no particular place for women to pray but still there is a separate area for namaz where everyone can offer namaz.
  13. Question: What is the reason why the recitation [of the Quran] has Islaamically been prescribed audibly in the Maghreeb, Isha & Fajar Salaah without the other remaining obligatory Salaah [being prescribed as audible i.e. Dhur & Asr], and what is the evidence for this?
  14. My Question is can any one do Imamat?
  15. When we offer prayers do we have to say Azaan or straight away start praying .
  16. I would like to know if wearing a jewellery other than gold or silver and praying is haram for girls?
  17. 1. if we have not performed ablution, are we denied of touching the quran( i mean we cannot move it from one place to another without ablution)
  18. My question is that on Juma, when a person reaches a masjid and the khutba has already started can a person pray two nafil rakahs of tahiyatul masjid and two rakahs of tahiyatul wudu while the khutba is going on.
  20. In the evening I dont get time to do the Magrib prayer since I'll be travelling back to home in company bus.

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