Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
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Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
Comparative Religion
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If a lady is travelling by Air to some country for one month so will she pray the whole raka`as of prayers or she has to Qasr the prayers.
The Prophet saws said, "Do not choose the Friday night among all other nights for standing in (Tahajjud) prayer
Why cant we muslims offer any namaz after fajr and asr prayers?
When azaan start at 12.45 pm of auzhar namaz.many peoples go to masjid at the time of 12.45 pm.
When azaan start at 12.45 pm of auzhar namaz.many peoples go to masjid at the time of 12.45 pm.
I have missed many Salah over the years due to many things & mainly due to pure laziness
I do perform istekhara namaaz.but many a times i could not make out anyhting from it.
The part of the question asked was about the distance one has to travel away from his/her dwelling to be able to qasr namaaz
During salah, for the rukuh, where should one`s eye face?
I wanted to know if the Juma prayers are still Fard on a person
I perform salaat-ul-istekhara. By praying 2 rakat namaz and then during the surah fateha i repeat words
Is it true tht apart 4m tahajud prayer which is a nafil namaz there r other nafil namaz like chast,ishraak n awaabeen?
Pls let me know the total number of tahajud prayers
After offering witr at night is it alowed to offer nawafil at any time at night.
My question is about istakhara.
When i am performing prayers, my thought are not under my control.
When i read namaz i will be reading but my head will start to think about something thing else
I want to know about the authencity of Durud-Ibrahim or Durud-Sharif in Salat?
If your praying sunnah salats and your mother calls you, do you break your sunnah prayer
Intention for Prayers
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