Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
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Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
Comparative Religion
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Is pride allowed in islam in or under any circumstances
Women is required to cover her head while eating-is this hadith authentic or not.
O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses
Should muslims only give money to charities that are for muslims
Can you please tell me the meaning of the term: "ANSAAR-US-SUNNAH "
The Glorious Quran itself says that It was sent down in Ramadaan.
It`s ok to stay at our friend`s house who is hindu.
You are contradicting in your answers, in - `745 read quran without taking wudu.htm` you have said, "Thus, it is always preferred to be in a state of wudu
Can we read holy quran on cd?,now days there r many cd`s in market on holy quran
You have said "it would be preferred (not an obligation nor a requirement) that one be in the state of wudu when reciting the Quran
Now the doctor is advised for TEST TUBE BABY process for pregnancy other wise chance is very less for issue
In ramazan do we have to recite complete quran for 3 times one for the marhooms
Do you beleive the Promised Messiah and Mahdi has come?
Is it allowed to hang Qu`anic Aayahs on the wall for decoration?
I intend to accept Islam. Please advise how should I proceed about it.
Ismailis have a ceremony called the CHHANTA ceremony in which the representative of their present Imam forgives sins of the Murids by sprinking linking Aab-e-Zam Zam on them.
I want to know about the topic "FATIHA"
I want to know , y Fish is consumed without doing Zibah.
Is husband responsible for his wife regarding islam?
We can pray salah for any one who is not keeping well? and if we cannot pray for any reason we can do sadaqah for that?
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