
  1. Brother i want to ask u a question regarding gap between the birth of second child
  2. What we have to do if by mistake the holy quraan has fallen down by us?
  3. I would highly appreciate it if you can help me clarify on the below mentioned issues. 1. Naat - Did people in times of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) recite Naat? How did this start and is it allowed? What about Qawalis etc?
  4. I have long hair and my dad and mom says I look like a girl. Can you tell me whats Islam`s point of view about men`s long hair?
  5. I have come 2 know from this website that a person may marry the 1 whom he loves i.e, love marriage is allowed in islam
  6. Is family planning allowed in Islam? If yes in what ways....
  7. 1)What makes you believe in translation of Holy Quran regarding their authenticity? Moreover, most Imaamis (Shias) believe that Quran has 2 meanings i) Exoteric ii) Esoteric,
  8. My question is that I want to know what i can do to become more patient. I mean I am not an angry person by nature but sometimes i loose my temper
  9. I had a question that there is a hadith which says`the prophet (sawa) says`whoever stays and lives with a polythiest is one of them
  10. The people in the world who are not aware of Islam or to whom Islam yet not presented.They are died.What Quran says about them? They would be in Jannat or Jahanum.
  11. Is it allowed to keep the Holy Quran in the bedroom, where husband and wife sleep?
  12. I am muslim brother one of my non muslims friend asked me question he says why Quran is superiour than all 3 books ? ? ?
  13. In the quran it states that there is no compulsion in religion (ie. you can`t/don`t need to force someone into beleiving the truth).
  14. Qtv is an international channel,hope you know this channel.I watch the programmes telecastedon it.
  15. 1. I have heard that the Saudi govt has obliterated two ayaats of the Quran. Is this true? If true then what are the ayaats? What is the authenticity of Quran then , when people can change Quran?
  16. Im a 15yr old boy. im a hafiz ul quran and im also schooling.. i had an inappropriate beard which was long at one side and short at the other
  17. I am an immigrant to Canada, i heard today in Juma Khutba, Imam was providing an example of first migration of Islam by Syedna Utman Ghani radiAllahu anhu to Abisenea as they migrated for the cause of Allah
  18. Can you tell me the history of Adam and Eve
  19. I heard that scholars are saying that Imam Mehdi will come after this Hajj...and they base this on the fact that most of the minor signs of the day of judgement have already happened. Now could you clarify the whole Imam Mehdi arrival and who he is exactly..and wheres he coming from...and whats going to happen after his arrval (like the Hajuj Majuj and everything).
  20. Normally the whole day you dont fart but whenever you do wudu and start saying the prayer the wind passes what should we continue the prayer

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