Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
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Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
Comparative Religion
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I just came through a comprehension in my exams.. where it was written that listening to your insults while absorbin all ov the things the person insultin says whos, is not bravery?
. I wud like to know if alright to go to grave of any pious person and recite only the dua
Travelling allowed only for the purpose of holidaying to foreign lands to see and appreciate scenic beauty created by Allah(swt)?
People i am frm kerala .there even religion is a bisuness the islamic scholers are also utilizing islam for their personal benifit .what does quran say about these people?
I would like to know from your, what Islam say about Birth control
I have seen muslims changing thier children`s name when something bad happens to the child
Who was the first jamiah al Quran?
In some mosques, some Imam's as a 'must' recite 'La illah ilallah. numerous times. There were many bodies that used to say this is bidda
Why do we refer to Allah as he?
I normally listen to the Quran when I`m in the car. The only problem I face is that the speakers are at the bottom of the doors so they are close to my feet.
I am a Christian and i hope you can help me. i understand the concept of shirk and believing or associating anyone with the almighty god.
What is darwinism?
, but sometimes people say that the soul is worried and so it happens. However I dont know if I should believe in it. Is this just a theory, or is it true? And can you help me understand why I dream of him so regularly. Thank you
I am getting mentally ill. I once touched the Holy Quran and vowed to Allah that I would never return to my bad habits
Question is we shouldnot talk bad about anyone who dies even for disbeliever. than why do we talk about firroun?
This means it is halaal to kill someone who insults the prophet, then why was the man who killed Van Gough a misguided man then-Please shed some light.
I know this old lady who has the most weird views about Islam. She considers herself religious, but does not believe in the system of namaz or the Hadeeths but just follows her own interpretation of the Quran.
Could you please throw some light on the meaning of Qarzan Hasana?
The books which contians the tabeer of dreams are correct or not we believe on their written tabeer or not ?
Can we eat food ourself n send the sawab of that food to the died people???
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