Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
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Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
Comparative Religion
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People say " The romance of St. Valentine`s Day is gradually melting the ARAB world and the number of people celebrating the day is increasing every year"
There is a saying of the prophet s.w.a on paradise,that he has said:my ummah are divided into 73 groups and only one shall enter paradise
I have heard some one saying that crying of cat in a house is sign of a bad news
As per the quran it is not allowed to worship an idol or a stone or a picture. We must worship only to GOD.
Could you please inform me if it is mandatory to put my dupatta on my head on hearing the azaan?
Is there any advise during intercourse for having ason asihave three daughters pls advise me and pray for me.
My first question is concerning a woman`s iddah period......
We learned that reciting surah mulk after maghrib is of great benefit aur ise kisi ke liye baqshe toh inshallah allah use qabar ke azab se mehfooz rakhengey
At the time of marriage meher money was given by my father.
There is a guy in my class( i study in a co-ed school, he keeps on trying to talk to me, he tries to find occasions where he can just talk to me and stuff
Is there any restriction on number of kids, Obviosly we believe that Allah is the creator and He gives us kids,
My question is ,is it any type of sin to wash our hair by using beer for shine.
Today we hear a lot about fake Quran`s being published by the non-muslims etc
The Saudi states well-compensated ulama, lead by Shaykh ibn Baz, issued a fatwa supporting the Saudi royal family and authorizing military intervention in the sacred precincts of the Kaba.
Why does the book use the name "Satanic Verses"?
I wanna clear my concept of La ILLAH HA ILLLallah....
After burying our dead, many of our family members mourn for a period of 40 days. On the 4th day after the death of the deceased is a qul ka khatam followed by 3 more khatams on the 10th, 33rd and 40th day
I am leaving amongst you two things, you will never go astray as long as you cling to them
I have been told that i am a syed,
My wife asked me to fast on 3 days of zil-hijja before eid ul adha
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