Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
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Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
Comparative Religion
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How one can purify his intention,niat,
Can my wife changed her last name to husband;s name instead of father;s name.
. i am very happy you people are serving muslim brother through solving their problem, may allah reward you.
My question is that can we go to parlour and learn beautition cource is any harm in it learning everything about make up ?
My question is regarding those ayaths of surah baqarah in which the angels ask allah why he wants to create someone who will spread mischief.
Dear brother i have been tld that when sleeping you should not lie on ur back or on your front,you should only sleep on your side.
Is share tradung allow in islam
I have been searching for information in how one can overcome dyslexia. Although, I have found information in how one can deal with dyslexia from a western concept, but I would appreciate it if you can advice me on how one can overcome dyslexia through Islam
1} can you please tell me, islamically speaking how do we muslims believe this world started. how old this universe is etc...
I am from india and now i am in cyprus.i have came to know about this website from one of the person from delhi and he is known to me.
I want to ask some of our mosque its prohabited to say "yaa RASOOL ALLAH"
When i came across the one about `evil spirits in the house` and read your note that no evil spirits or jinn can harm us or cause any suffering to us.
Please guide me , if I can buy Life Insurance Policy and other related matters to save for future.
I am studying religious studies in a level. this subject questions religon a lot. although i am a muslim
What about drinking zam zam water in pakistan and india people say stand and drink zam zam water .in its respect .... i want to ask you is that is correct
Cheated documents to recover Funds
Al hijaamah (cupping) i would like to know about its benifits. are there recommended times for one to have it done or times that one should avoid cupping?
I am living in kuwait but still my wife is in pakistan but she wants live with me but my father is not aggery with me
What is the Islamic ruling on euthanasia according to Quran and Sunnah?
Hi, I work for a software company in pune which is based in israel. I have 2 questions. Whether we muslims r allowed to work in a jewish firm?
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