1. I have heard that the Saudi govt has obliterated two ayaats of the Quran. Is this true? If true then what are the ayaats? What is the authenticity of Quran then , when people can change Quran?

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

1. I have heard that the Saudi govt has obliterated two ayaats of the Quran. Is this true? If true then what are the ayaats? What is the authenticity of Quran then , when people can change Quran?

2. Some say that Quran is not from Allah but is from Hazrat MuhammadSM.What are the proves against this claim?

3. What were theproves that the prophet SM gave after Meraaz?

I want all my answers.

I believe in Allah and I want these answers to make my belief as firm as I believe it to be. 


(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Quran from Allah

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person,  no grave, no prophet,  no imam,  no dai,  nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your Question: I have heard that the Saudi govt has obliterated two ayaats of the Quran. Is this true? If true then what are the ayaats? What is the authenticity of Quran then , when people can change Quran?

Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 15 Surah Al Hijr verse 9:

It is We (Allah),  Who has sent down this Quran,  and We will assuredly guard it against corruption!


Beloved Brother in Islam, the Truth of the matter is that the Quran cannot be changed or altered, simply because Allah Subhanah, The Lord of the Heavens and the Earth Himself, has taken it upon Himself to preserve, safeguard, and maintain this Glorious Book!  


Believe it with conviction brother that even if all the evil powers of the earth combine themselves, they would not be able to alter even an alphabet, leave alone obliterate or change a word or a full Aayah from this Glorious Book of Allah Subhanah!  The Lord Most High has taken it upon Himself to safeguard His Quran till the end of time; and no combination of powers has the power to frustrate the Will of our Lord Most Supreme!


Your Question: What is the authenticity of Quran then , when people can change Quran?

It is absolutely inconceivable that there are any changes or any alterations to this Glorious Book of guidance from Allah.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 10 Surah Yunus verse 64:

64      ….no change can there be in the Words of Allah. 


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anaam verse 115:

115    The Word of thy Lord doth find its fulfillment in Truth and in Justice: none can change His Words: for He is the one who Hears and Knows everything.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 18 Surah Kahf verse 27:

27      And recite (and teach) what has been revealed to thee of the Book of thy Lord: none can change His Words and none wilt thou find as a refuge other than Him.


The Truth is that the Quran is absolutely complete and what we have with us today is exactly the same Quran that Allah Subhanah revealed to His Slave and Messenger, Mohamed ar-Rasool Allah (saws).   There is not a single word in the Quran that is not supposed to be there,  nor is there anything that has been removed or changed.   Our divided Muslim Ummah today may differ on many things and issues, but Allah is our witness, all the different sects of Islam and all their scholars are absolutely unanimous in their opinion that the Quran we have amongst us today is the exact same Quran which was revealed to the Prophet (saws).


Your Question: Some say that Quran is not from Allah but is from Hazrat MuhammadSM.What are the proves against this claim?

Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 41 Surah Ha Mim As Sajdaah verse 2-4:

This (Quran) is a Revelation from the All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful Allah.  A Book whose verses are well-expounded,  an Arabic Quran for the people who want to understand, and a giver of good news and a warner.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 18 Surah Kahf verse 1-3:

All praise is for Allah Alone, Who has sent down this Book (Al-Quran) to His Servant (Mohamed (saws)),  and assigned nothing crooked to it.   This Book says everything directly,  so that he may warn the people of the severe chastisement of Allah and give good news to the believers,  who do righteous deeds,  that they will have an excellent reward.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 99:

We (Allah) have sent down to you Revelations that clearly expound the Truth, and none but the disobedient reject them.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 26 Surah Shuaraa verses 191-195:

The fact is that your Lord is Mighty,  as well as Merciful.   This (Quran)  has been revealed by the Lord of the Worlds!   The trustworthy Spirit (Jibrael a.s.) has come down with it upon your (Prophet Mohamed’s (saws)) heart, so that you may become one of those who are (appointed by Allah) to warn (the people) in plain Arabic language.


Beloved brother in Islam, logic and common sense, and even the law of every court of this world, dictates that the onus of producing the proof always lies on the one who brings forward an accusation!  If one were to get up today and challenge something which is formally accepted by all people, the onus of producing the proof would always lie upon that person!  For example, if I were to say that books like ‘Macbeth’ or ‘Romeo & Juliet’ were not written by Shakespeare, the onus of producing the proof of my accusation lies upon me! 


Dear and Beloved Brother, man says that the world today has changed since the Revelation of the Quran 1400+ years ago!  But Allah is our witness, the mentality of the disbelievers has not changed even one single bit!!!  When the Noble Prophet (saws) declared that He was appointed a Prophet of Allah and was receiving Revelations of the Quran from The Lord Most High, the disbelievers in his (saws) mission 1400 years ago posed the exact same questions which some people pose today!


“….that Quran is not from Allah but is from Hazrat MuhammadSM What are the proves against this claim?”

Glory be to the Lord Who Revealed the Glorious Quran in Truth to His Last and Final Messenger (saws)!  Allah is our witness brother, the answer that the Lord gave to the objections and challenges and accusations of the disbelievers 1400+ years ago are as valid today as they were then!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 11 Surah Hud verses 13-14:

Do they (the disbelievers) say, “He (Mohamed (saws)) has invented the Book himself?”  Say to them, “Very well then, if it is so, then bring ten fabricates Surahs like this!  And you may call to your assistance whosoever you can except Allah,  if you speak the truth!   Now if they (your false gods) do not come to your help,  you should know that this Book has been revealed with the Knowledge of Allah,  and that there is no true deity other than Allah.  Do you then surrender to this?”


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 23-24:

And if you be in doubt whether the Book We have sent down to Our Servant is from Us or not, then produce, at least, one surah like this.   You may call all your associates to assist you and avail yourselves of the help of any, other than Allah.   If you are genuine in your doubt, do this!  But if you do not do this, and you can never do this, then fear the Fire which has been prepared for the disbelievers, and which shall have men and stones for fuel.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah Nisaa verse 82:

Do they not ponder over the Quran?  Had it been from any other than Allah, surely there would have been many contradictions in it.


For all those who accuse the Noble Prophet Mohamed (saws), who could not even read and write of inventing the Glorious Quran himself, Allah Subhanah challenges them to do one of three things if they are indeed truthful:

  1. Seeking the help of whomever they wish except Allah Subhanah, produce only 10 Surahs like unto the wisdom and eloquence of this Glorious Revelation of Allah!
  2. If producing 10 Surahs like unto the Glorious Quran would be asking too much of them, Allah Subhanah absolutely humiliates and frustrates the challengers and asks them to produce only One Surah like unto it!!! (And the shortest Surah in the Glorious Quran is only three verses!!!!)
  3. If they all unable to fabricate even only three verses like unto the Glorious Quran, the Lord delivers the final death blow and Declares in All His Majesty and Perfectness, and absolutely humiliates the disbelievers by challenging them to find even only ONE discrepancy or contradiction in the Whole of His Glorious Message!  Only ONE!


Allah is our witness brother, the challenge that our Lord Most High posed to the disbelievers in the Quran has stood the test of time for 1400+ years since its Revelation; and Allah is our witness brother, it will stand the test of time till the very end of time itself:…… for never ever can anyone in creation produce something the like of which our Lord Most Supreme has Revealed!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 17 Surah Isra verse 88:

Declare this! ‘Even if human beings and the jinns should co-operate with one another to bring forth a book like the Quran, they would never be able to bring anything like it, even though they all helped one another!”


After absolutely humiliating and frustrating the false accusations and challenges of the disbelievers, Allah Subhanah reveals the true reason, intention, and mentality of those who ardently strive to disbelieve:


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anaam verse 33:

We know that what they say grieves you (O Prophet (saws)).   But it is not you whom they charge with falsehood!   These wicked people are in fact, denying the (very) Revelations of Allah!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anaam verse 7:

(O Prophet) even if We had sent down to you a Book written on paper,  and even if they had touched it with their own hands,  the disbelievers would have said, “This is nothing but manifest sorcery!”.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anaam verse 157-158:

Now that a clear Proof,  a Guidance and Blessing (The Quran), has come to you from your Lord,  who can be more unjust than the one who treats Our Revelations as false and turns away from them?   We will inflict the severest torment on those who turn away from Our Revelations because of their aversion.   Do the people now await that the angels should come down before them?  Or that your Lord may Himself come down?  Or that the manifest Signs of your Lord should appear?


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 30 Surah Rum verses 58-60:

We have set forth in this Quran every sort of argument to make the people understand;   but whatever ‘aayah’ you may bring, the disbelievers will certainly say, “You are following falsehood”.   Thus does Allah seal up the hearts of those who understand not.   So, patiently perservere; for surely the promise of Allah is True.    And let not those who have no certainty of faith, shake your firmness.   


Then finally, Allah Subhanah, after all His Perfect arguments Declares the punishment for those who even after this refuse to believe:


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 34 Surah Saba verse 5:

As for those who strive hard to discredit Our Revelations,  for them is a painful torment, most humiliating.


And in His Supreme Mercy and Grace, the Lord Most Gracious consoles the heart of the Prophet (saws) and those who have believed and tells them exactly how to deal and reply to those disbeliever who, after having been given the Message in the best manner still ardently refuse to believe:


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 10 Surah Yunus verses 40-44:

Some of these people will believe in (The Quran),  and others will not.   Your Lord knows these mischief-makers very well indeed.   If these people deny you, say to them: “I am responsible for my deeds and you are for yours.   You are not accountable for what I do,  nor am I for what you do.”  There are many among them who hear what you say,  but will you make the deaf to listen to you,  even though they be incapable of understanding this?   Then there are many others among them who see you.   But will you show the way to the blind,  even though they be bereft of sight?   The fact is that Allah does not in any way wrong the people,  but they wronged themselves!


Your Qeustion: What were theproves that the prophet SM gave after Meraaz?
Beloved brother, I am really sorry but I am not sure what exactly you mean by your question.

Do you wish to inquire what were the proofs Prophet Mohamed (saws) presented that he had indeed traveled on the Night Journey?

Or do you wish to inquire what were the proofs or signs that the Prophet Mohamed (saws) was shown on his Night Journey to the Heavens?


If you could please clarify what exactly you wish to inquire, we will strive to the best of our ability and knowledge to answer your questions in light of the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah, Insha Allah.


Your statement: I believe in Allah and I want these answers to make my belief as firm as I believe it to be. 

Beloved sister in Islam, never ever hesitate or apologize for asking any questions in the deen; for the deen or ‘way of life’ called Al-Islam is based on the Perfect Wisdom and Knowledge of the All Knowing Lord, and every single command of the All Wise Lord is abundant in common-sense and logic.  Asking any type of questions in Islam to gain more knowledge, or to confirm the Truth so that one’s heart is more content, or to understand and thus follow with more conviction the dictates of the deen is not only permissible, but absolutely encouraged in Islam.  It is the right of the brother or sister to ask anything they wish to clarify in the deen; and it is the responsibility and duty of the good scholars to address the question asked to the best of their knowledge and ability, and in the most polite and humble manner.


What is discouraged in Islam is if one asks questions for the sake of asking, or arguing to ridicule the Truth with absolutely no intention of obeying or following when the Truth is made clear to them, etc.   But if one asks questions to clarify and seek knowledge so that one may better follow the deen; such seeking of the Knowledge of Truth is absolutely encouraged in Islam


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.



Your brother and well wisher in Islam,




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