
  1. Graphic designer
  2. Eteqaf in menses
  3. Clarification of smoking
  4. Is smoking haraam?
  5. Why Images of Isa are available but not Prophet Mohamed ?
  6. Smoking during fasting
  7. Masturbation instead of illegal sex
  8. Lie on asylum papers
  9. Products which contain Alcohol Haraam?
  10. Masturbation
  11. Music
  12. Can one allow alcohol in his restaurant?
  13. Is it okay to marry ones step-sister?
  14. Does masturbation break the fast ?
  15. Talking to non-mehram / platonic love
  16. Wind and string instruments in Islam
  17. Is it allowed in islam to have a girl friend just to share the feelings of a male
  18. Remedy for sexual thoughts / how to be safe from indecency and fahashiha
  19. Why should muslim women not be alowed to work? if she is willing to work although her husband does not allow her, can she go against him?: I have been told by a friend that a women cannot work until and unless her husband is not able to and not capableof fulfilling the family`s needs. Is this true? Why should muslim women not be alowed to work? if she is willing to work although her husband doesnot allow her, can she go against him? Awaiting your reply
  20. Remedy for sexual thoughts: Assalam!i am a young boy of 20.Alhamdolillah i don"t see movies or listen to songs and neither i commit any shameful sin in the dark.But i am sorry to say that at times the "shaitan" urges me to do sins regarding my "satar"..though at many a times i succeed to remember Allah`s fear but at times u know it becomes too difficult.My request to u is to plz mention me the islamic ways to curb such impulses any time i am attacked.Plz guide me sincerely.May ALLAH give u big rewards.AMEEN!

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