Other Questions

  1. See Prophet in dream
  2. Dear Sir/Madam,I have listed 15 questions below and I request them to be answered only in YES or NO.
  3. Can someone please answer my query privately as I dont wanted it posted on any of your websites.
  4. Is shaytan a kafir or Fasiq?
  5. I just wanted to say may God bless you, and everyone else who makes this help line possible.
  6. Which other books besides Quran-i-kareem are Authentic and accepted among all major muslim sects.
  7. Is any such evedence isn sunah/hadith that prophet had order that to kill DOGS and then he cancel his order.?
  8. Is it ok to thanks and call Allah swt with His most beautiful names
  9. Please tell me the name of hazrat bilals father and were he come from
  11. There is one angel called Hazrat Khidr a.s Who is in Sea and he is very tall and strong the all sea reaches to his knee
  12. I will like to know after asking the questions is the answer and my name will be on web
  13. I am planning to write and publish a book about my experience and some of the Bohra flasehood
  14. Juma and Eid khutba, must it be read by the Imam in Arabic?
  15. Here in Saudi Arabia, Wealthy people and big business men add title to their name as SHEIKH, HIS EXCELLENCY etc. Is it ISLAMIC ?
  16. My question is for My cousine as he went Ireland for higher studies and because of the cristian community there he was not able to answer some of their thoughts about Islam
  17. Is Al Khidr or called Green Man A living prophet or Saint
  18. When you yourself claim to be so ignorant about your religion since the sect does no more than repeated rituals of darees or majales
  19. One of my friend can`t get pregnant, because she is not able to give birth to a baby. There is a treatment that called IVF
  20. I wnat to ask about that u can answer only in english or also in urdu

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