Other Questions

  1. I remember learning in my childhood about a surah which talks about money hoarders.
  2. I live in canada in brampton. I want to help you, i mean any kind of help that i can do through this webste, cause I`m a maried woman and i have my home and other responsibilities
  3. Is it true Dr.Zaker Naik was Hindu before ??????????
  4. One of my shia friend told me the below hadeeth from Sahih Bukhari and claimed that there was an enemity between Abu Bakr (ra) and Fatimah (ra)
  5. What is the ruling for a person who is passing infront of someone in namaz?
  6. My question is in the context of the recent earthquake which hit the northern parts of Pakistan
  7. We are living in a society where the man`s responsibilities are to earn while the wife shoulder`s the responsibility of the household
  8. . I would like to know what is the relevance of Imam Mahdi according to the Koran and the Prophet and according to the teachings of Islam.
  9. InshaAllah im planning on becoming a doctor but require some advice regarding a certain field. In this field (dermatology) doctors treat many skin conditions, helping the patient psychologically and physically!
  10. I have recently viewed an article on Saudi government intention to demolish centuries old house of Prophet Mohammad (SAW); my confusion is was there any such house, which house they are talking about?
  11. Because many people argue that people like Dr Zakir Naik, Dr Israr Ahmed, Maulana Maududi etc are not scholars and people should refrain listening to them. The reason they give is since they have not went or graduated from any Madrassa !!!
  12. I heard from one of my collegues that this particular publisher alters the translation and make its intended meaning different.
  13. Books of Syed Qutb banned
  14. I have a hair trigger temper/defence meckansim,my question is should I refrain from meeeting members of the larger family
  15. I have received this Email from one of my friend stating 99 Asma-e-Bari TAlla and their explanation against each for verification purpose.
  16. If i adopt a child from any muslim country, and the agency dont know the name of the childs father,
  17. I want to read a Darood Shareef named "Darood-e-Mustajab"...but i`m living in canada s it`s really very difficult for me to find it out
  18. Is it a sin to love one and then leave him alone when I was the one to initiate the relationship? I am confused. Please advice
  19. My suggestion is that you should limit the number of questions posted on the basis of how many you can answer in a reasonable time
  20. Question is regarding promises i had made to allah(swt) but was unable to keep them.To make it more clear i will give you the full picture.

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