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Kutub as-Sittah
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Q & A
Kutub as-Sittah
Comparative Religion
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Opinion of Brothers
Salam can u give comments on Why Peopel thinks Muslim Religion in Very Strict.and can u please tell me some points about our religion is not as strict as others.
Muslims need Education
Why not call ourselves Muslims?
Dear Sir, Your ardent attempts to answer the questions of Muslims with felicitious words and a beacon to adhere to your personal sentiments, which you justify with proclamation of a belief in One Allah, and that His messenger is Mohammed Rasulullah (SAW) and the revealed message came by way of the Quran, and the Quran only, which you promiscuoulsy quote out of context and in translation, are a un supplicated view of a crude return to the generics of monotheism. You speak of shirk, and thus reveal a paranoid fear of polytheism. I ask you in all earnestness, why not leave these peace loving Muslims, who have the kalema tus Shahadat with them, and put to better use your energies in converting Hindus and Buddists who are suffering in the plague of polytheism, and need your help perhaps most. Will appreciate your response. Regards.
Status of Non-Muslims in Islam.
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