
  1. Hate people who commit shirk
  2. My husband commits shirk
  3. Can Syedna see into the future and knows what is best for us ?
  4. Waila, is it permitted?
  5. Are we allowed to visit Dargah?
  6. Is it Permissible to Kiss pictures?
  7. Are we allowed to bow down to graves? Is Interest Haraam?
  8. Sajdah & Kadambosi
  9. You wrote: "To depend on the 'shafa'a' of someone, or to do any deeds to please this 'shaafei' so that he is pleased with our deeds, or to even believe that this supposed 'shaafei' is able to see and count and remember our deeds after they are dead, has been termed 'shirk' by Allah Subhanah in the Holy Quran. All deeds have to be done for the sole Pleasure of none, but Allah Subhanah Alone. We cannot even do deeds with the intention that even Mohamed ar-Rasool Allah (saws) will be pleased with us. Our intention and deeds must be for the Pleasure of Allah and Allah Alone! " The Prophet (saws) was asked time and time again by his companions to recite a dua for them to Allah. This is shafat. To ask a more pious person (who maybe more favored by Allah for their ikhas and iman) to pray to Allah for us and for Allah to give us mercy. The miracleous power that you incorrectly interpret is the dua for someone to Allah Subhana wa ta`Ala. The Prophet and the Ahlul Bayt practiced this.
  10. The Sin of Shirk
  11. Bohras do sajdah of Shukr to the Syedna
  12. Is worshipping the Kaaba similar to Hindus worshipping idols?
  13. Sajdah to Syedna is not an act of shirk
  14. Most Muslims are not aware of the Basic Principles of Islam
  15. Minnat

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