
  1. What is mean by " To join partners in worship with Allah".
  2. Um may I ask, what is wrong in wearing an amulet?
  3. I had approached a Maulvi and he opened a book with some Arabic letters.
  4. Is it wrong that to going makbara and prying to allah infront of the makbara?
  5. I know that it is haraam to go to a faith healer for myself. I did not listen to that faith healer whatever he was saying and I was just watching TV.
  6. If Allah have all powers and gives some power to his dear people , prophets, momeen etc. than is not it like the bhagwan who made devi and devatas and gave them different powers.
  7. Invoking any shirk Ali.
  8. She is 19 years old she feels she commited shirk,because she had evil desires about allah sw.
  9. Pendant of kaaba.
  10. I read your questions and answers and this is mine: how an adultery woman can be saved?
  11. I read your questions and answers and this is mine: how an adultery woman can be saved? I read that if she repents sincerly she can be forgiven.At the same time I know that this is a really bad sin in Islam and it is not forgivenable.
  12. My birth sign is is correct to believe on birth signs ?...........i want to know in details about this sign . whats mentioned in QURAN E PAAK about this signs?
  13. The return of Jesus Christ
  14. Brother, once I had a severe headache and I went to almost all the doctors but they said due to stress I was having the headache.
  15. Is it right to go to darga(shrine).
  16. Salam, i want to know about nag(pathar).
  17. My brother died 2 weeks before his marriage.Now my friends advice to me get married as I have only my mother.
  18. Vastu shastra feng shui design.
  19. I heard that the characters in Hindu mythology like Krishna, Rama and other gods, the characters in Mahabharatha and Ramayana did indeed exist actually.
  20. In Question 6069, you mentioned that Hazrat Abu Talib was (Na Auzo Billah) a Kafir. What is your proof of that?

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