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Kutub as-Sittah
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Kutub as-Sittah
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Ramadhan & Fasting
My question is we keep some fasts during Rajjab & Shaban months whether this has come in Hadis (authentic)?
How i can take advantage of the last 10 days of ramadan to get the reward of laylatul qadr?
Can husband & wife touch each other while fasting.
I was fasting not during ramadan and i forgot and ate
How if a muslim does not fast during the ramadan month?
Known missed fasting of Ramadan if not completed before next Ramadan?
My wife is 27 weeks pregnant. She had a medical condition during the 16th week due to which she almost lost the baby.
I am 2 months pregnant. My doctor adviced me not to starve for long.
I just want to ask whats the reason of us fasting i mean i want to know why did prophet mohammed(P.B.U.H) started fasting
Will our fast break if we vomit out something?
If I am travelling such that the time zone is changing, how can i fast
What are the reasons that can break the fasting in middle of the day
I was fasting not during ramadan and i forgot and ate before sunset.
When one is fasting, can he shave his beard ?
I was recently told that saying Ramadan Kareem or Ramadan Mubarak is a bida`a.
During the ramadan I was fasting and I vomitted.
Why do Bohras pray lailatul Kadar on the night of 22
It is difficult for me to fast on the weekends at Ramadhan as I am at home
Ramadan month is divided into 3 ashra.
The imam who comes to give the talks is from ahle hadith
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