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Kutub as-Sittah
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Kutub as-Sittah
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Why should somebody ask you the question instead he/she can go to amil saheb or raza saheb and ask him? or possible Ask Dai Zamaan TUS thru amil saheb
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Dawoodibohrahelpline misleading
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Dear brother in Allah Burhan I want to know exactly who are you and what is your association about? Believe me I`m very astonished to hear about you and I don`t know nothing from you. Where are you really from? Are you arab? Don`t think thatI`m antisemite but I want to know everything. Sorry if I disturbed by asking such questions but try to understand me. Your brother in Allah . Ps: I`m waiting for an explicit response
Dear Burhanbhai, Sir I have asked you a question and that is Can you Help the Needy Bhoras In Mumbai?But there seems to be no response from your side since quite some time which made me write you this mail again.Please let me know at your convinence. Thanking you
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