Islam bans practice of idol worship ,so do u think that we bohris do sajdah to our dai and go to thier turbats and perform sajdah to them

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)



One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

salam, my question is
4)islam bans practice of idol worship ,so do u think that we bohris do sajdah to our dai and go to thier turbats and perform sajdah to them ,i would also like to ask that was there nobody to stop this thing in the past when the bohris were at nascent stage of thier religion and what we do now is wrong or right 


(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Sajdah to Dai and graves

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person,  no grave, no prophet,  no imam,  no dai,  nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 22 Surah Hajj verse 77: O you who believe,  do ‘rukoo’ and ‘sajdah’ to Allah Alone,  worship Allah Alone,  and do righteous deeds.   It may be that you attain true success.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 41 Surah Fusselat verse 37: Do not do ‘sajdah’ to  the sun and the moon,  but do ‘sajdah’ to that Allah,  Who Created them,  if you really are indeed His worshippers.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 13 Surah Raad verse 15: For it is Allah Alone before whom everything in the heavens and the earth do ‘sajdah’ willingly or un-willingly.   Even the shadows of all things do ‘sajdah’ to Allah in the morning and evening!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 16 Surah Nahl verse 48-50: And don’t they observe anything created by Allah: how it casts its shadow right and left,  doing its ‘sajdah’ to Allah Alone?  Thus do all things express their humility to Allah.   All the animate creation in the heavens and the earth and all the angels do ‘sajdah’ in adoration to Allah Alone.   They do not show any arrogance at all, and fear their Lord,  Who is above them,  and do whatever they are bidden by Allah.


Your Question: islam bans practice of idol worship ,so do u think that we bohris do sajdah to our dai and go to thier turbats and perform sajdah to them

My beloved brother, the act of ‘sajdah’ whereby a person bows down and completely humbles himself by putting his forehead on the ground if front of or in the direction of another, is the ultimate act of humility, submission, subjugation, and worship of that being. 


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39  Surah Zumur verse 2-3: So worship Allah Alone,  making your religion His exclusively.   Beware!  Religion is the Exclusive Right of Allah.  As for those who have taken other ‘auliyas’ with Allah (and justify their this conduct by saying): “We serve them only that they may bring us closer to Allah.”   Allah will surely judge between them concerning all that in which they differ.   Allah does not show guidance to any liar and denier of the Truth.


In Islam, the act of ‘sajdah’ is considered an integral act and rite of worship, and Allah is our witness, none in creation deserves to be worshipped except Allah Subhanah, the Lord, Creator and Sustainer of the Worlds.


If one bows down in ‘sajdah’ to anyone or anything other than Allah Subhanah Alone, be it an idol, an image, a person, a grave, or anything else in creation, he will be guilty of the abomination of sharing the right of worship that is due to Allah Subhanah Alone with someone else!  Such a person will be severely accountable for his heinous and unforgivable sin of ‘shirk’ in the Presence of the Lord Most High on an Inevitable Day.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 9 Surah Taubah verse 31: They have made their scholars and their monks as their ‘Rabbs’ besides Allah!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 16 Surah Nahl verse 20-21: All the other beings,  whom the people invoke with Allah,  create nothing!   Nay,  they are themselves created.   They are dead, not living, and they do not at all know themselves when they shall again be raised to life!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 22 Surah Hajj verse 71-72: They worship besides Allah those for whom Allah has sent down NO AUTHORITY!   Nor they themselves have any knowledge about them.  Such transgressors have no helper!   And when our clear Revelations are recited to them,  you perceive signs of disdain on the faces of the disbelievers,  as though they were going to assualt those who recite our Revelations to them!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 33 Surah Ahzab verse 66-68: On the Day their faces are rolled about on the Fire,  they will say, “Would that we had obeyed Allah and His Messenger!”  And they will say, “O our Lord,  we obeyed our CHIEFS and our GREAT MEN, and they led us astray from the Right Path.   O our Lord, give them a double chastisement and curse them severely”.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39 Surah Zumar verse 67: These people (who commit shirk) have not recognized the true worth of Allah,  as His worth should truly be recognized.   (As for His Omnipotence) the entire earth on the Day of Resurrection shall be in His grasp and the heavens shall be rolled up in His Right Hand.   Glorified is He and Exalted above the ‘shirk’ that these people commit.


My dear and beloved brother, if one performs the act or rite of ‘sajdah’ or prostration to any being or thing other than Allah Subhanah, one would be guilty of the absolute abomination, heinous and unforgivable crime of ‘shirk’ in the Court of Allah Subhanah!   Allah Subhanah has Declared in His Glorious Quran that if one who was guilty of ‘shirk’ did not sincerely seek repentance for their abomination from the Lord Most high and were to die in that state, Allah Subhanah would forbid for him Paradise, and the Eternal Fire of Hell would be his Everlasting Abode.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 5 Surah Maidah verse 72: Whoever commits ‘shirk’ (invoking anything with Allah),  Allah shall forbid for him Paradise,  and Hell shall be his abode.  And for such wrong doers there will be no one to help.


Allah says in the Quran: Chapter 4 Surah An-Nisa Verse 48: Shirk (associating other deities with Allah) is the only sin that Allah does not forgive, and He forgives, whomsoever He pleases, sins other than this.  For whosoever associates any other partner with Allah, does indeed forge a big lie and commits the most heinous sin


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39 Surah Zumar verse 65-66: If you commit ‘shirk’ all your works will be rendered vain and you will be among the losers.  Therefore,  you should worship Allah Alone,  and be among His grateful servants.


Your Question: i would also like to ask that was there nobody to stop this thing in the past when the bohris were at nascent stage of thier religion and what we do now is wrong or right 

My dear and beloved brother in Islam, Allah Alone knows who, when, and how did this evil abomination of making ‘sajdah’ to human beings and the graves of their ancestors started, especially amongst those who had professed belief in Allah Subhanah and His Last and Final Messenger, Mohamed ar-Rasool Allah (saws)!


It is obvious that after they had professed belief and accepted Islam as their way of life, only a small group of people started and propagated this act of doing ‘sajdah’ to human beings and graves; and when the true believers and worshippers of Allah Subhanah Alone warned them of the ‘shirk’ they were doing, they broke themselves away from the believing Ummah and formed a ‘sect’ of their own!


In fact if one reads or knows the history of this particular sect, they were literally thrown out and had to flee the Arab country of Yemen because of their beliefs and acts which were so blatantly contrary and against the clear guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah; that is precisely why the seat of the ‘dawat’ moved from Yemen to its present location in India where they could practice their ‘shirk’ without any hindrance!   


Even today, when their ‘high-priest’ visit the Arabian-Gulf countries and especially Saudi Arabia, their followers are strictly warned by their aamils and priests never ever to do sajdah or any act of ‘shirk’ towards their Syedna in public for they fear that they would be immediately declared non-muslims!


You and I were obviously not present during the nascent stage of their movement, thus Allah Alone Knows exactly what transpired during those times.  But today, many amongst our Bohra brethren have read and understood the Quran, and know from their experience and the oppression they face everyday of their lives with their aamils and bhaisahebs that what is currently taking place in the community is absolutely against the guidance of the Quran and Islam; but how many of them are willing to stand up and take the side of the Truth? 


Bold indeed are these poor souls!  They fear the hardship they might face if they stood up for the Truth from their bhaisahebs, and aamils, and society, and family, and friends,….but they fear not the hardship that they will inevitably face when they are called upon to answer for their deeds and their beliefs in the Majestic Presence of the Lord Most High, Most Supreme on an Inevitable Day!!! Bold indeed are these poor souls!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anam verse 94: (And on the Day of Judgment Allah will say to those who committed shirk in the world), “So,  you have come before Us all alone,  as We created you at first.   Now,  you have left behind all that We gave you in the world.   Now We do not see with you those ‘shufa’a’ (intercessors), who, you believed,  had a share in moulding your destinies!  All the relations between you and them have been cut off,  and all those,  in whom you trusted,  have left you in the lurch.”


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 19 Surah Maryam verses 81-82: These people have set up other gods with Allah,  so that they may become their supporters!   There will be no supporters!  They will not only disown your worship,  but also become their opponents.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 40 Surah Mumin verse 47-48: Then imagine the time when these people will be disputing with one another in Hell.   The weak ones will say to the haughty ones, “We were your followers!  Now,  can you save us from some part of our punishment in Hell?”   The haughty ones will say, “We are all in the same state here,  and Allah has already passed judgment between His servants.”


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 7 Surah Aaraaf verses 52-53: We have brought to these people a Book which gives details based on knowledge and which is a guidance and blessing for those who believe.   Now,  are these people waiting for anything other than the consequence of which they  have been warned in the Book?   When the consequence will come before them,  those very people who aforetime had disregarded it,  will say, “Indeed,  the Messenger of our Lord had come with the Truth.   Shall we have, then, any ‘shufaa’ who will intercede for us?  Or could we be sent back that we might do deeds different from those we did before?”   They have, indeed,  incurred heavy loss upon themselves,  and all the false things they had invented have forsaken them today.


If one trusts,  obeys,  and follows the guidance and commands of Allah and His Messenger (saws),   one can be assured of never ever being misled;   but if one believes,  obeys and follows any other guidance,  other than that of Allah and His Messenger (saws),  one can be assured of being led astray.  


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your Brother in Islam,






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