Shias revile the companions of the prophet (saws)


Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Salaam Alaikum Burhan Bhai,

This has reference to your answer to question number 1814 regarding the Shias. Your answer to the question was quite appropriate given the data. However, there are many other angles, which would make it very doubtful that the Shias are Muslims. Could you please give your opinion to the below discussed points:

1. Shias revile Aisha (RA). It is a fact the she was one of the wives of Prophet (PBUH); nobody including Shias can deny this. And Allah (SWT) says in Quran that Prophet’s

wives are mothers of the believers, which suggests they should be respected. (a) Does it not amount to rejecting Quran when they revile Aisha (RA)? Further, rejection of even an alphabet of Quran renders a Muslim Kaffir. (b) Allah (SWT) came to Aisha (RA’s) rescue when she was maligned, a revelation was sent, despite this Shias don’t learn.
2. Shias also revile Abu Bakr (RA), Omar (RA) and Osman (RA). These are the very companions who Allah (SWT) said HE (SWT) was happy with – Revelations regarding Bayt Ar Ridwan, about the second of the two referring to Abu Bakr (RA) and many more like the status of Mohajir or Ansari Companions proves this. Are the Shias not rejecting Quran by reviling those companions whom Allah (SWT) lauded in the holy Quran and says He (SWT) is happy with them. Does this not amount to rejecting Quran?
3. Adding something to Shahada, does it not constitute Kufr? If not, could you please let me know this – why are the Christians Kaffir? As you said, “there is no god but Allah” is sufficient for a person to be considered a Muslim. Suppose a Christian believes in Tauheed and does not believe in the Prophet hood of Muhammed (PBUH), is he a Muslim? Shias case is more or less the same.
4. Shias, I understand (I heard this though I am not sure of it to be true) believe that there were 40 Paras in Quran instead of 30. They also say there was another version of Quran which was the real one and the present one is the Sunni’s version. By saying this, are they not denying Allah’s word that says that Quran would be guarded against corruption?

There are many more things, which I can’t recall at the moment, that makes their status as Muslims vulnerable.

(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)



Shias revile the companions of the prophet (saws)

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person,  no grave, no prophet,  no imam,  no dai,  nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Beloved brother in Islam, when one declares the ‘shahaadah’ or testimony of faith, believes in Allah Subhanah as the One and Only Lord and Creator, believes in Mohamed (saws) as the Last and Final Messenger, believes in the Message of the Glorious Quran as the Last and Final Revelation and believes in the advent of the Last Day; he will be recognized and honored as a believer by the other believers, and all the rights that are due to a believer will be accorded to him in full.  


No matter what he does short of openly declaring that he himself wishes to leave the fold of Islam, the person with the above beliefs will remain a muslim in sight of Shariah and the believers. 


Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 2526  Narrated by Anas ibn Malik

The Prophet (saws) said:  “Three things are the roots of faith: to refrain from (killing) a person who utters, "There is no god but Allah" and not to declare him unbeliever whatever sin he commits,  and not to excommunicate him from Islam for his any action.”


No matter what the person does, the true believers and muslims are bound to stay within the limits declared by Allah and His Messenger (saws), and we are commanded in the above authentic tradition of the Messenger of Allah (saws) never to declare one who utters the Shahaadah an unbeliever no matter what sins he commits, and never ever to ex-communicate him from Islam for any of his actions. 


Q-1: Shias revile Aisha (RA). It is a fact the she was one of the wives of Prophet (PBUH); nobody including Shias can deny this. And Allah (SWT) says in Quran that Prophet’s wives are mothers of the believers, which suggests they should be respected. (a) Does it not amount to rejecting Quran when they revile Aisha (RA)? Further, rejection of even an alphabet of Quran renders a Muslim Kaffir. (b) Allah (SWT) came to Aisha (RA’s) rescue when she was maligned, a revelation was sent, despite this Shias don’t learn.

Indeed Hadrat Aisha (r.a.) is one of the wives of the Noble Prophet (saws), and Allah Subhanah has raised and honored all the wives of the Prophet as the mothers of the believers!  If some people revile the chaste and pure wife of the Prophet (saws) for any reason, it is a burden they carry on their shoulders; and they will be responsible for their heinous sin on the Day of Judgement. 


Those who revile the mother of the believers and the chaste wife of the Noble Prophet (saws) are misinformed and misguided; but that does not make them ‘kaafirs’ or disbelievers!


Q-2: Shias also revile Abu Bakr (RA), Omar (RA) and Osman (RA). These are the very companions who Allah (SWT) said HE (SWT) was happy with – Revelations regarding Bayt Ar Ridwan, about the second of the two referring to Abu Bakr (RA) and many more like the status of Mohajir or Ansari Companions proves this. Are the Shias not rejecting Quran by reviling those companions whom Allah (SWT) lauded in the holy Quran and says He (SWT) is happy with them. Does this not amount to rejecting Quran?
Beloved brother in Islam, just because some misguided and misinformed people revile some of the best and most God-fearing human beings who ever walked on this planet earth, it does not affect the status and rank of these noblest of companions of the Messenger of Allah (saws).


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 9 Surah Taubah verse 100: The vanguard (of Islam), the first of the Muhajirs and the Ansaars, and (also) those who follow them in (all) good deeds; well pleased is Allah with them as are they with him: for them hath He prepared Gardens under which rivers flow to dwell therein for ever: that is the Supreme Felicity.


There is absolutely no doubt in the mind of any true believer that Hadrat Abu-Bakr (r.a.), Hadrat Umar (r.a.), and Hadrat Uthmaan (r.a.) are amongst the vanguards and the amongst the Muhajirs who migrated with the Prophet of Allah (saws) from Makkah to Medina.  Allah Subhanah, the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth has certified in the Glorious Quran that He is ‘Well Pleased’ with them, and He has prepared Gardens of them where rivers flow therein….


Now if some misguided soul, because of his own shortcomings and mis-information seeks to revile these noble companions of Allah Subhanah, he should be aware of the burden of the sin he will have to carry on his shoulders on the Day of Judgment! 


No matter what one says, the status and rank of the noble companions of the Messenger of Allah (saws) are guaranteed and certified by Allah Subhanah!  And when Allah is pleased with someone, it does not matter if the whole world were to revile them; it would not take away an iota of honor and mercies that the Lord would bestow upon them!


The people who revile the noble companions of the Messenger of Allah (saws) are misguided and misinformed; but that does not make them ‘kaafirs’ or disbelievers!


Q-3: Adding something to Shahada, does it not constitute Kufr? If not, could you please let me know this – why are the Christians Kaffir? As you said, “there is no god but Allah” is sufficient for a person to be considered a Muslim. Suppose a Christian believes in Tauheed and does not believe in the Prophet hood of Muhammed (PBUH), is he a Muslim? Shias case is more or less the same.

3 A) Adding something to Shahada, does it not constitute Kufr?

Adding something to the Shahaadah taught to the believers by the Messenger of Allah (saws) would be termed an innovation or ‘bida’, not kufr or disbelief.


3 B) If not, could you please let  me know this – why are the Christians Kaffir?

Any person who declares his belief in more than one God, or does not believe in Prophet Mohamed (saws) as the Last and Final Messenger of Allah Subhanah will be termed a ‘kaafir’ or disbeliever. 


The Christians believe in Jesus as one of the gods in the Three, and they do not believe in Prophet Mohamed (saws) as the Last and Final Messenger of Allah Subhanah; thus they are termed as ‘kaafirs’ in the Glorious Quran by none other than Allah Subhanah Himself!


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 5 Surah Maidah verses 72-73:

72      They do ‘Kufr’ who say: "Allah is Christ, the son of Mary."  But said Christ: "O children of Israel!  Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord."  Whoever joins other gods with Allah, Allah will forbid him the Garden, and the Fire will be his abode.  There will, for the wrong-doers, be no one to help.

73      They do ‘Kufr’ who say: “Allah is one of three in a Trinity”: for there is no god except One Allah.  If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy) verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them.


3 C) Suppose a Christian believes in Tauheed and does not believe in the Prophet hood of Muhammed (PBUH), is he a Muslim?

If one declares his belief in ‘Tauheed’ or the Oneness of Allah Subhanah, but rejects the appointment of Prophet Mohamed (saws) as the Last and Final Messenger of Allah Subhanah, he will not be considered a ‘muslim’.


3 D) Shias case is more or less the same.

The people who call themselves Shia muslims declare their belief in ‘Tauheed’, and absolutely accept Prophet Mohamed (saws) as the Last and Final Messenger of Allah Subhanah.  Thus, in the sight of Shariah and the believers they will be honored as our brothers in faith and muslims, and every right accorded to a believer will be accorded to them.


Our Shia brethren have an issue with ‘the history of the muslims’ after the death of the Prophet Mohamed (saws); and no matter what issues they might have, provided they have declared belief in Allah and His Last Messenger (saws), they will regarded as muslims by the true believers.


Q-4: Shias, I understand (I heard this though I am not sure of it to be true) believe that there were 40 Paras in Quran instead of 30. They also say there was another version of Quran which was the real one and the present one is the Sunni’s version. By saying this, are they not denying Allah’s word that says that Quran would be guarded against corruption?
Beloved brother in Islam, firstly one should not take action on ‘rumors’ and ‘heresay’, but rather on conviction.  Secondly ‘Paras’ or ‘Juzz’ are not something created and declared by Allah and His Messenger (saws), but something which were declared by the muslims after the death of the Messenger of Allah (saws) to make it easy for the ones who wished to memorize the Holy Quran.  The 114 Surahs are the ones which were revealed and declared by Allah and His Messenger (saws); and to the best of my knowledge there is none on this planet earth who calls himself a ‘muslim’ but does not profess belief in each and every one of the 114 Surahs of the Quran. 


Your Statement: There are many more things, which I can’t recall at the moment, that makes their status as Muslims vulnerable.
Beloved brother in Islam, we must understand the difference between a ‘legal’ muslim and a ‘true’ muslim.


Anyone who declares the ‘Shahaadah’, and professes his belief in the Oneness of Allah Subhanah, and believes in Prophet Mohamed (saws) as the Last and Final Messenger of Allah will be honored as a ‘legal’ muslim in the sight of Shariah.  All the rights that are due to a muslim will be accorded to such a person, no matter what his deeds.


It is only in the Just Court of Allah Subhanah that one will find out whether he was indeed a ‘true’ muslim or not, for Allah Alone has knowledge of what is in each person’s heart!  He Alone has the Right to Declare and Judge in Truth who indeed amongst mankind was a ‘true’ muslim, and who was not. 


If one just takes a look at the state of the Muslim Ummah today, there are many amongst the people who call themselves ‘Ahle-Sunnah’, but are involved in grave worship, or believing in the supernatural powers of their ‘peers’ and ‘mujawirs’, or openly committing shirk with Allah Subhanah!!  But because they have declared the ‘Shahaadah’ and believed in Prophet Mohamed (saws) as the Last and Final Messenger of Allah, they will always be regarded as ‘legal’ muslims, and every right due to a muslim will be accorded to them.  They can marry amongst the muslims, they can visit the Sacred House of Allah Subhanah, they will inherit from their muslim parents, their muslim children will inherit from them, they will be given a muslim funeral, etc. 


Beloved brother, just imagine the commotion and the ‘fitnah’ in the Ummah if every muslim tries to label another muslim a ‘kaafir’ or a mushrik’ !!  No person who believes in Allah and His Messenger (saws) has a right to call another who professes his belief in the same as a ‘kaafir’ or a mushrik’ !  That is the guidance and command of Allah and His Messenger (saws) to those who are rooted in faith.


Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 2526  Narrated by Anas ibn Malik

The Prophet (saws) said:  Three things are the roots of faith: to refrain from (killing) a person who utters, "There is no god but Allah" and not to declare him unbeliever whatever sin he commits,  and not to excommunicate him from Islam for his any action.”


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your Brother in Islam,





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