What to cover in hijab: And in a lifetime, how many times are you supposed to read the Quran?

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)

One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Asalam Ailaikum brother,

I told you that I will be bothering you with many questions. I can't remember them all at once or else I would have emailed you just the one time, but I keep remembering my questions later on or if I run into a dilemma and I need to know the answer. I would like to know if women could wear their hijabs tied back at the nape of the neck? We aren't showing our hair and thats what the hijab is about, so is it permissible to wear it tied at the nape of the neck instead of around the face and under the neck? Also can you read the quran without a hijab or scarf on your head? Also I would like to know the meaning of why I was suddenly crying when I was reading the Quran? And in a lifetime, how many times are you supposed to read the Quran?

Jazak Allah

(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)


What to cover in hijab

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.

Q-1: I would like to know if women could wear their hijabs tied back at the nape of the neck? We aren't showing our hair and thats what the hijab is about, so is it permissable to wear it tied at the nape of the neck instead of around the face and under the neck?

Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 33 Surah Ahzaab verse 59:

O Prophet, enjoin your wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons.   It is expected that they will thus be recognized, and not molested.   Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 24 Surah An-Noor verse 31:

And O Prophet,  enjoin the believing women to restrain their gaze and guard their private parts and not to display their ‘zeenata hunna’ (beauty, adornment, etc.) except that which is displayed of itself,  and to draw their veils over their bosoms and not to display their ‘zeenata hunna’ (beauty, adornment, etc.) except before their husbands, their fathers,  the fathers of their husbands, their sons and the sons of their husbands,  their brothers,  their brothers sons, their sisters’ sons,  their female associates, and those in their possession and male attendants incapable of sexual desire,  and those boys who have not yet attained knowledge of sexual matters.   Also forbid them to stamp their feet on the ground lest their hidden ornaments should be displayed.

Allah Subhanah has directed the Command towards the Prophet (saws) commanding him to enjoin his wives, his daughters and the believing women that when in the presence of non-mehram males, they should cast their outer garments over their full body, except what is displayed of itself.   All the schools of thought in Islam are unanimous in their opinion that the casting of an outer garment or ‘jilbaab’ is absolutely obligatory on every believing woman who sincerely believes in Allah and the Last Day.

There is indeed a misconception that the 'hijaab' is merely to cover the hair; but the command of the 'hijaab' is much more comprehensive than merely that! Not only is the believing woman commanded by her Lord to dress modestly and  'cast their outer garments over their persons (whole body, bosoms, etc.)' , but also in the manner they walk, talk, and generally conduct themselves when in the midst of non-mehram males.

To adorn the 'hijaab' to merely cover their hair, or to tie their 'hijaabs' at the nape of their neck which would only cover their exposed hair would not fulfill the conditions of the 'hijaab' as commanded to the believing woman in the Glorious Quran. 

Q-2: Also can you read the quran without a hijab or scarf on your head?

The believing woman is commanded by her Lord to cover herself completely with a 'jilbaab' when in the presence of non-mehram males, and when she is offerring her prayers.  There is absolutely nothing in Shariah which requires the believing woman to cover herself with a 'hijaab' or scarf when she is reciting the Glorious Quran.

Q-3: Also I would like to know the meaning of why I was suddenly crying when I was reading the Quran?

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39 Surah Zumar Verse 23:

Allah has revealed the most beautiful message in the form of a Book (The Al-Quran), consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah's Praises. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides therewith whom He pleases but such as Allah leaves to stray can have none to guide.

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 5 Surah Maidah Verse 83:

And when they listen to the revelation received by the Apostle thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears for they recognize the truth: they pray: "Our Lord! we believe; write us down among the witnesses.

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 19 Surah Maryam Verse 58:

Those were some of the Prophets on whom Allah did bestow His Grace of the posterity of Adam, and of those whom We carried (in the Ark) with Noah, and of the posterity of Abraham and Israel, of those whom We guided and chose; whenever the Aayahs of (Allah) Most Gracious were rehearsed to them they would fall down in prostrate adoration and in tears.

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 17 Surah Israa Verse 109:

(Upon hearing the Quran) They fall down on their faces in tears and it increases their (earnest) humility.

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith (Hadith 167)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The person, who sheds tears on account of fear of Allah, will not go to Hell till the milk returns into the breasts (that is, it is impossible) and the dust produced in Jihad (that is fighting and struggling in the cause of Allah) and the smoke of Hell will never exist together, (this means that such a God-fearing person shall go to Paradise).

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith (Hadith 393)

Ibn Abbas heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) say: The Fire will not touch two pairs of eyes: The one that sheds tears out of fear of Allah and the other that keeps watch through the night in the cause of Allah.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith (Hadith 8.486)

The Prophet said Allah will give shade to seven (types of people) under His Shade (on the Day of Resurrection). (One of them will be) a person who remembers Allah and his eyes are then flooded with tears.

If one who recites the  Glorious Quran, understands its meanings, and their eyes do not shed tears with the awe of Allah Subhanah, they should check the state of their 'imaan' and faith immediately!!!  Blessed indeed are those eyes which shed tears for the fear of The Lord Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Most Forgiving.

Q-3: And in a lifetime, how many times are you supposed to read the Quran?

There is absolutely no stipulation in Islam regarding how many times one is allowed to recite the Glorious Quran.  Allah is our witness sister, if one were to recite this Glorious Book of Guidance even a million times, it would still never be enough! But every time you recite try and read it also in a language that you understand so that you can derive maximum benefit from its teachings. 

Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is only ones. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.

Your brothers and well wishers in Islam,


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