Durood salawaat & who are included in ale mohamed and signifcance

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)



One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Dear Burhan,

What is salawaat, 'Allahumma salle-ala mohammadeen wa'la ale mohammedeen wabareek wasalleem'.  Is this correct?  If it is than who is/are 'ale mohammed'?  Does this include Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat  Uthmaan and Hazrat Ali?  Please explain me the complere relevance of salawaat.


(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)



Durood salawaat & wo are included in and signifcance

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His  forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol,  no person,  no grave, no prophet,  no imam,  no dai,  nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Allah Subhanah has commanded the believers in the Quran,  to ask Allah to send His Blessings on Prophet Mohamed (saws),  and to salute him with all respect.


Q-1: What is salawaat, 'Allahumma salle-ala mohammadeen wa'la ale mohammedeen wabareek wasalleem'.  Is this correct?

Allah says in the Quran Chapter 33 Surah Ahzab verse 56:

Indeed,  Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet (Mohamed (saws)).   O you who believe,  you should also (ask Allah to) send blessings on him;   and salute him with all respect. 


Al-Muwatta Hadith  Hadith 9.70

Yahya related that Abu Masud al Ansari said, "The Messenger of Allah (saws), came to us at the gathering of Sad ibn Ubada.   Bashir ibn Sad said to him, 'Allah has ordered us to ask for blessings on you, Messenger of Allah.   How should we do it?'    The Messenger of Allah(saws), remained silent until we wished we had not asked him.  Then he told us to say,  'O Allah,  bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You blessed Ibrahim,  and give baraka to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,  as You gave baraka to the family of Ibrahim.   In all the worlds You are worthy of Praise and Glorious,' and then give the taslim as you have learnt."

(Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ali Muhammad kama sallaita Ibrahim, wa baraka ala Muhammad wa ali Muhammad kama baraktaala ali Ibrahim. Fi'l alamin, innaka Hamidu'm - Majid.)


Prayer for peace and blessings upon the Prophet (saws),  may be said in any form.  If someone were to say: "O Allah, bless Muhammad," it would suffice to fulfill the command Allah has laid on the believers,  in the Holy Quran.   It is better, however, to pray the ‘salawat’ as taught to the believers by the Messenger of Allah (saws),  as quoted in the above authentic narration above.


Q-2:  If it is than who is/are 'ale mohammed'?  Does this include Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Uthmaan and Hazrat Ali?

The word ‘aal’ is family is generally used for the ‘family’ or ‘members of the household’;  but may also be used at times to mean the ‘people or followers of’ someone.   


Thus ‘aale’ Mohamed (saws) would mean the family and members of the household of his immediate family;  like his wifes,  his children,  his grand-children, etc.


And it could also mean,  the ‘followers of Mohamed (saws)’;  and that would then include all the believers.


Although Hadrat Abu Baqr and Hadrat Umar were the father-in-laws of the Noble Prophet (saws),  and Hadrat Uthmaan and Hadrat Ali were the sons-in law of the Prophet (saws);  they would not be included in the immediate family.


But if one were to take the broad meaning of the term ‘aal’ to mean the ‘followers’ of the Prophet (saws);  then all the believers would be included.


Allah Subhanah uses the word ‘aale’ in various places in the Quran to mean both the ‘family of’ and the ‘followers of’.   


Proof of Allah using the term ‘aal’ to mean the ‘family of’ in the Holy Quran:

Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 19 Surah Maryam verses 5-6:

(Zakariah prayed): “I now fear the evil ways of my kinsmen after me,  and my wife is barren.   I therefore,  pray Thee to bless me by Your Grace,  with a successor,  who may inherit my heritage,  as well as of the descendants of (aale) Yaqoob;  and O Lord,  make him a desirable person”.


Evidence of Allah using the term ‘aal’ to mean the ‘followers of’ in the Holy Quran:

Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 40 Surah Mumin verses 45-46:

At last,  Allah saved the believer from all the evil plots that the people devised against him,  and the followers of (aale) Pharaoh themselves were encompassed by the horrible scourge.   It is the fire of Hell before which they are presented morning and evening.  And when the Hour of Resurrection comes,  it will be commanded : “Admit the followers of (aale) Pharaoh to the severest torment”. 


Q-3: Please explain me the complere relevance of salawaat.

Allah Subhanah has commanded the believers in the Holy Quran,  to send salutations (durood or salawaat) to the Prophet (saws).    In the verse quoted above (Ahzaab:56)  Allah,  the Exalted,  informed His servants about the revered status that His Prophet and servant occupies with Him in the higher assembly.   He revealed that He praises him in the company of the angels close to Him, and that the angels pray for him,  and that He has commanded the inhabitants of the lower world to send their salutations and greetings to the Prophet,  so that the lower and the higher worlds would join together in his praise.


There are several narrations of the Messenger of Allah (saws),  whereby he declares the significance and reward of those who send the salutations to him.


Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-'As reported that he heard the Prophet (saws), saying, "If anyone invokes blessings upon me once,  Allah will bestow blessings upon him ten times over." (Related by Muslim)


Ibn Mas'ud reported that the Prophet (saws), said,  "The people nearest to me on the Day of Judgment will be the ones most conscientious in invoking blessings upon me." (Related by Tirmidhi).


Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (saws), said, "Do not turn my grave into a site of festivities,  but send greetings to me for your greetings are raised to me wherever you might be." (Reported by Abu Daw'ud)


Aus reported that the Prophet (saws),  said,  "The best of your days is Friday, so send more and more greetings to me on it, for your greetings are presented to me."  (Related by Abu Daw'ud and Nasa'i)


Ahmad recorded that Abu Talha Al Ansari said, "The Prophet (saws),  woke up one day cheerful and beaming.   His companions exclaimed,  'O Prophet of Allah, you woke up today cheerful and beaming.'   He replied, 'Yes! A messenger (Hadrat Jibrael a.s.) of Allah, the Mighty and the Glorified, came to me and said,  "If anyone from your ummah sends you a salutation,  Allah will record for him ten good deeds,  wipe off ten of his sins,  and raise him thereby ten degrees in rank,  and He will return his salutation with a similar salutation".' 


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.



Your Brother in Islam,





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