Quran and Sunnah Translation

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)



One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Dear Burhan:


You are sending me Q&A forums that are posted on your  site and have been already read by me. I am still  awaiting for your reply on questions that were set forth  and emailed to you about a week ago [on justification (2  questions) and justification-2 (2 questions)]. Honestly speaking, I really do not know what the facts  or turth are, but can very well understand the  frustations, sentiments and anger of many, including
myself, who need guidance, assurance, evidence,  justifications and even commonsense. Certainly, this is  not an easy task, but I and my family, have always been  open to facts which could lead us to the right path in  any given circumstance, whether it may be religion,  science, nature, work, history, politics, medicine,  etc., etc. 

I know that there are many translations made by various  scholars of their time, but in your most humble opinion,  which and where I could get the most authentic and  correct yet simple English translation of our Holy Quran  for myself, my foreign wife and my 3 toddlers, to read and understand in its purist form, in order to gain the  true concepts, meaning and enlightment of what is being  said (we reside in Southern California, Orange County,   USA).

Is it also possible for me to get the English version  (unfortunately we can only read and understand English)  of the "diam-ul-Islam" for our reference,  acknowledgement, justification, research and compa rison  study. If not, would it be possible for you to translate one in English in its true form (I can imagine this  translation perhaps could lead to an arduous work, but  again this would be a challenge to what's mentioned
therein in relevance to the Holy Quran and blessings to  your work). We simply would like to know? Although I have read the Holy Quran in Arabic in its  entirey but without any understanding, the translated version of the Holy Quran by 'Ahmed Ali' has been with  me for over 15 years and have only read the first few  portions of it (ie: the first few chapters), I still  cannot justify all those answers given by you until and  unless I read the entire Quran with its true meaning  over and over again. Could I remember, recall and  understand each and everything that the Quran has said  in "one go",.... perhaps not! It would take me months or  even years to accomplish this, not only just reading the  Quran again and again in its true English form and  meaning, but also the English translated Sunnah, to  understand, obey and practice the true Islamic way of life.

Your comments and suggestions will be highly appreciated  and would like to get an early reply.

In the name of Allah, thank you so much for your favors  and May God Bless you in your endeavours to justify
everyones quest for truth, Aameen.


 (There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Quran and Sunnah Translation

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His  forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol,  no person,  no grave, no prophet,  no imam,  no dai,  nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your Statement:  Honestly speaking, I really do not know what the facts  or turth are, but can very well understand the  frustations, sentiments and anger of many, including  myself, who need guidance, assurance, evidence,  justifications and even commonsense. Certainly, this is  not an easy task, but I and my family, have always been  open to facts which could lead us to the right path in  any given circumstance, whether it may be religion,  science, nature, work, history, politics, medicine, 
etc., etc.
Allah Subhanah has created the heavens and the earth,  and everything that exists in between.   And in all of existence,  He has honored only man (and jinn) with two things,  which He has not given any one or anything else in creation:

  1. Intelligence or the Power of Reasoning.
  2. A Free Will to choose whatever path one chooses for his salvation.

And the people who,  with their given intelligence and power of reasoning,  and of their own free will,  recognize their Creator through His Attributes and Signs,  believe in Him and the Guidance sent by Him,  and submit their will to their Creator,  pass the test of this life.


And the people,  who with their given intelligence and power of reasoning,  and of their own free will,  deny their Creator,   disbelieve or disregard His Attributes and His Signs,   deny the Guidance sent by Him,  and create or follow the path other than the one approved by the Creator,  fail the test of this life miserably.


Allah and His Messenger (saws) have guided mankind to the Right Path.   Each and every matter relating to Guidance has been outlined in the two sources of guidance;  The Quran and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws);   and if ones studies and follows the guidance of Allah and His Messenger (saws);  he will not need a third source!   


We understand and appreciate the frustration,  sentiments,  and anger of many amongst mankind who need guidance,  assurance,  evidence,  justifications,  and logical answers;   and we assure that if one just reads the Holy Quran with understanding, even only once,   he will find all the answers that ever arose in a person’s mind regarding Guidance.


Allah says in Chapter 2, Surah Baqarah aayat 185

"Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was sent down: this Book is a perfect guidance for mankind and consists of CLEAR teachings which show the Right Way,  and are a Criterion of the Truth and falsehood."


Your Question:  I know that there are many translations made by various  scholars of their time, but in your most humble opinion,
which and where I could get the most authentic and  correct yet simple English translation of our Holy Quran  for myself, my foreign wife and my 3 toddlers, to read  and understand in its purist form, in order to gain the  true concepts, meaning and enlightment of what is being said (we reside in Southern California, Orange County,  USA).

Brother,  in our humble and honest opinion,  one of the most authentic and most respected translations of the Quran in the English language,  is the work done by Brother Abdullah Yusuf Ali.   This translation is available almost in any good Islamic bookshop,  and over the internet.     It is by far,  the most accepted and read translation of the Holy Quran in the English language.


Your Question:  Is it also possible for me to get the English version  (unfortunately we can only read and understand English)
of the "diam-ul-Islam" for our reference,  acknowledgement, justification, research and comparison  study. If not, would it be possible for you to translate  one in English in its true form (I can imagine this  translation perhaps could lead to an arduous work, but
again this would be a challenge to what's mentioned  therein in relevance to the Holy Quran and blessings to  your work). We simply would like to know?

If one wants to understand Islam;  one must go to the source of Islam,  that is,  the words of Allah and His Messenger (saws).   The book ‘Daim-ul-Islam’ by Qadi Noaman was written in Arabic,  and is not widely available in the English language;  although we understand that an English translation of the work was done by some Ismaili scholars some time ago.   


The Glorious Quran is like the anti-biotic of guidance;   if one has knowledge of this Divine Message of Allah Subhanah,   he can read any work by any author for reference,  acknowledgement,  justification,  research and comparitive study.     But in our humble opinion,  if one reads the other man-made works,  theories,  theologies,  etc. regarding guidance before he has knowledge of the Divine Words of Allah;  there is always a chance that he would get influenced by their bias,  sectarianisms,  culture,  etc.  


We will try to obtain a copy of the English translation of the ‘Daim-ul-Islam’,  and once we obtain a copy for you;  we will arrange to forward it to you.   But we highly recommend that you and your family read the translation of the Holy Quran with understanding,  even if only once, before you read any other work;   that will assure that you attain your Guidance in the most purest form.  


Your Statement:  Although I have read the Holy Quran in Arabic in its  entirey but without any understanding, the translated  version of the Holy Quran by 'Ahmed Ali' has been with  me for over 15 years and have only read the first few  portions of it (ie: the first few chapters), I still  cannot justify all those answers given by you until and  unless I read the entire Quran with its true meaning  over and over again. Could I remember, recall and  understand each and everything that the Quran has said  in "one go",.... perhaps not! It would take me months or  even years to accomplish this, not only just reading the  Quran again and again in its true English form and  meaning, but also the English translated Sunnah, to  understand, obey and practice the true Islamic way of  life.
My beloved brother,  we assure you that once you have read the Glorious Quran with understanding,  even only once;  no one will ever be able to mis-guide you in Islam.    The translation of the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws) will help you understand how the Messenger of Allah (saws) understood and implemented  the Glorious Quran in his own life;  and give us a practical and perfect example of how to live a full and proper Islamic life.  


Your Statements:  In the name of Allah, thank you so much for your favors  and May God Bless you in your endeavours to justify
everyones quest for truth, Aameen

May Allah reward you with the best in this world and the hereafter,  for your kind supplications for us.   My beloved brother,  please do not look at this humble service as a favor;  for we honestly are not doing any favor to anyone by providing this humble service to our brothers and sisters in Islam,  and anyone else who cares to listen to good caution.   We are only doing our duty that our Lord has commanded the believers to do.   


Allah says in the Holy Quran: Chapter 16, Surah An-Nahl Ayat 125

Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and excellent admonition and argue with people in the best manner. Your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Way and who is Rightly guided.


All Praise is due to Allah Alone,  Who has done imaginable and uncountable favors to mankind,  and guided us to the Truth of Islam.   If by our humble works and efforts,  we are able to bring even one brother or sister closer to his/her Creator and the Guidance revealed by Him,  we will consider ourselves the most fortunate people on this planet earth.    We ask for no reward and no appreciation for our service from anyone,  except our Merciful Lord.    We beg and beseech Allah Subhanah to accept our humble and weak efforts in the propagation of His Deen of Truth,  have mercy on us,  forgive us our short-comings,  and save us all from the torment of the Hell Fire.   


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.



Your Brother in Islam,





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