Why Allah created earth in stages steps
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
(May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked
this question:
Dear islamhelpline, Assalaamu alaikum,
I would like to ask a question, before that
im a fan of islamhelpline.com,
doing a wonderful job,
Masha allah keep going, well , my question is allah has
the capacity to create the entire world and universe as he says ( kun),
For some reasons he dint create immediately, could u
plz tel me relevant hadith why was the world and
universe created step by step,
One of my cousin had told me this question had been asked
t o prophet saws by sahabs, prophet replied, took a stick and s tated tha
t he could put down the
Stick but I would nt do , it is not like I
cannot put down, likewise allah has capacity ,.. one of my
well known imam had stated alah has wanted us to understand that’s why he has
created ,
Step by step our knowledge is limited that’s he has done
it step by step, are these authentic hadiths pl let me
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
Why Allah created
earth in stages steps
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His
help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide,
and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear
witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear
witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His
Firstly, we would like to clarify that to the best of our
knowledge, we have not come across any authentic hadeeth regarding the
clarification of this question by the Messenger of Allah (saws) unto his noble
Your Question: ….My question is allah has the capacity to
create the entire world and universe as he says ( kun),
For some reasons he dint create immediately, could u
plz tel me relevant hadith why was the world and
universe created step by step,
To comprehend the question asked, one must first be
familiar with two of the Innumerable and Exclusive Attributes of Allah
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 7 Surah
Aaraaf Verse 54:
54 Your Guardian-Lord is
Allah Who Created the heavens and the earth in Six Days (or Periods) and is firmly established on the Throne (of Authority): He draws
the night as a veil over the day each seeking the other in rapid succession: He
created the sun the moon and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His
Command. Is it not His to create and to
govern? Blessed be Allah The Cherisher
and Sustainer of the worlds!
In light of the absolutely clear Guidance of the Glorious
Quran, it is indeed accurate that The Lord Most High created the heavens and
the earth in stages and not at once.
If the Lord Most Majestic so Willed and Pleased, He could
very well have created the heavens and the earth in an instant with His Word
and Command (kunn)….for He Alone indeed is The ‘Al-Qadir’.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 36 Surah
Yaseen Verses 81-83:
81 "Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create
the like thereof?" Yea indeed! For
He is The Creator Supreme of Skill and Knowledge (Infinite)!
82 Verily when He
intends a thing His (mere) Command is "Be" and it is!
83 So Glory to Him in Whose Hands is the Dominion of all things; and to
Him will ye be all brought back.
But the fact that The Lord All-Mighty chose not to do so
should signify to the believer that it was created in stages according to His
Plan and His Absolute Wisdom….for He indeed is The ‘Al-Hakeem’; ie. it simply
does not befit the Majesty of the Lord Most High to do anything for idle sport
or play, but rather every single act and deed of the Lord Most Supreme is based
on Absolute Truth and Wisdom.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 44 Surah
Ad-Dukhaan Verses 38-40:
38 We created not the heavens the earth and all between them merely in
(idle) sport:
39 We created them not
except ‘bil-Haqq’ (in Truth; for just ends): but most of them do not
40 Verily the Day of Sorting Out is the time appointed for all of them.
What exact does ‘bil-Haqq’ mean in the above Aayah and
context is open to mild or slight interpretation, and the scholars and jurists
is Islam have given their various opinions regarding the matter.
The interpretation of the absolute majority of the
scholars, and one which has appealed to our heart, is that the term ‘bil-Haqq’
here in context of the Aayah may mean the truth of the ‘test’ which the Lord
Most High has ordained for the life of this world.
To further understand the concept, one may divide life
into two terms:
Everything that has been created for the ‘life of this
world’, be it the sun, the moon, the earth, its vegetation, its animals,
humans, etc. has been created, ordained, and governed to go through its steps
and stages as Decreed by Allah Subhanah so that mankind can be involved in the
Leave alone the Wisdom of the Lord in creating the
universe in stages, if one merely ponders over the wisdom behind the mundane
acts and deeds which are Decreed to take places in stages, one would be bound
to testify The Truth of the Wisdom of the Lord Most Wise:
For example:
But in the eternal and everlasting life the Hereafter,
because man will not be involved in a test anymore, everything that will take
place there will no longer need to be made in stages, but will come into
existence at the One mere Command of the Lord Most Majestic Most Supreme!
For example, in the Realms of Paradise, one will not need
to wait till the bricks and mortars of the promised Palaces and Gardens are
brought and put together….but rather at the One mere Command of the Lord Most
Generous, the Palaces, the Gardens, the Rivers of Milk and Honey, the fruit
bearing trees, etc. will come into existence in an instant for each of the
fortunate dwellers of Paradise!
Thus brother, in conclusion, being The ‘Al-Qadir’ the Lord
Most Majestic is more than Able and Capable of creating the universe and everything
that exists by His One mere Command of ‘Kunn’; but He being The ‘Al-Hakeem’
(All-Wise), He chose to Decree a process, a stage, and a determined period for
everything in existence in the life of this transitory world, so that He may
involve man to the ordained ‘test’.
Whosoever recognizes His ‘Signs’ He left in each and every
one of His creation, and thereby submits unto Him will attain salvation….and
whosoever refuses to recognize the innumerable ‘Signs’ He left in each and
every one of His creation, and refuse to submit unto Him will be called to a
severe account on that Inevitable and Tumultuous Day of Judgment.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 45 Surah
Jathiya Verses 3-11:
3 Verily in the heavens and the earth are Signs for those who believe.
4 And in the creation of yourselves and the fact that animals are
scattered (through the earth) are Signs
for those of assured faith.
5 And in the alternation of night and day, and the fact that Allah
sends down sustenance from the sky, and revives therewith the earth after its
death, and the change of the winds are Signs
for those that are wise.
6 Such are the Signs
of Allah which We rehearse to thee in Truth: then in what exposition will they
believe after (rejecting) Allah and His Signs?
7 Woe to each sinful dealer in falsehoods:
8 He hears the Signs
of Allah rehearsed to him yet is obstinate and lofty as if he had not heard
them: then announce to him a Penalty Most Grievous!
9 And when he learns something of Our Signs he takes them in jest: for such there will be a
Humiliating Penalty.
10 In front of them is Hell: and of no profit to them is anything they
may have earned, nor any protectors they may have taken to themselves besides
Allah: for them is a Tremendous Penalty.
11 This is (True) Guidance: and for those who reject the Signs of their Lord is a
Grievous Penalty of abomination.
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only
due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me
alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the
Only Source of Strength.
Your brother and
well wisher in Islam,