Quran easy esoteric taaweel
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
(May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked
this question:
is with respect to your small introduction about you and this site.
You claim that Quran has been sent in clear and simple language for each of us
to easily comprehend. I would request you to do one small task. Pick up any
simple surah and check out some of the translations given by so called scholars
in English.Say Pickthall and Yusuf Ali. Take for example Surah 79. You will
find them differ completely in their interpretations. Also taking the literal
meaning of the Surah makes hardly any sense when once considers Quran to be a
book of miracles. In order to appreciate the true meaning of this Surah you
need to understand the concept as well as it esoteric meaning.
Dont make haste in answering me and refuting me. Take time to ponder. Every
Muslims believe that Quran is word of Allah and contains the secrets of this
life and the afterlife and true purpose of life on earth. Any person reading
reading the Quran in direct translation would hardly find Quran to be anywhere
close to that claim and would infact leave him with many open questions. So it
requires somebody to put the words in proper perspective and expound on its
If the word of God was so simple and in easy language why would God choose
Mohammed (SAW) to convey the Quran to the masses and also surah by surah and
verse by verse when the entire book could have just appeared from heaven in one
shot? If only Mohammed(SAW) was given the right meaning of Quran and guidance
for his time, then what about us. Are we doomed to misguidance just because we
are born in this age? These are the questions you need to ponder and you would
definitely conclude/converge on the right path if you have an open mind.
May Allah give us strength to be on the right path in these trying times.
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
Quran easy esoteric
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His
help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide,
and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear
witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear
witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Statement: …You claim that Quran has been sent in clear and simple language for
each of us to easily comprehend.
Respected brother in Islam, it is not the insignificant
‘me’ who claims that the message of the Glorious Quran is easy to comprehend….but
rather it is the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth Who Himself Declares in His
Majestic Book of Guidance that:
Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was sent
down: this Book is a Perfect Guidance for all mankind and consists of
clear Teachings which show the
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 16 Surah
Nahl verse 89:
We have sent down to you this Book, which
makes everything plain, and is a
guidance, blessing and good news to
those who have surrendered themselves entirely.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 19 Surah
Maryam verse 97:
We have made this Quran easy, and sent
it down in your tongue so that you should give good news to the pious and warn
the stubborn people.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 18 Surah
Kahf verse 1-3:
All praise is for Allah Alone, Who has sent down this Book to His Servant
(Mohamed (saws), and assigned nothing
crooked to it. This Book says
everything directly, so that he
may warn the people of the severe chastisement of Allah and give good news to
the believers, who do righteous
deeds, that they will have an excellent
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah
Baqarah verse 99:
We have sent down to you Revelations that
clearly expound the Truth, and none but the disobedient reject
Statement: ….In order to appreciate the true meaning of this Surah you need to
understand the concept as well as it esoteric meaning.
Firstly, the term ‘esoteric’ is described in the
dictionary as:
In contrast to some who claim the message of the Glorious
Quran is ‘esoteric’ or intended only for a ‘select few’, the Lord Most Majestic
Most Supreme Himself Declares:
Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was sent
down: this Book is a Perfect Guidance
for all mankind and consists of
clear Teachings which show the
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39 Surah
Zumar verse 41:
41 Verily We have revealed the Book (Al-Quran) to thee in Truth for (instructing) all mankind. He then that receives Guidance benefits his
own soul: but he that strays injures his
own soul. Nor art thou (O Prophet
(saws)) set over them to dispose of their affairs.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 10 Surah
Yunus verse 57:
57 O Mankind!
There hath come to you a Direction (The Al-Quran) from your Lord, and a healing for the
(spiritual diseases) in your hearts; and
for those who believe, a Guidance and a
Statement: …..Also taking the literal meaning of the Surah makes hardly any
sense when once considers Quran to be a book of miracles.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 3 Surah Ale-Imraan
verses 7-8:
7 He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: in it are verses
‘muhkamaat’ ( basic or fundamental
verses of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book:
others are ‘mutashabehaad’ (allegorical and ambiguous). But those in whose hearts is perversity
follow the part thereof that is ‘mutashabehaat’, seeking discord and searching
for its hidden meanings… but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah; and
those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book;
the whole of it is from our Lord"; and none will grasp the Message except
men of understanding.
8 "Our Lord!" (they say) "let not our hearts deviate
now after Thou hast guided us, but grant us Mercy from Thy Own Presence; for
Thou art the Grantor of bounties without measure.
The absolute majority of the Glorious Quran contain the
‘mohkamaat’ or clear verses which can be understood easily….but only as a test,
the All-Knowing, All-Wise Lord has introduced some ‘Mutashabehaat’ (allegorical
or ambiguous) verses in His Glorious Quran whose ‘taweel’ or true meaning is
known to none except the Lord Himself.
The Lord All-Wise has provided a simple litmus test to
determine and differentiate those who wish to unconditionally submit themselves
to His every Guidance, and those whose intention is to seek and create ‘fitnah’
and discord amongst the Ummah.
If one wishes to recognize the people whose intention is
to create ‘fitnah’ in the Ummah, then their absolutely single biggest sign is
that these people will always base their beliefs and fantastic claims on the
‘mutashabehaat’ or allegorical verses of the Quran, constantly searching and
explaining the ‘taweel’ or ‘true meanings’ of these allegorical verses….When
one encounters such people whose evidence for their false beliefs are based on
the ‘mutashabehaat’ verses, know with absolute conviction that these are the
people who have a perversity in their hearts….and because of their constant
seeking of discord, the Lord has increased their perversity all the more!
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah
Baqarah verses 8-18:
8 Of the people there are some who say: "We believe in Allah and
the Last Day" but they do not (really) believe.
9 Fain would they deceive Allah and those who believe, but they only
deceive themselves and realize (it) not!
10 In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease and grievous is the penalty they (incur) because they are false (to
11 When it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth"
they say: "Why! We only want to make peace!"
12 Of a surety they are the ones who make mischief but they realize
(it) not.
13 When it is said to
them: "Believe as the other (believers) believe" they say:
"Shall we believe as the fools believe?" nay of a surety they are the
fools buy they do not know.
14 When they meet those who believe they say: "We believe"
but when they are alone with their evil ones they say: "We are really with
you, we (were) only jesting."
15 Allah will throw back their mockery on them and give them rope in
their trespasses; so they will wander like blind ones (to and fro).
16 These are they who
have bartered guidance for error: but their traffic is profitless and they have
lost true direction.
17 Their similitude is that of a man who kindled a fire; when it
lighted all around him Allah took away their sight and left them in utter
darkness so they could not see.
18 Deaf! Dumb! And blind (are they)! They will not return (to the
Straight Path).
Those who are constantly seeking ‘fitnah’ and discord, and
are always in the ‘taweel’ mode have a set of self-invented beliefs, and their
constant efforts and energy is spent in trying to make sure the Message of the
Glorious Quran is termed ‘esoteric’ and intended for only a ‘select few’!
On the other hand the true believers completely align
their beliefs to the guidance of the Holy Quran.
A few simple examples of how exactly those who are
constantly in search of the ‘taweel’ try to assign the Quran to their
self-invented beliefs:
Example-1: Surah 2 Baqarah verse
1: ‘Alif Laam Meem’
They claim that the ‘taweel’ of this verse is that ‘Alif’
is the first alphabet of the term ‘Allah’; ‘Meem’ is the first alphabet of the
term ‘Mohamed’; and ‘Laam’ is the middle alphabet of the term ‘Ali’….thus they
try to prove that Hadrat Ali (r.a.) is encompassed between none other than
Allah and His Messenger (saws)!!!
Example-2: Surah 20 Taa-Haa verse
1: ‘Taa Haa’
They try to explain that the ‘taweel of this verse is that
‘Ta’ refers to Prophet Mohamed (saws), and ‘Haa’ refers to Hadrat Ali (r.a.)!
Example-3: Surah 36 Yaa Seen verse
1: ‘Yaa Seen’
They try to explain that the ‘taweel’ of this verse is
that ‘Yaa Seen’ refers to Hadrat Ali (r.a.) and his descendants.
Example-4: Surah 37 Saafaat verse 130: "Peace and salutation to
such as Il-Yaa Seen!"
They try to explain that the ‘taweel’ of this verse is
that Allah sends his peace and salutations to ‘Ale-Yaa Seen’ or the descendants
of the noble companion Hadrat Ali (r.a.).
But if one simply reads the preceding verses of the same Surah from 123
onwards, one would easily understand that by ‘Il-Yaa Seen’ the Lord has
mentioned of His Noble Prophet Ilyaas (a.s.) and not ‘Ale-Yaa Seen’!
Example-5: Surah 2 Baqarah verse 2: ‘Dhaalekal kitaab…..’ (That Book…..)
They try to explain that the reason the Lord said ‘that
Book’ and not ‘this Book’ in His Glorious Quran, because in reality the Lord is
talking about the supposedly ‘speaking Book’ which they claim is Hadrat Ali
I can go on an on giving you examples of how these
unscrupulous people who have their own agendas try to search and explain their
fantastic understanding of the ‘taweel’ of each verse of the Quran. Such is the perversity in their hearts, that
even the ‘muhkamaat’ verses of the Quran are transformed into
‘mutashabehaat’….and for them, the whole Quran is thus allegorical and
ambigious….which gives rise to their other self-proclaimed belief…that the
Glorious Quran can never be understood by a common man, and if one truly wishes
to understand the real meaning or ‘taweel’ of the Quran, they must learn it
from their appointed and chosen ‘holy men’ who are supposedly well versed in
the knowledge of the ‘taweel’ of each and every verse of the Quran!!!
Statement: Any person reading reading the Quran in direct translation would
hardly find Quran to be anywhere close to that claim and would infact leave him
with many open questions. So it requires somebody to put the words in
proper perspective and expound on its miracles.
Herein lies the crux of the matter!!! And who exactly would or should that
‘SOMEBODY’ be???
Respected brother, we implore you in all humility…..give
us even only one evidence from the Glorious Quran which even remotely implies
that the clear Message of the Quran can only be truly understood through this
Question: …..If the word of God was so simple and in easy language why would
God choose Mohammed (SAW) to convey the Quran to the masses and also surah by
surah and verse by verse when the entire book could have just appeared from
heaven in one shot?
Subhan Allah!!!!
Those who rejected faith asked the very same question at the time the
Quran was being revealed unto the Noble Messenger (saws)……and the Most Eloquent
Most Wise Lord has Himself answered this very question in His Glorious Book of
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 25 Surah
Furqaan verse 32:
32 Those who reject
Faith say: "Why is not the Qur'an revealed to him (the Prophet (saws)) all
at once?" Thus (is it revealed) that We may
strengthen thy heart thereby and We have rehearsed it to thee in slow, well-arranged stages, gradually.
The truth brother is that even if the Lord Most Majestic
had sent down His Glorious Book of Guidance inscribed in a book or tablet form
and all at once, those who had made up their minds not to believe, would not
have believed in it!!!!!
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 6 Surah
Anaam Verses 7-10:
7 If We had sent unto
thee a written (Message) on parchment so that they could touch it with their
hands the unbelievers would have been sure to say: "This is nothing but
obvious magic!"
8 They say: "Why is not an Angel sent down to him?" If We did send down an Angel the matter would
be settled at once and no respite would be granted to them!
9 If We had made it an Angel We should have sent him as a man and We
should certainly have caused them confusion in a matter which they have already
covered with confusion.
10 Mocked were (many) Messengers before thee; but the scoffers were
hemmed in by the very thing that they mocked!
Statement: If only Mohammed(SAW) was given the right meaning of Quran and
guidance for his time, then what about us. Are we doomed to misguidance just
because we are born in this age? These are the questions you need to ponder and
you would definitely conclude/converge on the right path if you have an open mind.
The Glorious Book of Allah is compiled and available
amongst us; the authentic Sunnah or the life of the Messenger of Allah (saws)
is duely established……and Allah is our witness brother, for the believers who
truly believe in Allah and the Last Day, the Glorious Book of Allah and the
guidance of the Messenger of Allah (saws) more than suffices!
It is only those for whom the Book of Allah and the
guidance of the Messenger (saws) does not suffice who remain adamant in their
seach for that ‘special somebody’ after the death of the Noble Messenger of
Allah (saws), who they claim is ‘divinely chosen’ and holds the ‘monopoly’ to
explain the true deen to them!!!
We regret to inform you brother that we have not been able
to find even an iota of evidence in the Glorious Message to embark on such a
futile, self-invented ‘wild-goose chase’ and search…..
If one trusts, obeys, and follows the guidance and
commands of Allah and His Messenger (saws), one can be assured of never ever being
misled; but if one believes, obeys and
follows any other guidance, other than that of Allah and His Messenger (saws),
one can be assured of being led astray.
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only
due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me
alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is
the Only Source of Strength.
Your brother and
well wisher in Islam,