Ghusl while fasting

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Assalamu alaikum


I have the following questions on which I need guidance according to Quran and Sunnah:


1) Ghusl while Fasting

During fasting if there is Janabah (Ihtilaam). In order to perform ghusl do I have to take water up the throat while gargelling and deep inside the nose?


2) Zakat

I have already paid Zakat in January 2010. I want to pay Zakah ever Ramadan. How can I shift to the month of Ramadan for paying Zakah?


3) Sajdah at Makruh time

Sometimes I get late to offer Fajr prayer. In this case can I offer Fajr when it is Makruh time?

Can I perform Sajdah in this case when it comes in Quran?


4)  Hajj

I have planned to perform Hajj this year Inshah ALLAh with my parents. My father has never paid Zakat and does not know how to read Quran, offer prayer (unfotunately). In this he is going to Hajj Inshah ALLAH. Is it OK for him to go to Hajj?


Kindly answer my questions in the same order. I will highly appreciate it.


Jazak-ALLAH khair.


(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Ghusl while fasting

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Q-1)  Ghusl while Fasting

During fasting if there is Janabah (Ihtilaam). In order to perform ghusl do I have to take water up the throat while gargelling and deep inside the nose?

It is the Sunnah to perform the ‘wudu’ (ablution) as one would do for prayer before taking a ‘ghusl’ or full bath of purification.  If in the process of performing the ‘wudu’ you take water in your mouth to gargle and then rinse it, and sniff water up the nose, there is absolutely no harm and it would not effect the validity of your fast in the least.


Q-2)  Zakat

I have already paid Zakat in January 2010. I want to pay Zakah ever Ramadan. How can I shift to the month of Ramadan for paying Zakah?

Firstly brother, one should calculate their ‘zakah’ dues for the year based on the lunar calendar and not the solar calendar….that would be more accurate and proper for ‘zakah’ determination.


If you have paid your Zakah for the calendar year 2009 in January 2010, and you want to shift the calendar year for determining ‘zakah’ annually to Ramadan, Jan-2010 would correspond to the Islamic month of Muharram 1431.


From Muharram 1431 to end of the month of Shaabaan 1431 (1-Jan-2010 to 10-Aug-2010) would constitute about eight lunar months.  You could calculate your zakah for 8 months pro-rata for this year, fulfill the 8-months zakah for this year in the blessed month of Ramadan; and from this year forward calculate your annual ‘zakah’ dues from the beginning of Ramadan to the end of Shabaan for the corresponding years, Insha Allah.


Q-3)  Sajdah at Makruh time

Sometimes I get late to offer Fajr prayer. In this case can I offer Fajr when it is Makruh time?

Can I perform Sajdah in this case when it comes in Quran?


Q-3a) Sometimes I get late to offer Fajr prayer. In this case can I offer Fajr when it is Makruh time?

If perchance you have overslept and missed offering your ‘fajr’ prayers on time, you should wait until the sun has completely risen from the eastern horizon and then offer your obligatory ‘fajr’ prayers as ‘qada’ (delayed). 


The Messenger of Allah (saws) forbade the believers from offering prayers while the sun is still rising from the eastern horizon until it has completely risen above the horizon (Shurook time).


Amr ibn 'Abbas related that he said, "O Prophet of Allah (saws), inform me about the prayers."  He (saws) said, "Pray the morning (fajr) prayer,  and then abstain from prayer until sunrise and the sun has completely risen, for it rises between the horns of Shaitaan.  That is when the unbelievers prostrate to it.”

Related by Ahmad and Muslim.


Hadrat Anas ibn Malik (r.a.)  reported that the Prophet (saws) said, "Whoever forgets a prayer should pray it when he remembers it, and there is no expiation for it save that." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)  Reported Hadrat Imran ibn Husain (r.a.): "We went with the Messenger of Allah (saws) during the night. When the last portion of the night came, we became tired and fell asleep. We did not wake until we felt the heat of the sun. Some of us tried hurriedly to purify ourselves. The Prophet (saws) ordered us to be calm. Then we rode on until the sun had (completely) risen and we made ablution. He (saws) ordered Bilal to make the call to prayer, and then prayed two rak'ah before the (obligatory) ‘fajr’ prayer. Then we stood and prayed (Fajr in congregation).”

Related by Ahmad.


Q-3b) Can I perform Sajdah in this case when it comes in Quran?

Amr ibn 'Abbas related that he said, "O Prophet of Allah (saws), inform me about the prayers."  He (saws) said, "Pray the morning (fajr) prayer, and then abstain from prayer until sunrise and the sun has completely risen, for it rises between the horns of Shaitaan.  That is when the disbelievers prostrate to it.  Then pray, as your prayer will be witnessed and attended to until the shadow of a spear becomes less than its length (zawaal time).   At that time stop praying, for at that time the hell-fire is fed with fuel.   When the shade comes, you may pray (dhuhr), for your prayer will be witnessed and attended (to by Angels) until you pray the afternoon (Asr) prayer.   Then abstain from praying until the sun sets, for its sets between the horns of the Shaitaan, and that is when the disbelievers make prostrations to it."

Related by Ahmad and Muslim.


One is absolute liberty to perform the ‘sajdah’ or prostration unto their Lord at any time they will and please except three:

  1. When the sun is actually in the process of rising from the easterly horizon until it has completely risen.
  2. When the sun is at its exact zenith at noon-time.
  3. When the sun is actually in the process of setting in the horizon until it has completely set and ‘Magrib’ time has begun.


If one is reciting the Quran and happens to recite a ‘Aayatul-Sajdah’ of the Quran during a time when the ‘sajdah’ is prohibited, it would be best to delay the performance of the ‘sajdah’ until the prohibited time has passed and then perform the ‘sajdah’.


Q-4)  Hajj

I have planned to perform Hajj this year Inshah ALLAh with my parents. My father has never paid Zakat and does not know how to read Quran, offer prayer (unfotunately). In this he is going to Hajj Inshah ALLAH. Is it OK for him to go to Hajj?

As grave as the sin of not fulfilling one’s annual ‘zakah’ and offering the five obligatory ‘prayers’ is in the Sight of Allah Subhanah, as long as a person has declared the ‘shahaadah’ and professes to be a muslim, and has the physical and financial means to visit the Sacred House of Allah, the pilgrimage of Hajj would be obligatory upon such a person, and he should perform it.   Perchance he is inspired to turn back to his Lord in ‘taubah’ and seek sincere forgiveness for his past sins and missed obligations, and amends his conduct thereafter.


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your brother and well wisher in Islam,





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