The meaning of the prayer

The meaning of the prayer

Details of prayer as followed by the Prophet (saws) and his noble companions (r.a.).   

Please do remember that it is an honor for us as believers to pray to Allah,  for the Prophet (saws) said,  that when a believer prays,  he is in the actual audience of the Lord of the Worlds.   And  state of a believer should be one of two things:

a.      He prays to Allah,  as if He is actually seeing Allah.

b.      (if he is not able to bring himself to this condition,  let him at least be certain)  That Allah is watching him! (so stop scrathing your nose or whatever else you do during prayer!!!)


To make intention in your heart regarding the prayer you are about to make.   Then raise your hands to your ears and say “Allah o Akbar” meaning Allah is the Greatest,  signalling the start of Prayer.

2.     QIYAM or Standing

Pray the Surah Al Fateha and any other aayahs from the Quran.  (minimum 3 aayahs)  These meanings can be learnt from the Quran Translation of the Surahs you pray.

3.   RUKU or bowing

The Prophet (saws) used to say:  “Subhan Allah il Adheem”   Glory be to Allah,  the Most Great. 3 times or more (but preferably in odd number formations,  3,5,7,9….)


The Prophet (saws) used to say:  “Sameh Allah ho Leman Hameda”  Allah listen to the one who is grateful for the bounties received by Allah.

The nobles companions used to say: “Rabbana lakal hamd”  O our Lord,  we are grateful to you.

4.     SAJDAH

The Prophet (saws) used to pray: “Surhana Rabb eil A’ala”  Glory be to Allah,  the Most High. (3 times or more in odd number formation 3,5,7,9…)


(This can be used to invoke any prayer to Allah.)

Allah hum mag firli wale waale dayya, wal lil mu’minina,  wal mu’minate,  wal muslemeena,  wal muslemaate,   hayy  min hum wala hum amwaat.

O Allah,  forgive me,  my parents,  the true beliveing men,  the true beleiving women,  the believing men,  the believing women,  whether alive from amongst them,  or they have died. (Forgive them all)


At tahiya  tu lillahe  was salawaato,  wat tayyebato  lillahe.

Every kind of salutes,  all kinds of prayers,  and all kinds of good and pure words and things are for Allah Alone.

As Salaam alieka ya ayyo han nabi o,  wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

(Allah told the Prophet(saws) on the Night of Mairaaj in His audience):  May  Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon you,   O Prophet (saws)

As Salaam o alayna wa a’la ibaa dallah hiss saleheen.

(The Prophet(saws) replied,  as Allah Himself is the source of All Peace,  and the Prophet (saws) could not possibly send Peace upon Allah):  May Peace be upon me (saws),  and the good, obedient  or pious slaves of Allah.

Ash hado ann laa ilaha illahlah,  wahdahu,  laa sharika lahuu,

(The Prophet(saws) said to Allah in audience): I bear witness that there is no god, except Allah,  Alone,  He has no partners.

Wa ash hado anna Mohamed dan abdullahi wa Rasul Allah.

(And Allah replied): And I bear witness that (you, O) Mohamed,  are the slave and Messenger of Allah

Allah humma salle a’la Mohamed din wa aa’le Mohamed,  kama sallayta a’la Ibrahim wa ala  aa’le Ibrahim

May Allah’s blessings be upon Mohamed (saws),  and his ummah (or family or both),  just like the blessing of Allah on Ibrahim and his ummah (or family or both)

Innaka  Hameed un Majeed

For you are the All-Praisworty,  the Glorious One.

Allah humma barik a’la Mohamed din wa aa’le Mohamed,  kama barakta a’la Ibrahim wa ala aa’le Ibrahim

May Allah’s baraka be upon Mohamed (saws) and his ummah (or family or both) just like the baraka of Allah on Ibrahim and his ummah (or family or both)

Innaka Hameed un Majeed.

For you are the All-Praisworty,  the Glorious One.

(Any Invocation to Allah)

Allah hum mag firli wale waaledayya war hum homa kama rabba yani saghira

O Allah,  forgive me,  and my parents,  and have mercy upon them both,  just as they had mercy on me when I was an infant (or small).

May Allah guide you and us all to the Siraat al-Mustaqeem

Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.

Your brother and well wisher in Islam,









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