Quran aayahs on Business

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Dear Brother,


1- you did not provide a single quotation from Quran Al Hakim. Is the Quran Al Hakim is silence in this regard? please advise.


2- Will you please name any Islamic institutions / bank which can provide us loan as " Karz-e-Hassna" or can any suck bank provide us facility / services for our import & Export business? Further name the bank which can open a saving account as " Amanat ". means without profit / Interest.


3- which shariah may we follow, i mean Of " Sunni's" , Wahabi's, Or " Shia's. Is there any other touch stone than Quran Al Hakim on which we can judge the declaration of such shariah who claims " interest as profit in certain banks.


Waiting for your kind reply based on Quran Al Hakim




(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Quran aayahs on Business

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol,  no person,  no grave, no prophet,  no imam,  no dai,  nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your question:   you did not provide a single quotation from Quran Al Hakim. Is the Quran Al Hakim is silence in this regard? please advise.

The question that was asked was to describe the etiquettes of Prophet Mohamed (saws) while doing business,  therefore our answer was specific to that question.


There are several Aayahs in the Holy Quran which declare the ‘usool’ or principles in doing business transactions:


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 188:Do not usurp one another’s property by unjust means,  nor offer it to the judges (as bribe) so that you may devour knowingly and unjustly a portion of the goods of others.


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah Nisaa verse 29:O you who have believed!   Do not devour one another’s property by unlawful ways;  but do business with mutual consent.


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 11 Surah Hud verse 85:(Prophet Shuaib said ): “And O my people!  Give just measure and weight,  nor withhold from the people the things that are their due: commit not evil in the land with intent to do mischief.


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 83 Surah Mutaffefeen verses 1-6:

1        Woe to those that deal in fraud

2        Those who,  when they have to receive by measure from men,  exact full measure.

3        But when they have to give by measure or weight to men,  give less than due.

4        Do they not think that they will be called to account?

5        On a Mighty Day

6        A Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds?


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 17 Surah Israa verse 35:

34      Come not nigh to the orphan's property,  except to improve it until he attains the age of full strength;  and fulfill (every) pledge,  for (every) pledge will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning).

35      Give full measure when ye measure and weigh with a balance that is straight: that is the most fitting and the most advantageous in the final determination.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 274-276:But those who devour ‘riba’ become like the one whom Shaitaan has bewitched and maddened by his touch.   They have been condemned to this condition because they say,  “Trade is just like ‘riba”,  whereas Allah has made trade halaal and ‘riba’ haraam.   Henceforth,  if one abstains from taking ‘riba’ after receiving this admonition from his Lord,  no legal action shall be taken against him regarding the ‘riba’ he had devoured before:  his case shall ultimately go to Allah.   But if one repeats the same crime even after this,  he shall go to Hell,  where he shall abide for ever!   Allah deprives ‘riba’ of all blessing and develops charity,  and Allah does not like an ungrateful,  sinful person.


Your question:  Will you please name any Islamic institutions / bank which can provide us loan as " Karz-e-Hassna" or can any suck bank provide us facility / services for our import & Export business? Further name the bank which can open a saving account as " Amanat ". means without profit / Interest.

Beloved brother,  we obviously do not endorse any business on this forum,  therefore it would be extremely difficult for us to list or justify the deeds or actions of all or a specific Islamic Financial Institution.   There are literally hundreds of Islamic Financial Institutions and Banks in many muslim countries who try to adhere to the Shariah in their transactions.   


Your question:  which shariah may we follow, i mean Of " Sunni's" , Wahabi's, Or " Shia's. Is there any other touch stone than Quran Al Hakim on which we can judge the declaration of such shariah who claims " interest as profit in certain banks.

There is only One Allah,  One Quran,  One Islam;  and there is only One Shariah or Islamic Law.   There is absolutely no such thing as Sunni Shariah,  or Wahhabi Shariah,  or Shia Shariah;  and even if there is,  it cannot exclusively claim to be the Shariah laid down by Allah and His Messenger (saws);  because these names are invented and created by man himself!  


Allah Subhanah revealed Al-Islam as the approved deen to His Last and Final Messenger (saws);  thus Shariah can only be the Shariah laid down by Allah and His Messenger (saws);  no Sunni,  no Shia,  no Wahhabi, etc.,  no one has a right to declare his own Shariah!  


The one and only Shariah binding on the believers is the Shariah laid down by Allah Subhanah and His Messenger (saws);  thus the only sources of guidance for determining the Shariah must be the Glorious Quran and the authentic Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws).    If any Sunni,  or Shia,  or Wahhabi,  or any other named category is guiding from any other source than the Quran and Sunnah,  their law will not be binding on the believers.


We have written a short article on ‘Islamic Banking’ and are attaching it for your reference.


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your Brother in Islam,








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