Who is liable to receive zakah.

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Tell me who is right person for gating the Zakat?

And suppose they r my relative than how we have to pay zakat to him, because they filling wrong?

Give me right way to explain to them?

What is the way as per the islam putting the children name, when we have to put the name, which type of name is good, why we r putting the good name, what is advantage of good name in akhrat(after death)?

And I want to put my son/daughter name related to my name Amjad Hussain?Give me some name. 

Janab I am belongs from India that’s why above mention question some time using Urdu words also don’t mind.


(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Who is liable to receive zakah

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your Question: Tell me who is right person for gating the Zakat?

And suppose they r my relative than how we have to pay zakat to him, because they filling wrong?

Give me right way to explain to them?

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 9 Surah Taubah verse 60:

60      Alms are for the poor, and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds), for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to the Truth), for those in bondage and in debt, in the Cause of Allah, and for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by Allah and Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom.


Allah Subhanah has prescribed that ‘zakah’ should be paid to any of the above eight listed categories:

  1. To the poor
  2. To the needy
  3. To those who are employed to administer the zakah funds
  4. To those whose hearts have recently been reconciled to the Truth of Islam (new-muslims)
  5. For those in bondage
  6. For those in debt
  7. In the Cause of Allah
  8. To the way-farer or traveler


It is not permissible in Shariah for one to give or spend from ‘zakah’ dues on those who are directly under one’s responsibility (ie. parents, wife, children, etc.). 


Brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, near or far relatives, etc. do not fall under the category of those who are under one’s wards or responsibility….thus if one finds one amongst one’s own kith and kith poor or needy, because of their bond of kinship, these relatives have the biggest right that ‘zakah’ dues are spent on them.


The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: "Charity for the poor is rewarded as one good deed; but in the case of a relative it is considered as two: [one reward for helping] blood ties, and [the other reward for] the charity [itself]."

Related by Ahmad, an-Nasa'i, and at-Tirmidhi.


If one finds that one amongst their own blood relatives or kith or kin are poor and/or need funds, then without an iota of doubt, they have a bigger right that your zakah dues are spent on them.


The one who gives the ‘zakah’ is indeed required to make an intention in their hearts before they disburse their ‘zakah’ dues; but there is absolutely no requirement or obligation in Shariah upon the one who gives the ‘zakah’ to inform the receiver that the funds he/she is about to give them is from ‘zakah’.


Thus If you intend to spend from your ‘zakah’ dues on your needy relatives, and you fear that they might would be embarrassed to accept your help if you told him that the funds are from your ‘zakah’ dues…..you are at absolute liberty to give them the funds from your ‘zakah’ dues without telling him the source of the funds.


Your Question: …..What is the way as per the islam putting the children name, when we have to put the name, which type of name is good, why we r putting the good name, what is advantage of good name in akhrat(after death)?

A name assigned to each individual is no more than a sign or recognition of that person; and there is absolutely no obligation or compulsion in Shariah that a believer is obliged or required to keep a ‘traditional’ Islamic or ‘muslim’ name.  One is at complete liberty to assign any good wholesome name to their off-spring in absolutely any language they will or please.


The only names which Islam prohibits from assigning to a believer are names which connote or denote polytheism or disbelief (Abdul-Lat, Abdul-Uzza, (slaves of the pagan gods like Lat and Uzza, etc.) or names like Ramdas (slave of the Hindu god Ram), etc.; or names which have an inherit evil or vile meaning. 


Other than names which connote polytheism and disbelief, or names which have an inherently evil meaning….Islam has allowed the believers the complete freedom to chose and assign any good wholesome name in any language they will and please.


Respected brother, rest assured that the Lord All-Just will not decide whom to favor and show His Mercy on the Day of Judgment based on their assigned names, but rather the Mercy and the Wrath of Allah Subhanah will depend on the state of belief and deeds of that individual. 


Your Question: …..And I want to put my son/daughter name related to my name Amjad Hussain?Give me some name. 

Other than names which connote polytheism and disbelief, or names which have an inherently evil meaning….Islam has allowed the believers the complete freedom to chose and assign any good wholesome name in any language they will and please.


Among the best Islamic names one may assign are Abd-Allah or Abd-ar-Rahmaan.   Also, any name whereby one declares his subjugation to one of the many Attributes of Allah,  like Abddus-Shukoor,  Abdul-Maalik,  Abdur-Razzaak,  Abdul-Khaalik, etc.  are considered good Islamic names.


Then there are the names of any of the Prophets of Allah like Adam,  Nuh,  Ibraheem,  Moosa,  Yahya,  Isa,  Idrees,  Sulaimaan,  Dawood,  Mohamed,  etc.   Any of these names are good names for boys.


And then there are the hundreds if not thousands of names of the noble companions of the Last Messenger of Allah (saws) like Abu Bakr,  Umar,  Uthman,  Ali,  Bilaal,  Salmaan,  Hudhaifa,  Khalid,  Ammaar,   Yaasir, 



If Allah Subhanah blesses one with a daughter, amongst the good names one may assign for their daughters are Maryam, Asiya, Khadijah, Aisha, Hafsa, Safeeyah, Zainab, Fatimah, Ruqaiyyah, etc.


The deen of Islam is rich in history… from the times of Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the present day…  And any good name of any of the God-fearing and pious slaves of Allah would make for a good Islamic name for the new born.


If one wills, one may choose from any of the terms which possess a good wholesome meaning, like Saleh/Salehah (righteous), Saajid/Saajidah (one who prostrates), Jameel/Jameelah (graceful), Fawwaz (successful), Muhsin (benevolent), etc.


Any name which has a good meaning would be perfectly acceptable in Islam.


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your brother and well wisher in Islam,





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