I was the only breadwinner. After many sessions of counselling I decided to give him another chance.

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

I hope you can help me.  My husband has just recently (9 months ago) decided that he is going to do his 5 times salaah and become a pious Muslim (Alhumdulliah).  THis is only because I left him after 12 years of his drug addition, drinking and violent abuse against me and my two boys.  He never made salaah, never went to the Musjid. I was the only breadwinner.  After many sessions of counselling I decided to give him another chance.  I managed to get him a job and he is now Alhumdulliah.  The problem is that if I miss one salaat he starts threatening me with divorce telling me that he has every right to divorce me if I dont do it.  Even though I am still the major breadwinner, he carries on like he is supporting me and he treats me like a child.  Because he comes from another country, he often gets together with people who come from the same country.  Recently we met with these people and there were ladies without hijab and open shirts to reveal their upper part of their breasts.  He did not think that it was haram when sitting opposite these women while I sat in my abaayaa and hijab at the far end of the table.  Would this not be hypocritical behaviour.  He always tells me that I need to change my ways although I never talk to other men without his permission, do not exit the house unnecessarily except for work.  I only wear hijab and abaayaa.  He says that by not keeping five times salaah I am a bad influence on my children?


(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Not praying five times a day

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your Statement: Even though I am still the major breadwinner, he carries on like he is supporting me and he treats me like a child.

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah Nisaa verse 34:

34      Men are the protectors and maintainers of women because Allah has given the one more than the other, and because they support them from their means.  Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard (their chastity, their husband’s honor, their husband’s property, etc.)


Allah Subhanah has laid the complete financial responsibility of the women upon the shoulders of the men in Islam; thus regardless of whether the Lord Most Gracious has blessed the wife to be poorer or richer than her husband, or absolutely regardless of who happens to be the current ‘bread-earner’ of the family….the husband will always be considered the ‘imaam’ (leader) of the house, and it would only be piety and righteousness on the part of the wife, if indeed she believes in Allah and the Last Day, that she strive to obey her husband in all his lawful commands.   


Merely being the ‘bread-earner’ does not, by itself, reverse the roles or the duties or the obligations which the Lord Most Wise has laid on either the husband or the wife!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah Nisaa verse 103:

Indeed the Salaat is a prescribed duty that should be performed by the believers at (their) appointed times.


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verses 45-46:

45      Nay seek (Allah's) help with patient perseverance and ‘salaah’: it is indeed hard except to those who bring a lowly spirit.

46      Who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord and that they are to return to Him.


The Prophet (saws) said, "The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is the prayer, and the top of its hump is Jihad in the Way of Allah."


Jabir reports that the Prophet (saws) said, "Between a person and disbelief is discarding prayer."

Related by Ahmad, Muslim, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah.


Abdullah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'Aas reported that the Prophet (saws) one day mentioned the prayer and said, "Whoever guards and observes his prayer, they (his prayers) will be a light and a proof and a savior for him on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever does not guard and obvserve them, they will not be a light or a proof or a savior for him. On the Day of Resurrection, he will be with Qarun, Fir'aun, Haman and Ubayy ibn Khalf."

Related by Ahmad, at-Tabarani and Ibn Hibban.


A man came to the Prophet (saws) and said “ O Prophet of Allah (saws),  what is the act or deed most loved by Allah?”

The Prophet (saws) replied:  “To pray ones prayers on time.”

The man asked further:  “What (deed or act most loved by Allah) next?”

The Prophet (saws) replied:  “Obedience to ones parents.”

The man asked further:  “What (deed or act most loved by Allah) next?”

The Prophet (saws) replied: “Jihaad in the Way of Allah.”

Related by Bukhari.


Abu Hurairah reports that the Prophet (saws) said: "May Allah bless the man who gets up during the night to pray and wakes up his wife and who, if she refuses to get up, sprinkles water on her face. And may Allah bless the woman who gets up during the night to pray and wakes up her husband and who, if he refuses sprinkles water on his face." The Prophet (saws) also said: "If a man wakes his wife and prays during the night or they pray two rak'at together, they will be recorded among those (men and women) who (constantly) make remembrance of Allah."

Related by Abu Dawud.


Respected Sister in Islam, one cannot over-emphasis the significance and the importance of offering one’s obligatory prayers in Islam!  Allah Subhanah has laid the responsibility on the man (father, husband, etc.) to be the ‘imaam’ of his house, and he will be held responsible for those under his care.


Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 3.733         Narrated by Abdullah bin Umar

That he heard Allah's Messenger (saws) saying, "Everyone of you is a guardian and is responsible for those under his ward; the ruler is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects; the man is a guardian in his family and responsible for his charges; a woman is a guardian of her husband's house and responsible for her charges; and the servant is a guardian of his master's property and is responsible for his charge….so everyone of you is a guardian and responsible for those under his charges."


If a husband sees or witnesses that one amongst those under his wards is negligent in offering their obligatory prayers, he is well within his rights to remind them of their obligatory duties unto their Lord Creator. If one sees that one’s wife regularly and punctually observes her prayers, then to threaten her with divorce if she misses or delays her prayer once….would be harsh and unjustified indeed!  But if after many reminders, the husband sees that his wife is constantly negligent of her prayers or her obligatory duties….and he threatens to divorce her if she does not amend her conduct, he is well justified in doing so.


Your Statements: …..He did not think that it was haram when sitting opposite these women while I sat in my abaayaa and hijab at the far end of the table.  Would this not be hypocritical behaviour. 

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chatper 24 Surah Noor verses 30-31:

30      Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.

31      And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers,,………….. And O ye Believers! Turn ye all together towards Allah that ye may attain Bliss.


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 7 Surah Aaraaf verse 33:

33      Say: The things that my Lord hath indeed forbidden are: ‘fahisha’ (shameful or indecent deeds) whether open or secret; sins and trespasses against truth or reason; assigning of partners to Allah for which he hath given no authority; and saying things about Allah of which ye have no knowledge.


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anaam verse 151:

151    Say: "Come I will rehearse what Allah hath (really) prohibited you from": join not anything as equal with Him; be good to your parents: kill not your children on a plea of want;  We provide sustenance for you and for them;  come not (even) nigh to ‘fahisha’ (shameful or indecent deeds) whether open or secret; take not life which Allah hath made sacred except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you that ye may learn wisdom.


The Arabic and Quranic term ‘fahisha’ is used for absolutely every type of sexual indecency, lewdness, vulgarity, filthiness, profanity, etc. and each and every single manifestation of the evil of ‘faahisha’ is absolutely forbidden for the believers who sincerely believe in Allah and the Last Day.


The guidance of Islam has declared in Truth absolute zero-tolerance for the abomination of ‘fahisha’……and every single road that even has a slight possibility of reaching the abomination of ‘zina’ (fornication and adultery) is absolutely forbidden for those who sincerely fear Allah and the Last Day…. it indeed would not be piety and righteousness for one who believes to casually mingle with non-mehram women.


The sacred institution of marriage in Islam is not a union between two people who compete against each other, but rather a marriage in Islam is a sacred union between two people who complement each other in their partnership, who develop and maintain the love and mercy between them that Allah Subhanah has created for them in their marriage, and strive together as a team to live a life of peace, harmony and tranquility under the fear and guidance of Allah.


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 30 Surah Rome verse 21:

21      And among His Signs is this that He created for you mates from among yourselves that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts); verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.


If one truly seeks guidance in one’s marriage, there is no better recipe for peace, harmony and tranquility in one’s relationship with one’s spouse in marriage than the guidance of Allah and His Messenger (saws).


Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 278         Narrated by Abu Hurayrah

The Prophet (saws) said: ‘The most perfect Muslim in the matter of faith is one who has excellent behaviour; and the best among you are those who behave best towards their wives.’


Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 3252        Narrated by Aisha ; Abdullah ibn Abbas

Allah's Messenger (saws) said, "The best of you is he who is best to his family, and I am the best among you to my family."


Sahih Muslim Hadith 3465     Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As

Allah's Messenger (saws) said: ‘The whole world is a provision, and the best object of benefit of the world is the pious woman.’


Sahih Muslim Hadith 3469     Narrated by Abu Hurayrah

Allah's Messenger (saws) said: ‘a believing man should not hate a believing woman (his wife); if he dislikes one of her characteristics, he will be pleased with another.


Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 3358        Narrated by AbuBakr as-Siddiq

The Prophet (saws) said, "One who treats badly those under his authority will not enter Paradise."


Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 3272        Narrated by Abu Hurayrah

When Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) was asked which woman was best he replied, "The one who pleases (her husband) when he looks at her, obeys him when he gives a command, and does not go against his wishes regarding her person or property by doing anything of which he disapproves."


Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 285         Narrated by Abu Hurayrah

The Prophet (saws) said: ‘Had it been permissible that a person may prostrate himself before another, I would have ordered that a wife should prostrate herself before her husband.’


Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 284         Narrated by AbuAli Talq ibn Ali

The Prophet (saws) said: ‘When a man sends for his wife for the satisfaction of his need, she should go to him even if she may be occupied in baking bread.’


Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 286         Narrated by Umm Salamah

The Prophet (saws) said: ‘If a woman dies while her husband was pleased with her, she will enter Paradise.’


If one trusts, obeys, and follows the guidance and commands of Allah and His Messenger (saws),   one can be assured of never ever being misled;   but if one believes, obeys and follows any other guidance, other than that of Allah and His Messenger (saws), one can be assured of being led astray.  


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your brother and well wisher in Islam,





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