I have no intend to fight with any religion or hurt someone my only intention is to know the truth or the fact and a fact can be answered in YES and NO.

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:



Thanks allot Brother for answering my questions. I was waiting since long to get the answers. I tried to post the question on site but it had resulted in ASP error.


I have no intend to fight with any religion or hurt someone my only intention is to know the truth or the fact and a fact can be answered in YES and NO. I would be thankful if my next 18 questions will be answered in yes and no without if's and buts and explanations. These questions are raised based on the answers of previous question (5720). Please read the questions carefully and answer me in only yes and no.


16- Based on answers of questions 1, 2 Allah already knew before creating everything that exist till this moment, still he proceeded and didn't stop himself from creating something which is imperfect. (Yes/No)


17- Based on answer of question 3 Allah has everything and only he can create everything, hence only he has created everything, which human beings call evil sometimes and are afraid of that evil sometimes. (Yes/No)


18- Based on answer of question 1, 3 Allah has everything and he only has the power to give something to someone that means he only gave badness and evil powers to Iblis (Yes/No)


19- Based on the answers on questions 1-2 and 8 to 10 Allah created human race which is weaker and imperfect also he created extremely bad iblis and than set a ruthless battle between evil and human beings (Yes/No)


20- Based on the answers of questions 1,2,7,14 and 15 Allah created merciless evil and allowed death and other painful things for human beings BUT STILL HE CLAIMS that he loves.(Yes/No)


21- That means Allah created something ,AS Iblis had no power to create himself the way a new born baby does not know if its good or bad similarly at first time Iblis didn't know when he was created that actually he was created bad by Allah (Yes/No)


22- That means that Iblis didn't know that he would be bad but Allah knew before creating Iblis that it would be bad (Yes/No)


23- Iblis has no power to harm or do anything bad until he obtains a permission to do bad to human being (Yes/No)


24- That means Allah himself created Iblis or evil to harm human beings and still he claims he loves human beings (Yes/No)


25- that means Allah or any other force which different religion called as God or almighty,,, is the creator of evil (Yes/No)


26- We blame Iblis only if something like death or rap or murder happen and not the creator of Iblis (Yes/No)


27- Death is not important in Allah eyes as human beings are dieing since ages and he never cared he created them imperfect and blamed human beings that they are bad and hence they are dying.(Yes/No)


28- based on answer of question 1,2,13 Allah created hell and Iblis and bad spirits to go in hell before creating any human being he knows who would go to hell and who to heaven and as he is all powerful no one can change his decision no matter what human beings would do their fate is already decided and known to Allah. (Yes/No)


29- if the fate of every human being and Iblis is already decided before they were created and they cannot change that, than is there any use of fight for heaven by doing so many things just to get heaven. (Yes/no)


30- If our fate is decided known to Allah than also if we try to do so many things than are we going against his wish as it's also a sin the first major sin (done by Adam and hawa going against wish of Allah. (Yes/No)


31- that means no matter what we do on earth we do not know our fate but Allah knows and we are like a doll or puppet a useless puppet without any free will. (Yes/No)


32- Human beings never decided to take birth on earth but they were given birth were thrown in useless battle with evil, its end they themselves don't know. (Yes/No)


33- If a father loves his own child he would not be political with the child that is claim to love him on one side and create wepons to harm him on other. But all God's of all religion that exists in world claim that they love human being but they created evil to harm (Yes/No)


With Regards,



(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Yes no only answers

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Beloved Sister in Islam, although a few of the questions posed need some explanation to make the matter absolutely clear, we shall abide by your instructions and reply only a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ to each of your questions.


We would appreciate if you could give us the opportunity to explain the answers where we have inserted a question mark.


Q-16: Based on answers of questions 1, 2 Allah already knew before creating everything that exist till this moment, still he proceeded and didn't stop himself from creating something which is imperfect. (Yes/No)

Yes ?


Q-17: Based on answer of question 3 Allah has everything and only he can create everything, hence only he has created everything, which human beings call evil sometimes and are afraid of that evil sometimes. (Yes/No)



Q-18: Based on answer of question 1, 3 Allah has everything and he only has the power to give something to someone that means he only gave badness and evil powers to Iblis (Yes/No)



Q-19:  Based on the answers on questions 1-2 and 8 to 10 Allah created human race which is weaker and imperfect also he created extremely bad iblis and than set a ruthless battle between evil and human beings (Yes/No)



Q-20: (A) Based on the answers of questions 1,2,7,14 and 15 Allah created merciless evil and (B) allowed death and (C) other painful things for human beings (4) BUT STILL HE CLAIMS that he loves.(Yes/No)

A: NO?

B: Yes

C: Yes

D: Yes


Q-21: (A)That means Allah created something ,AS Iblis had no power to create himself the way a new born baby does not know if its good or bad similarly at first time Iblis didn't know when he was created that (B) actually he was created bad by Allah (Yes/No)

A: Yes

B: NO ? 


Q-22: That means that Iblis didn't know that he would be bad but Allah knew before creating Iblis that it would be bad (Yes/No)

Yes ???


Q-23: Iblis has no power to harm or do anything bad until he obtains a permission to do bad to human being (Yes/No)

Yes ???


Q-24: That means Allah himself (A) created Iblis or evil (B) to harm human beings and still (C) he claims he loves human beings (Yes/No)

A: Yes


C: Yes


Q-25: that means Allah or any other force which different religion called as God or almighty,,, is the creator of evil (Yes/No)

Yes ?


Q-26: We blame Iblis only if something like death or rap or murder happen and not the creator of Iblis (Yes/No)

‘One Blames’: Yes

‘Should one blame’: No


Q-27: Death is not important in Allah eyes as human beings are dieing since ages and he never cared he created them imperfect and blamed human beings that they are bad and hence they are dying.(Yes/No)

NO ?


Q-28: based on answer of question 1,2,13 Allah created hell and Iblis and bad spirits to go in hell before creating any human being he knows who would go to hell and who to heaven and as he is all powerful no one can change his decision no matter what human beings would do their fate is already decided and known to Allah. (Yes/No)

Yes ?


Q-29:  if the fate of every human being and Iblis is already decided before they were created and they cannot change that, than is there any use of fight for heaven by doing so many things just to get heaven. (Yes/no)



Q-30: (A) If our fate is decided known to Allah than also (B)if we try to do so many things than are we going against his wish as it's also a sin the first major sin (done by Adam and hawa going against wish of Allah. (Yes/No)

A: Yes



Q-31: that means (A) no matter what we do on earth we do not know our fate but Allah knows and (B) we are like a doll or puppet a useless puppet without any free will. (Yes/No)

A: Yes



Q-32: Human beings never decided to take birth on earth but they were given birth were thrown in useless battle with evil, its end they themselves don't know. (Yes/No)

NO ??


Q-33: (A) If a father loves his own child he would not be political with the child that is claim to love him on one side and create wepons to harm him on other. (B) But all God's of all religion that exists in world claim that they love human being but they created evil to harm (Yes/No)

A: Yes



Dear and beloved Sister, a simplistic ‘yes/no’ answer simply do not do justice to your very interesting and in-depth questions…..As your humble brothers and well-wishers in humanity, we humbly beseech and implore you to give us the opportunity to explain the wisdom and the guidance the Lord Creator has revealed regarding the very important questions which you have so beautifully raised.  Beloved Sister, we assure you that all the doubts which you have raised can easily be addressed and clarified not only through the Revealed Scriptures, but also through the faculties of basic logic and common-sense.


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your brother and well wisher in Islam,





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