There are some Ahadith that discuss phenomenen like Jinn Possession, Witchcraft, Evil Eye etc. Why don`t you discuss these.
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa
Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked
this question:
Alaikum Burhan Bhai,
you are doing fine.
Here I
am discussing your answer to question # 4750. I had always been rather
satisfied with your answers since they were supported ny Quran and Sunnah.
However, in answer to above question you seem to have completely ignored the
existence of Ahadith. There are some Ahadith that discuss phenomenen like Jinn
Possession, Witchcraft, Evil Eye etc. Why don`t you discuss these. In the
answer to question number 4925, you quoted Ayat # 102 of Al Baqra (Sura # 2).
If the Scorcers or the witches are not using the services of Jin, or if the Jin
is not entering human bodies, how are the sorcers or the witches carrying out
their trade of bewitching? One Hadith states that Prophet (PBUH) blew into the
mouth of a child and ordered the Jin out of him. Another Hadith states that the
Prophet (PBUH) thrashed a possed child in order to rid him of the Jin. Further,
regarding Evil Eye too, there are Ahadith. Yet you seem to be silent about
these types of Ahadith! Is it that you don`t consider them authentic? or
something else. Could you please shed light as to what is right or wrong.
Appreciate if you discuss in detail. Please prefer Quran and Sunnah over
personal opinions and logical conclusions, for logic based on opinions can vary
from individual to individual . JazakAllah Khair
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
Removal possess jinn
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask
for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever
He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that
there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that
Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Your Question; Here
I am discussing your answer to question # 4750. I had always been rather
satisfied with your answers since they were supported ny Quran and Sunnah. However,
in answer to above question you seem to have completely ignored the existence
of Ahadith. There are some Ahadith that discuss phenomenen like Jinn
Possession, Witchcraft, Evil Eye etc. Why don`t you discuss these.
Dear and beloved brother in Islam, it is our earnest
endeavor that wherever available and appropriate, we always, and I reiterate,
always support our answers with direct quotations as evidence from the Quran
and the authentic and established Sunnah.
With ref to #4750, because the question posed is related
and specific to the belief in Jinns and the extent of their influence, and the
answer to the specific questions posed by the sister find sufficient mention in
the Glorious Quran itselt, we assumed that evidence from the Glorious Quran related
that specific subject would more than suffice the question! It would have been inappropriate if we
discussed subjects like witchcraft, evil-eye, etc. in that article, especially
when the sister did not wish clarifications on those subjects.
Your Question: In
the answer to question number 4925, you quoted Ayat # 102 of Al Baqra (Sura #
2). If the Scorcers or the witches are not using the services of Jin, or if the
Jin is not entering human bodies, how are the sorcers or the witches carrying
out their trade of bewitching?
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah
Baqarah verse 102:
102 They followed what the evil ones gave out (falsely) against the
power of Solomon; the blasphemers were not Solomon but the evil ones teaching
men magic and such things as came down at Babylon to the Angels Harut and
Marut. But neither of these taught
anyone (such things) without saying: "We are only for trial so do not
blaspheme." They learned from them the means to sow discord between man
and wife. But they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's
permission. And they learned what
harmed them not what profited them. And
they knew that the buyers of (magic) would have no share in the happiness of
the Hereafter. And vile was the price
for which they did sell their souls if they but knew!
The above incident relates to a time in the city of
Babylon, where the evil people amongst the city were heavily involved in trying
to perform all sorts of magic, and charms, and spells, etc. in their effort to
sow discord between a husband and a wife united in marriage, so that the two
united in marriage may separate and the evil ones may fulfill their desire with
the divorced wife!
So rampant, widespread, and uncontrolled was this practice
of seeking to separate a couple united in marriage by illegal and unlawful ways
and devices of supposed ‘spells’, and ‘charms’, and ‘magic potions’ that to
catch the evil-doers red-handed in their evil and heinous crime, the Lord
All-Wise staged a ‘sting’ or ‘covert’ operation by sending two Angels (Harut
and Marut) as humans in the city who would teach them a ‘magic’ through which
the separation of a couple was guaranteed!
But before they sold their ‘magic’ spell to the evil-doers who wished to
purchase it, these Angels of Allah disguised as men told the evil-doers who
sought to purchase the ‘magic’ that they were only a trial for them, and if
they purchased this ‘spell’ or ‘magic’ for them which guaranteed the separation
of the couple they desired, they would be committing ‘kufr’ (disbelief) and
they would have absolutely no share of good in the Hereafter.
But the heinous evil-doers were so blinded by their
unlawful lust, that they paid little caution to the warnings of the Angels who
sold them the ‘magic’ they so desired….and they purchased the ‘magic’ from the
Angels knowing fully well that they were committing disbelief and would have
absolutely no share of any good in the Hereafter.
Your Question: If
the Scorcers or the witches are not using the services of Jin, or if the Jin is
not entering human bodies, how are the sorcers or the witches carrying out
their trade of bewitching?
Beloved brother, I am not absolutely sure how this
question relates to the above quoted verse of Surah Baqarah 102!
Perchance your question relates to how the evil-doers,
blinded by their lust, were seeking to do ‘magic’ before the ‘sting’ or
‘covert’ operation of Allah Subhanah by sending His Angels disguised as men to
the city of Babylon…..
The truth is these evil-doers, who were blinded by their
unlawful lust, would run to any ‘shop’, or supposed ‘sorcerer’, or ‘witch’, or
‘magician’, etc. who claimed that their spell had the power to separate the
couple they desired! These supposed
‘sorcerers’ and ‘witches’ and ‘magicians’ prescribed all sorts of rites and
rituals and spells and charms of their own inventions…..and when any couple did
separate (as happens naturally in any society through death or divorce), these
evil sorcerers claimed that it was their ‘magic’ which did the trick; and the
ignorant would rush to the booming shops of these supposed ‘magicians’ and
‘witches’ !!!
But if your question is general and you wish to know how
the ‘sorcerers’ or ‘witches’ (if there is such a thing!) of today are carrying
out their trades of sorcery and ‘bewitching’ without the supposed services of a
Jinn…..then brother, I think the question is best posed to those who claim to
do sorcery or bewitchment, for they alone would be ‘qualified’ to answer this
Your Statement: One
Hadith states that Prophet (PBUH) blew into the mouth of a child and ordered
the Jin out of him. Another Hadith states that the Prophet (PBUH) thrashed a
possed child in order to rid him of the Jin.
Allah is our witness brother, to the best of our knowledge
there is absolutely no such narration recorded in the authentic and established
Sunnah whereby the Prophet (saws) {and I seek refuge in Allah from even saying
this!} blew into the mouth of a child and ordered the Jinn out of him; or the
Prophet (saws) thrashed a child in order to rid him of the Jinn!!!!!
If you could kindly give us the reference of the book or
the hadith number where this information is supposedly related, we could study
it and give you the opinion of the scholars if any on that matter.
Beloved brother, as your brothers and sincere well-wishers
in faith, we caution you as we remind ourselves that one who sincerely believes
in Allah and the Last Day must be extremely careful and quote or say or
attribute only the Truth to the Messenger of Allah (saws)…..
Sahih Muslim Hadith 7147 Narrated by Abu Sa'id al-Khudri
Allah's Messenger (saws) said: ‘He he who
attributed any falsehood to me deliberately, should in fact reserve his abode
in the Hell-Fire!’
Your Statement:
Further, regarding Evil Eye too, there are Ahadith.
There are indeed several authentic and established hadiths
regarding the evil eye, and the cure prescribed for its evil effects.
Sahih Muslim Hadith 5427 Narrated by Abdullah ibn Abbas
Allah's Messenger (saws) said: ‘The influence
of ‘nazar’ (evil eye) is a fact.’
Beloved brother, the influence of ‘nazar’ or ‘evil-eye’ is
indeed a fact as stated and declared by none other than the Messenger of Allah
(saws); and Allah is our witness, every word uttered by the Messenger of Allah
(saws) is nothing but the Truth.
But one should also know and believe with absolute
conviction that the ‘evil eye’ does not possess any power by itself, nor can it
harm or hurt anyone in the least without the precise Will and Permission of
Allah Subhanah. Thus one should not
fear the ‘evil eye’, but rather fear Allah their Lord and keep their faith and
trust in Him and Him Alone; and seek refuge from its evil and the evil of
anything of the ‘unseen’ ever approaching them from none save their Lord
Creator Alone!
Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 4563 Narrated by Abu Sa'id al-Khudri
Allah's Messenger (saws) used to seek refuge
in Allah from the Jinn and the ‘evil eye’ in men till the Mu'awwidhatan (113th
Surah Al-Falaq and 114th Surah An-Naas) were revealed, after which
he (saws) made use of them and abandoned everything else.
If all the ‘evil-eyes’ of the world were to get together
and try to harm someone, they would not
be able to do so with out the Permission of Allah Subhanah; for all
Power and all Strength rests with none save our Lord Most High, Most Exalted.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 35 Surah
Fatir verse 2:
2 What Allah out of His Mercy doth bestow on mankind there is none can
withhold: what He doth withhold there is none can grant apart from Him: and He
is the Exalted in Power, Wise.
Your Question: Yet
you seem to be silent about these types of Ahadith! Is it that you don`t
consider them authentic? or something else.
Dear and beloved brother, we assure you that all the
hadiths we have quoted above and many more regarding this subject have been
quoted by us in our previous articles, depending on the subject matter of the
questions posed; thus it would indeed be unfair to accuse us of being silent
regarding these hadiths!!!
The ones which are considered authentic by the eminent scholars
and compilers of ahaadeeth, we too accept as authentic; and if the eminent
scholars have graded some hadith as weak or fabricated, we simply relate their
Dear and beloved brother, we do understand that the issue
related to Jinns, the supposed power of the Jinns, Jinn possession, exorcism,
the fear of ‘magic’, etc. are so entrenched in the society we live in
today…..and their fear are enforced in the minds of the people through stories,
and here-says, and experiences, and assumptions or through the justifications
of some unscrupulous ‘holy men’ who have set up shops to first diagnose and
then prescribe a remedy for these supposed fears….that even when the Truth from
the Quran and the Sunnah are made clear to them, some amongst even the believers
find it difficult to align their beliefs to the Truth of the Quran and
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 33 Surah
Ahzaab verse 4:
4 … But Allah tells (you) the
Truth and He shows the (Right) Way.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah
Nisaa verse 87:
87 … And whose Word can be
truer than Allah's?
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah
An-Nisa verse 122:
The promise of Allah is true, and who can
be truer in his Word than Allah?
My beloved brother in Islam, even if all amongst mankind
were to stand together and claim that the Jinn can be seen, or a Jinn can
posses a human being and make him say and do his will; and they were all to
claim they themselves have witnessed this supposed phenomena of the ‘unseen’
.... and The Lord Most High Declares in His Quran that the Jinn cannot be seen
by humans, nor can they possess and make humans do their will….then if you have
to, stand alone on the side of Words and Guidance of Truth of Allah Subhanah;
for none can be truer in His Word than Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39 Surah
Zumar verse 41:
41 Verily We have revealed the Book (Al-Quran) to thee in Truth for
(instructing) mankind. He then that
receives guidance benefits his own soul: but he that strays injures his own
soul. Nor art thou set over them to
dispose of their affairs.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 10 Surah
Yunus verses 32-33:
32 Such is Allah your real Cherisher and Sustainer: apart from
Truth what (remains) but error? How then are ye turned away?
33 Thus is the Word of thy Lord proved true against those who rebel:
verily they will not believe.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah
Baqarah verses 256-257:
256 ….Truth stands out clear from error; whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most
trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks.
And Allah Heareth and Knoweth all things.
257 Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of
darkness (ignorance) He will lead them forth into Light (Guidance). Of those who reject faith
the patrons are the Evil Ones: from light they will lead them forth into the
depths of darkness. They will be
companions of the fire to dwell therein (for ever).
My dear and beloved brother, we remind you as we remind
ourselves, guidance is not to have a set-of-beliefs and try to keep or justify
that false belief by stretching the clear teachings and meanings of the Quran
and the Sunnah; but Guidance is to align oneself and one’s belief without
hesitation and with absolute and total conviction to the Truth of the Quran and
the Sunnah; for apart from these sources of Truth remain nothing but mere
falsehood, error, and manifest misguidance.
If one trusts, obeys, and follows the guidance and
commands of Allah and His Messenger (saws),
one can be assured of never ever being misled; but if one believes, obeys and follows any other guidance, other
than that of Allah and His Messenger (saws), one can be assured of being led
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to
Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only
Source of Strength.
Your brother and
well wisher in Islam,