. In reference to one of your previous answers were you were addressing a non-Muslim, I noticed you referred to that person as my beloved brother in humanity. Although it is indeed true we are all brothers in humanity, however I have read numerous Ahadeeth informing us to not have love for Kufaar (non-Muslims). (BeLOVEd)

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

As slaam alykum;

1. In reference to one of your previous answers were you were addressing a non-Muslim, I noticed you referred to that person as “my beloved brother in humanity”. Although it is indeed true we are all ‘brothers’ in humanity, however I have read numerous Ahadeeth informing us to not have ‘love’ for Kufaar (non-Muslims). (BeLOVEd)


As a result of the above, I would strongly appreciate if you were to do one of the following:

A: Acknowledge your mistake and correct your error,

B: Correct me if I am wrong (and forgive my ignorance).


2. Again, in one of your previous answers about thoughts is prayers, I remember reading about a hadeeth you quoted, that if worldly thoughts come into your head you should spit three times to your left and seek refuge in Allaah, Please kindly forward to me this Email, or just the hadeeth.

3. According to Al Qur’aan and the authentic traditions of last messenger (PBUH) has there been any emphasis upon wearing something on your head, like those white prayer hats when you pray?

May Allaah guide us, and reward you appropriately for your efforts. 


(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Brother in Humanity

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person,  no grave, no prophet,  no imam,  no dai,  nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your Question-1: In reference to one of your previous answers were you were addressing a non-Muslim, I noticed you referred to that person as “my beloved brother in humanity”. Although it is indeed true we are all ‘brothers’ in humanity, however I have read numerous Ahadeeth informing us to not have ‘love’ for Kufaar (non-Muslims). (BeLOVEd)

As a result of the above, I would strongly appreciate if you were to do one of the following:

A: Acknowledge your mistake and correct your error,

B: Correct me if I am wrong (and forgive my ignorance).


Dear and Beloved brother, even if one is a disbeliever, it is the condition and an extension of the our love for our disbelieving brethren in humanity, and our concern for their well-being in this world and especially the Hereafter that we invite them to the Truth of this beautiful deen and path that would lead them to the Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness of their Lord Most Gracious.  


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 60 Surah Mumtahana verses 7-9:

7        It may be that Allah will grant love (and friendship) between you and those whom ye (now) hold as enemies: for Allah has power (over all things); and Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.

8        Allah forbids you not with regard to those (disbelievers) who fight you not for (your) Faith, nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah Loves those who are just.

9        Allah only forbids you with regard to those (disbelievers) who fight you for (your) Faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them that do wrong.


Although it is indeed true and not befitting a believer who sincerely believes in Allah and the Last Day to love and befriend those disbelievers who wage war against the believers only because of their faith and belief, there is absolutely no prohibition or restriction in Islam in befriending and dealing justly and kindly with those good disbelievers who do not wage war against the believers, nor hold any hatred or malice towards those who believe…..It may be that Allah Subhanah has Mercy on them, opens their hearts to the Truth of Al-Islam through the efforts and striving of a believer, and guides them to the Straight Path. 


Thus my beloved brother in Islam, if a brother or sister who were brought up in disbelieving surroundings or have chosen to  exercise their God-given right to disbelieve for the period of their test of one life….but have taken the effort and the striving to comment or seek some clarification in the deen of Islam on this humble forum, it is only a manifestation of our love and our concern for their well-being in this world and especially the Hereafter that we strive to guide them to the Truth in the best possible manner and character.  It may be that Allah Subhanah has Mercy on them, opens their hearts to the Truth of Al-Islam through our humble efforts, and guides them to the Straight Path. 


Your Question-2: Again, in one of your previous answers about thoughts is prayers, I remember reading about a hadeeth you quoted, that if worldly thoughts come into your head you should spit three times to your left and seek refuge in Allaah, Please kindly forward to me this Email, or just the hadeeth

Sahih Muslim Hadith 5463     Narrated by Uthman ibn Abul'As

Uthman came to Allah's Messenger (saws) and said: ‘O Allah's Messenger (saws), the Shaytaan intervenes between me and my prayer and my reciting of the Qur'an and he confounds me.’ Thereupon Allah's Messenger (saws) said: ‘That is (the doing of the Shaytaan) who is known as Khinzab, and when you perceive its effect, seek refuge with Allah from it, and spit three times to your left.’  I did that and Allah dispelled that from me.


Your Question-3: According to Al Qur’aan and the authentic traditions of last messenger (PBUH)

has there been any emphasis upon wearing something on your head, like those white prayer hats when you pray?

Wearing a covering on the head while offering his prayers or while reciting the Quran is not amongst the obligatory acts for a believing male in Shariah.  If one covers his head, or leaves it uncovered; both ways his prayers and his worship will be considered valid.


The dressing norm at the time of the Messenger of Allah (saws) was such that the Arabs used to wear a turban over their heads;  and thus the Messenger of Allah (saws) normally always prayed with his head covered.   Thus, if the normal dress code of the person is such that he covers his head (like the Arab ‘gatra’ or head-cover);  then it is fine to pray with the head cover.    But if there the normal dress code of the person is such that in normal circumstances he does not cover his head,  there is no need to specially cover his head while praying or reciting the Quran.  But if he does cover his head, there is no harm.


Ibn 'Asakir related that the Prophet (saws) would sometimes remove his head cover (turban) and place it in front of him as a ‘sutrah’ for prayer.


In light of the above hadith it is evident that at times the Messenger of Allah (saws) would remove his head-cover and offer his prayers; thus a head-cover is not and cannot be an obligatory condition for offering one’s prayers in Islam for the believing males.


It is absolutely obligatory for a believing woman to cover her head and her full body while offering her prayers.


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your brother and well wisher in Islam,







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