We are living in Canada, here we pay Tex on everything..we don`t have enough money for "zakat"..what should we do? If we don`t have enough money to give zakat but we just pay tex then is it ok?..Please reply me soon..I really want to know this thing..

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

We are living in Canada, here we pay Tex on everything..we don`t have enough money for "zakat"..what should we do? If we don`t have enough money to give zakat but we just pay tex then is it ok?..Please reply me soon..I really want to know this thing..

My second question is that my husband has credit card on which he pay sometime interest too..we tried to leave the credit card and start living without it but our whole family needs money and there isn`t anyother way to get money from..In this situation what should we do? We know that interest is not good according to Islam..but how can we manage things?..Please reply me as soon as you can..


waiting for your reply.. 


(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Tax and Zakah

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person,  no grave, no prophet,  no imam,  no dai,  nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your Question: We are living in Canada, here we pay Tex on everything..we don`t have enough money for "zakat"..what should we do?

If after all your living expenses and paying the tax to the government, your total nett savings are less than the prescribed ‘nisaab’ (7.5 tolas or appx. 85 grams of gold or appx. Value US$1,000.00), then zakah would not be due from you.


After paying all your living expenses including your rentals, your eatables, your clothing, your transportation, your utility bills, school fees, taxes, or whatever else one needs to live one’s life; if you are still are left with a savings of more than US$1,000.00, and this amount has been in your possession for a period of one calendar year; only then would you be liable to pay 2.5% of that savings amount as zakah.


Your Question: If we don`t have enough money to give zakat but we just pay tex then is it ok?..

The taxation of the land one lives in and the zakah dues are absolutely separate and distinct from one another and have absolutely nothing to do with each other!  If after paying the taxes, the nett savings of someone is less than US$1,000.00, they would be considered below the ‘nisaab’ of zakah, and there would be no zakah due from them.


Your Question: My second question is that my husband has credit card on which he pay sometime interest too..we tried to leave the credit card and start living without it but our whole family needs money and there isn`t anyother way to get money from..In this situation what should we do? We know that interest is not good according to Islam..but how can we manage things?..Please reply me as soon as you can..

Contrary to popular belief, ‘credit-card’ does not mean ‘free’ money; but rather it is a loan which has to be paid back someday!  Not only does the one who takes the loan have to pay back the principal amount in full, he is burdened with a hefty monthly interest payment on top of the principle! 


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 29 Surah Ankabut verse 62:

62      Allah enlarges the sustenance to whichever of His servants He pleases; and He (similarly) grants by (strict) measure (as He pleases): for Allah has full knowledge of all things.


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 42 Surah Shura verse 27:

27      If Allah were to enlarge the provision for His servants they would indeed transgress beyond all bounds through the earth; but He sends (it) down in due measure as He pleases: for He is with His servants Well-Acquainted, Watchful.


Dear and Beloved Sister in Islam, it is Allah Subhanah Who Decides and Determines the provisions and sustenance of each in His creation.  If the Lord has Willed to grant one amongst His slaves in strict measure, their test is to be content with what their Lord has provided them, be grateful what they have been provided with, and strive to live within their means.  If one strives to live within their means and are grateful, they pass the test ordained on them by their Lord; and if one takes the help of ‘haraam’ and forbidden routes to live beyond their means, they not only fail the test ordained on them by their Lord, but put themselves in more trials in their lives.


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 275:

275    Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one whom the Shaytaan by his touch hath driven to madness!  That is because they say: "Trade is like usury but Allah hath permitted trade and forbidden usury.  Those who after receiving direction from their Lord desist shall be pardoned for the past; their case is for Allah (to Judge); but those who repeat (the offence) are companions of the fire: they will abide therein (for ever).


Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 2829        Narrated by Ali ibn AbuTalib

Ali said he heard Allah's Messenger (saws) invoke the curse of Allah on those who took usury, those who paid it, those who recorded it, and those who refused to give sadaqah.


Without an iota of a doubt, Allah and His Messenger (saws) have declared the concept of ‘riba’ (usury, interest, etc.) as absolutely forbidden for the believers.  Allah Subhanah has deprived the concept of ‘riba’ of all blessings, and even though the transactions of interest may seem to bring temporary relief, Allah is our witness, in leads in the end to nothing but penury!


Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 2827        Narrated by Abdullah ibn Mas'ud

Allah's Messenger (saws) said, "Even though usury be much, it leads in the end to penury."


If one trusts,  obeys,  and follows the guidance and commands of Allah and His Messenger (saws),   one can be assured of never ever being misled;   but if one believes,  obeys and follows any other guidance,  other than that of Allah and His Messenger (saws),  one can be assured of being led astray.  


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.



Your brother and well wisher in Islam,





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