I have reach an age that I really want to get into my religion and belief especially with the damnation of the western society against the religion and the atrocities in Iraq. I want to learn how to do my namaz can anyone help me and advise me

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Hi I am a muslim born and bred, but i was never taught Islam or senty to learn anything related to Islamic laws etc. I know soime duah and some sura that I learnt by myself over the year and know certain ways of the religion but talking to others. I have been involve with mix relationship and have two children that I raise as muslims. I have tried going to the local mosque to ask for help for myself and my children and I am treated badly becasue I know not these things and no one want to teach me or my children any thing.

I have reach an age that I really want to get into my religion and belief especially with the damnation of the western society against the religion and the atrocities in Iraq. I want to learn how to do my namaz can anyone help me and advise me.

I wonder with the way I have been treated how other can jion the faith if I who believes and want to cannot get any help.

many thanks



(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Sister Seeks help in Islam


In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person,  no grave, no prophet,  no imam,  no dai,  nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anaam verses 125-127:

125    Those whom Allah (in His Plan) willeth to guide, He openeth their breast to Islam; those whom He willeth to leave straying He maketh their breast close and constricted as if they had to climb up to the skies: thus doth Allah (heap) the penalty on those who refuse to believe.

126    This is the way of thy Lord leading straight: We have detailed the Signs for those who receive admonition.

127    For them will be a Home of Peace in the presence of their Lord: He will be their Friend because they practiced (righteousness).


Sahih Muslim Hadith 6499     Narrated by Abu Dharr

Allah's Messenger (saws) said: that Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, stated: 'He who comes with goodness, there are in store for him ten like those and even more than those; And he who comes with vice, it is only for that that he is called to account. I even forgive him as I like, and he who draws close to Me by the span of a palm I draw close to him by a cubit, and he who draws close to Me by a cubit I draw close to him by the space (covered) by two hands, and he who walks towards Me I rush towards him, and he who meets Me in the state that his sins fill the earth, but not associating anything with Me, I would meet Him with the same (vastness) of pardon (on My behalf)."


All Praise and thanks are due to Allah Subhanah Alone Who has put this state of awakening and consciousness in the hearts of His fortunate servants who wish to live their lives in submission to Him and His Commands. 


Your Question: I want to learn how to do my namaz can anyone help me and advise me.


The Messenger of Allah (saws) said "Islam is built upon [the following] five pillars: testifying that there is no God except Allah and that Muhammad (saws) is His Messenger, the establishment of the prayer, the giving of zakah, the fast of Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Makkah."


Abu Hurairah reports that the Prophet (saws) said: "The first thing that the people will be called to account for on the Day of Resurrection will be the prayers. Our Lord will say to the angels although He knows better, 'Look into the salah (prayers) of My servant to see if he observed it perfectly or been negligent in it.’  So if he observed it perfectly it will be recorded to his credit, but if he had been negligent in it in any way, Allah would say: ‘See if My servant has any supererogatory prayers.’ Then if he has any supererogatory prayers, Allah would say: ‘Make up the deficiency in My servant's obligatory prayer with his supererogatory prayers.'  Thereafter all his actions will be examined in like manner"

Related by Abu Dawud.


The five ‘fard’ prayers have been made obligatory for every believer by Allah.  It should be  an honor for us as believers to pray to Allah, for the Prophet (saws) said  that when a believer prays, he is in the actual audience with the Lord of the Worlds. 


Beloved sister in Islam, although the prayer is best learnt in person as it involves particular physical stance and movements, a particular sequence of what movement follows what, different number of ‘rakahs’ for each prayer, etc.; what we can do for you here is give you a brief on what is required to be recited in prayer.  If you were to ask any good righteous believer amongst your family or friends to teach you how to perform the prayer, they should be more than happy to guide you on how to offer this sublime act of worship to one’s Lord.


The Prayer as performed and taught by the Messenger of Allah (saws):



To make intention in your heart regarding the prayer you are about to make.   Then raise your hands to your ears and say “Allah o Akbar” meaning Allah is the Greatest,  signaling the start of Prayer.


QIYAM or Standing

Pray the Surah Al Fateha and any other aayahs from the Quran.  (minimum 3 aayahs)  These meanings can be learnt from the Quran Translation of the Surahs you want to pray.


RUKU or bowing

The Prophet (saws) used to say:  “Subhan Allah il Adheem”   Glory be to Allah,  the Most Great. 3 times or more (but preferably in odd number formations,  3,5,7,9….)



The Prophet (saws) used to say:  “Sameh Allah ho Leman Hameda”  Allah listen to the one who is grateful for the bounties received by Allah.

The nobles companions in the congregation used to say: “Rabbana lakal hamd”  O our Lord,  we are grateful to you.



The Prophet (saws) used to pray: “Subhana Rabb eil A’ala”  Glory be to Allah,  the Most High. (3 times or more in odd number formation 3,5,7,9…)



(This can be used to invoke any prayer to Allah.)

Allah hum mag firli wale waale dayya, wal lil mu’minina,  wal mu’minate,  wal muslemeena,  wal muslemaate,   hayy  min hum wala hum amwaat.

O Allah,  forgive me,  my parents,  the true believing men,  the true believing women,  the believing men,  the believing women,  whether alive from amongst them,  or they have died. (We beg You to forgive them all)



At tahiya  tu lillahe  was salawaato,  wat tayyebato  lillahe.

Every kind of salutes,  all kinds of prayers,  and all kinds of good and pure words and things, are for Allah Alone.


As Salaam alieka ya ayyo han nabi o,  wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

(Allah told the Prophet(saws) these words on the Night of Mairaaj in His audience):  May  Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon you,   O Prophet (saws)


As Salaam o alayna wa a’la ibaa dallah hiss saleheen.

(The Prophet(saws) replied,  as Allah Himself is the source of All Peace,  and the Prophet (saws) could not possibly send Peace upon Allah):  May Peace be upon me (saws),  and the good, obedient  or pious slaves of Allah.


Ash hado ann laa ilaha illahlah,  wahdahu,  laa sharika lahuu,

(The Prophet(saws) said to Allah in audience): I bear witness that there is no god, except Allah,  Alone,  He has no partners.


Wa ash hado anna Mohamed dan abdullahi wa Rasul Allah.

(And Allah replied): And I bear witness that (you, O) Mohamed,  are the slave and Messenger of Allah


Allah humma salle a’la Mohamed din wa aa’le Mohamed,  kama sallayta a’la Ibrahim wa ala  aa’le Ibrahim

May Allah’s blessings be upon Mohamed (saws),  and his ummah (or family or both),  just like the blessing of Allah on Ibrahim and his ummah (or family or both)


Innaka  Hameed un Majeed

For you are the All-Praiseworthy,  the Glorious One.


Allah humma barik a’la Mohamed din wa aa’le Mohamed,  kama barakta a’la Ibrahim wa ala aa’le Ibrahim

May Allah’s baraka be upon Mohamed (saws) and his ummah (or family or both) just like the baraka of Allah on Ibrahim and his ummah (or family or both)


Innaka Hameed un Majeed.

For you are the All-Praiseworthy,  the Glorious One.


(Any Invocation to Allah)

Allah hum mag firli wale waaledayya war hum homa kama rabba yani saghira

O Allah,  forgive me,  and my parents,  and have mercy upon them both,  just as they had mercy on me when I was an infant.


And finally the prayer ends with the declaration of the ‘Tasleems’.


Your Statements: I have tried going to the local mosque to ask for help for myself and my children and I am treated badly becasue I know not these things and no one want to teach me or my children any thing.

I wonder with the way I have been treated how other can jion the faith if I who believes and want to cannot get any help.

Dear and Beloved Sister, Allah is our witness, I do not know of any righteous believer who sincerely believes in Allah and the Last Day, who would or could refuse to teach one amongst the believers who approaches them and asks them to teach them how to worship their Lord Most Merciful.  It is absolutely appalling and shocking to learn that the caretakers of your local mosque did not welcome you with open arms, and treated you and your children who wished to learn the deen in such a manner! 


We obviously have no knowledge who the caretakers of the mosque where you reside were or what prompted them to act in such an un-Islamic and unacceptable manner; but we pray that Allah Subhanah forgive them their this misdeed, have mercy on them, and guide them to the Truth.  On behalf of the whole Ummah of Islam, who have been specifically commanded by their Lord to enjoin the good and forbid the evil, we seek your forgiveness and the forgiveness of Allah Subhanah for having turned away even one person who sincerely wished to learn and practice the deen of Truth called Al-Islam!


There are millions of brothers and sisters in Islam who work tirelessly day and night to invite anyone who wishes to listen to good caution to the Straight Path of Islam; and it is indeed heart-breaking to learn that a believer who sincerely wishes to follow the deen would be turned away or treated badly by people who claim to be muslims!  One can only imagine what would happen to a non-believer who came to inquire about Islam and was not welcomed or treated in like manner; for they would never ever turn to Islam in their lives again for the foolishness of a few people who claim to be believers! 


My dear and beloved sister in Islam, it is not our policy to ever ask the contact address or location of the readers of this forum; but the experience that you have described is a huge and heavy burden upon us, and indeed upon every true believer who sincerely fears Allah and the Last Day.  If you give us your city and state location, we would strive to get you in touch with some good righteous believers in your area who would consider it their honor and a pleasure to instruct you in the basics and fundamentals of Islam from the Quran and the Sunnah, Insha Allah.   


My dear and beloved Sister in Islam, we implore and beseech you to forgive the brothers and sisters who ill-treated you when you approached them to learn the deen, for they realized not the enormity of their actions!  All Praise is due to Allah Who bestowed upon you the wisdom and the patience, and in His Sublime and Infinite Mercy did not permit you to loose heart in Islam over the actions of a few individuals. 


May Allah Subhanah increase your quest for seeking this Knowledge of Truth called Al-Islam; have mercy on you and your family, help you, guide you, and bestow upon you and your family the best there is in this world and in the Hereafter.  Ameen.


If there is anything we can do to help you get closer to your Lord and Creator, my dear and beloved sister in Islam, all you have to do is command us and we shall strive to the best of our humble ability to fulfill your wish for the Pleasure of Allah Subhanah, Insha Allah. 


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your Brother and sincere well wisher in Islam,





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