Every people a guide

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:



I am writing to you in the strictest of confidence and I hope that from all the knowledge you have of Islam you may be able to help me.


Firstly I would like to congratulate you on your wonderful and informative website. It`s very refreshing to read your articles especially in a society where there are not may people who are willing to take time out of their busy lives to study the Qu`ran.

The reason why I am writing to you is that after reading your biography I became very intersted to know how you felt before you read the Qu`ran yourself. I ask you this question because I am hoping to marry a boy whom my parents approve of and he is an Ismaili muslim. I am not an Ismaili and I prefer to class myself as a "Muslim" however people who do like to create segregation would call me a "Sunni"


As you are already aware of the implications of believeing in the Aga Khan and Shirk etc I was wondering if you could give me any advice on what I can say to my `friend` that may help him to see what is right i.e. the Qu`ran and not the `farmans` of the current Aga Khan.

Is there anything I could ask him or show him...anything at all that may make him realise that the Aga Khan is not going to forgive his sins or show him `the light` ????


I have tried talking to him however all he says is that in the Qu`ran it says


"There will always be a guide"

And Ismails believe that the guide is the Aga Khan.

Please help me as I am in a very awkward situation.

I pray that Allah rewards you for your good work in this life and after

Kind regards




I asked you a question earlier and I wouild like to ask you if possible, could you not put my question on the internet because my future-husband -to-be has parents who hate me and they are always on the internet and if they see this question (which they probably will) then it will just cause more problems for me.

Thank you for understanding


(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Every people a guide

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person,  no grave, no prophet,  no imam,  no dai,  nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your Question:  As you are already aware of the implications of believeing in the Aga Khan and Shirk etc I was wondering if you could give me any advice on what I can say to my `friend` that may help him to see what is right i.e. the Qu`ran and not the `farmans` of the current Aga Khan.

Is there anything I could ask him or show him...anything at all that may make him realise that the Aga Khan is not going to forgive his sins or show him `the light` ????


Allah says in Chapter 2, Surah Baqarah aayat 185: Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was sent down: this Book is a Perfect Guidance for mankind and consists of clear Teachings which show the Right Way, and are a Criterion of the Truth and falsehood.


There is indeed a huge difference in the basic ‘aqeedah’ of an Ismaili and a true believer; thus the absolute best thing to give the brother to see the ‘light’ is a copy of the Divine Book (The Al-Quran) which differentiates between the Truth and the falsehood.  If the brother is truly seeking guidance from Allah Subhanah, and is willing to read the Message without any prejudice or pre-condition; it is expected that Allah Subhanah would have Mercy upon him and guide him to the Straight Path. 


If the person accepts and follows the clear commandments of the Quran, he will receive guidance from the Lord Most Merciful; but if the person tries to make the Quran follow his beliefs, he will never be able to see the ‘light’!


Your Statement: I have tried talking to him however all he says is that in the Qu`ran it says

"There will always be a guide"

And Ismails believe that the guide is the Aga Khan.

Like we said sister, if the person tries to make the Quran follow his beliefs, he will never be able to see the ‘light’ or recognize the Truth.  It is only those who wish to unconditionally accept and follow the guidance of the Divine Message that have been promised the Mercy and Guidance from the Lord Most Merciful.


Dear and Beloved sister in Islam, the normal style of the people who really do not wish to unconditionally accept and follow the Guidance of the Quran is always to take a word or a phrase from the middle of a verse and present it completely out of context in their futile effort to prove that the Quran confirms their ‘false’ beliefs!  The phrase that the brother has quoted is from the below verse of Surah Raad:


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 13 Surah Raad verses 6-7:

6        They (the disbelievers) ask thee (O Mohamed (saws)) to hasten on the evil in preference to the good: yet have come to pass before them (many) exemplary punishments!  But verily, thy Lord is full of forgiveness for mankind for their wrongdoing: and verily, thy Lord is (also) strict in punishment.

7        And the Unbelievers say! "Why is not a Sign sent down to him (Prophet Mohamed (saws)) from his Lord?"  But thou (O Mohamed (saws)) art truly a warner, and to every people a guide.


The above phrase of the Quran, if taken in its right context, is simply confirming the fact that Allah Subhanah has sent His Prophets to every nation on this earth in the times gone by; and now the Guide or ‘Haad’ for mankind until the end of time is the Last and Final Messenger of Allah, Mohamed ar Rasool Allah (saws).  If one chooses for himself any other Guide after the appointment of Prophet Mohamed (saws) as Allah’s Last and Final Messenger, then that person would indeed be included amongst the disbelievers in the sight of Allah Subhanah.


Thus it becomes evident how the people who wish to make the Quran follow their ‘false’ beliefs take one phrase from the middle of a Verse, present it out of context and even change its clear meanings to present their case! 


The phrase ‘Wale kulle qawmin Haad’ can only be translated as ‘and to every people a Guide’ and to translate it as your friend or the Ismaili leadership has presented it as: ‘there will always be a Guide’ is absolutely false and misleading!  And then to name the Aga Khan or any other being, other than the Prophet of Allah, as a ‘guide’ without any evidence or authority from the Quran is not only propagating misguidance, but a heinous sin in the sight of Allah Subhanah!


Besides, my dear and beloved sister in Islam, the term ‘Haad’ means a Guide or one who gives guidance to the Straight Path of Allah Subhanah; not one who promises to forgive the sins of his followers, or who claims to have some ‘influence’ or ‘power’ in the Majestic Presence of Allah Subhanah to make sure that all his followers get into Paradise for a price that their self-appointed ‘imam’ collects on this earth!


Your Question: Please help me as I am in a very awkward situation.

Dear and Beloved Sister in Islam, we can only imagine and sympathize with your awkward situation that you find yourself in regarding your pending marriage with a person who is a ‘legal’ muslim, but in reality his ‘aqeedah’ and belief is more inclined towards ‘shirk’! 


Our humble advice as your brothers and your sincere well-wishers in Islam is that if you really wish to have peace in this life and especially the Hereafter, make sure that the brother unconditionally accepts and follows the Guidance of the Quran before committing your life in marriage to him.  If you knowingly marry a person whose beliefs are more inclined towards ‘shirk’ than towards the Oneness of Allah Subhanah, we fear that you might put yourself in a severe trial regarding your faith. 


We pray that Allah Subhanah make your trial easy for you, have mercy upon you, help you, and give you the wisdom and the courage to make a decision which is not only good for you in this world, but best for you in the everlasting and eternal life of the Hereafter. 


If one trusts,  obeys,  and follows the guidance and commands of Allah and His Messenger (saws),   he can be assured of never ever being misled;   but if one believes,  obeys and follows any other guidance,  other than that of Allah and His Messenger (saws),  he can be assured of being led astray.  


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your Brother in Islam,






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