The atrocities on Hadrat Ali and Fatema

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)



One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Dear brother burhan,

You did not directly answer the question that was asked below about the injustices meted out to Imam Ali ibn Abu talib. Before I describe the exact injustice, let me tell you why this is important. Broadly speaking, I understand the point of view that the guidance from the Quran is important and not exactly the "history of Islam". The more I go
to vaaz/banyan's etc, I also realize that the bohra clergy talk more about the "history of Islam, especially related to Maulana Ali,  Fatema, Hasan and Husein", as compared to the "religion/deen and guidance of Islam." However, to effective answer them/realize what they say is correct/wrong, we need to know the generally accepted events of the
history of Islam.

Here is what I remember from a few days back at a Ramadan gathering: That the night of 23rd is Lailatul Qadr and it is ma fatema's night, just as 21st s Malatena Khadija's night. Is that generally accepted?

Also, very soon after the death of the Prophet (PBUH), Umar (al-khattab) came to the house of Maulana Ali and mulatena Fatema with a crowd of people. That he threw some stones and  threatened to burn down the house. To prevent that, mulatena Fatema came to open the door and to protect her modesty, she hid behind the door. By banging open the door hard, Umar (or somebody from the crowd which he was leading) crushed mulatena Fatema between the door and a house wall and she had a mis-carriage and lost Mohsin whom she was carrying in her womb. Then they tied maulana Ali with rope and threatened to drag him (or actually

did drag him) to where Abu Bakr was sitting and forced him to give bayt.

Then mulatena Fatema went to the hall publicly to protest the treatmentto her and Ali but that she was not heard.

(This is my honest re-collection, so there may be some small differences from the actual bayan)  the above event, if true, reflects really badly on Abu Bakr and Umar,

but the big question is, did it really happen? I have read something along this lines (somewhat les dramatic) in at least one other book on Shia Islam (Called Shia Islam by M. Momen from
Yale Univ. Press).

So the question is: Did this actually happen and what is the generally accpeted view of Muslim scholars on this?

Thanks for your time and regards.


(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




The atrocities on Hadrat Ali and Fatema

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol,  no person,  no grave, no prophet,  no imam,  no dai,  nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your Statement:  Broadly speaking, I understand the point of view that the guidance from the Quran is important and not exactly the "history of Islam". The more I go to vaaz/banyan's etc, I also realize that the bohra clergy talk more about the "history of Islam, especially related to Maulana Ali, Fatema, Hasan and Husein", as compared to the "religion/deen and guidance of Islam." However, to effective answer them/realize what they say is correct/wrong, we need to know the generally accepted events of the history of Islam.

Brother, there is another way to determine whether what the clergy say about Islam is right or wrong!  If one has even read the Glorious Quran once with understanding, he should compare of what little they say about religion/deen/ and guidance of Islam with the aayahs of the Holy Quran!    And the truth will, Insha Allah stand clear of the falsehood!


The Quran is one, and the clergy can never ever dispute and challenge authenticity of the Quran (although they do try and say that the present Quran is not completely accurate!).   But the problem with any history is that it is the record of man… and there is just no straightforward way for all to unanimously agree on the events and incidents that might have happened 1400 years ago!   The clergy’s history is clouded and concentrated on a few individuals from among the tens of thousands of the Prophet’s companions … and then centered on the ‘said’ incidents of crimes and atrocities done by some companions against the beloved cousin and admired companion of the Prophet (saws), Imam Ali ibn Abi Taalib (r.a.), his noble and chaste wife and the beloved daughter of the Prophet (saws), Hadrat Fatema bint Rasool Allah (r.a.), and her descendants!   Among the noted and well respected historians like Tareeqh Ibn Khuldoon, Tareeqh Al Tabarri, Tareeqh Ibn-Saad, Al-kamel Ibn Aseer, etc.  none of these ‘supposed’ incidents are mentioned… in fact most of these historians are known to be ardent followers and lovers of the noble ‘ahle-bayt’ and supported their cause throughout the rulership of the Banu-Ummayyads and the Banu-Abbasids!


Your Question: Here is what I remember from a few days back at a Ramadan gathering: That the night of 23rd is Lailatul Qadr and it is ma fatema's night, just as 21st s Malatena Khadija's night. Is that generally accepted?

Every day and every night of the year belongs to none but Allah Subhanah!   There is not a day or night celebrated in the annuls of Islam, or by any of the Prophet’s of old, or by the Last Messenger of Allah (saws),  or even by his noble companions and the noble ‘ahle-bayt’… whereby they dedicated any day or night to a human being!    The Messenger of Allah (saws) never did dedicate these blessed nights to his daughter or to his wife… but this was invented much much later by some

unscrupulous religious leaders in the name of Islam for their own political gain!   

Another obvious lie and innovation is the ritual whereby after the initial prayers or ‘washeq’ of the 23rd night, every Bohra does into a sajdah type thing, but instead of resting his fore-head on the floor in submission to Allah Subhanah, they rest their cheeks on the floor and dedicate the prayers done as a ‘gift’ to the Prophet (saws) and Hadrat Fatema (r.a.)!!!!!! This is obviously an innovation, because it is absolutely incomprehensive that the Messenger of Allah (saws) introduced this sort of ritual in Islam when he was alive, where the prayers of any individual were dedicated as ‘gifts’ to him and his daughter!!!!


Ref:  the incidents of tyranny and the atrocities committed on Imam Ali (r.a.) and the beloved daughter of the Prophet (saws), and the leader of the believing women in Paradise.. Hadrat Maa Fatema binte Rasool Allah (r.a.)!!!

There is absolutely no record of any of these incidents in any of the accepted books of Islamic History!  


But lets just use some logic and reasoning and see if any of these were possible…


Islam does not even allow such treatment to any women, leave alone that this treatment was meted out to the beloved daughter of the Prophet (saws)!   … and to say that this happened in Medina,  immediately after the death of the Prophet (saws)… and that too,  the supposed tyrannical crimes were committed against the very daughter of the Prophet (saws) in front of thousands of believers and companions … who, when the Prophet (saws) was alive, were willing to sacrifice their lives,  wealth,  children and their families on one command of the Messenger of Allah (saws)!!!!!!!    And to top it all, the committers of this atrocities were none other than Abu Bakr and Umar!!!!!  Abu Bakr, who was probably the first adult man to accept Islam in Makkah…who gave untold sacrifices in the Cause of Islam,….  who was chosen and honored by the Messenger of Allah (saws) to be his companion in the all-important Hijrah from Makkah to Medina, …..who led the prayers in the Prophet’s mosque in Medina when the Prophet was ill and on his death bed…. And above all, whom Allah has clearly mentioned as the ‘sahabee’ of the Prophet (saws) in the Glorious Quran, which will be recited by the believers until the end of time!  


Allah says in clear reference to Hadrat Abu Bakr (which even the Shia scholars and historians dare not deny) in the Holy Quran Chapter 9 Surah Taubah verse 40:If you do not help the Prophet, it does not matter!   Allah did help him before when the disbelievers expelled him (from Makkah), and he was but the second of the two..when the two were in the cave…when he (saws) was saying to his ‘sahabee’, “Be not distressed:  Indeed Allah is with us!”    Then Allah sent down peace of mind to him from Himself, and helped him with the forces you did not see, and made the word of the disbelievers abased!   And Allah’s Word is always Supreme, for Allah is indeed All Mighty, All Wise!


To say that these atrocities were done by Umar with the blessings of Abu Bakr is nothing short of blasphemy!!!  Abu Bakr and Umar were among the companions who accepted Islam in Makkah, bore the brunt of the atrocities of the disbelieving Quraish did on the believers, left their homes in Makkah and migrated to Medina on the command of Allah and His Messenger (saws), served and helped the Messenger of Allah (saws) and Islam all their lives, with their wealth and their selves, fought in the all important Battle of Badr (and almost all the other battles of Islam), were participants in the oath of allegiance under the tree known as the ‘bayt-e-ridhwaan’… and both were amongst the ten fortunate people whom the Messenger of Allah (saws) himself promised Paradise in their lifetimes!!!!!


Brother, people might differ in the record of the historians, or even challenge the authentic narrations of the Prophet (saws); but there is just no way one can challenge these aayahs of the Quran where Allah Subhanah Himself honors the early converts to Islam, and those who did migration from Makkah to Medina with the Prophet (known as the Muhaajirs), and those that took the oath of allegiance under the tree which is known in History as the ‘bayt-e-ridhwaan’…  And no historian worth his merit, can ever deny that Abu Bakr and Umar were  participants in all of  these incidents!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 9 Surah Taubah verse 100:Allah was well pleased with those Muhajirs and Ansaars who were the first to respond to the invitation to the Faith, and with those also, who followed them in their righteous conduct; and they too were well pleased with (the reward from) Allah.   He has got ready for them Gardens underneath which canals flow and they will abide therein for ever.   This is the Greatest Success.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 48 Surah Fath verses 18-19:Allah was well pleased with the believers when they were swearing allegiance to you (O Prophet) under the tree.   He knew what was in their hearts:  therefore, He sent down tranquility upon them and rewarded them with a victory near at hand, and much war-booty, which they will (soon) take.   Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.


The historians can be wrong!  Even the narrators of the Prophet’s (saws) ahaadiths could have made a mistake!    But there is absolutely NO WAY Allah Subhanaha wa Taala would ever make a mistake in His recognition of the good from the bad!!!!!   Allah has chosen to honor these noblest of companions, and prepared for them Gardens underneath which canals flow…  but some mis-guided sects have chosen to slander, revile, rebuke, curse, and dishonor those whom Allah Himself has honored in the Glorious Quran!!!  


And finally, to bang the final nail on the coffin of the liars and fabricators of ‘these’ events of animosity between Abu Bakr, Umar and Ali…. Hadrat Ali (r.a.) chooses to name his children, which he fathered after the death of Hadrat Fatema with his various wives, Abu Bakr ibn Ali, Umar ibn Ali, and Uthman ibn Ali, among others!   

It is possible for the historians to fabricate or leave out incidents in their records …. But it is simply not possible for the historians to deny that Hadrat Ali (r.a.) married several times after the death of Hadrat Fatema (r.a.), and among his children he named some of them Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthmaan!!!   This is recorded in all the history books, whether they be from Shia historians or Sunni historians…. But some people simply try to overlook this fact and/or conceal it !!!!   Because if they declare it openly in their speeches and their fiery sermons….they just are not able to defend the notion of why would a person of the stature of Imam Ali,  who feared none but Allah Subhanah,  choose to keep the names of his ‘supposed’ enemies for his own children!!!!!!


It is well known that Hadrat Ali ibn Abi Taalib (r.a.) married Hadrat Fatima bint Mohamed Rasool Allah (r.a.) and had two sons from this marriage; Imam Hassan ibn Ali (r.a.) and Imam Hussain ibn Ali (r.a.).


After the death of Hadrat Fatema bint Mohamed Rasool Allah (r.a.), Hadrat Ali (r.a.)  married several times and had in excess of 20 children, including 11 daughters.   And in accordance of Islamic law, he had no more than four wives at any one time.   At the time of his death, it is recorded that he had four wives and nineteen slave girls. 


Hadrat Ali (r.a.) married a woman from the tribe of Banu Kilaab and her name was Muhaiyya bint Imr-ul-Qais.   The children from this marriage were:

Abbas al Akbar bin Ali (Abbas Alamdar).

Uthman bin Ali.

Jaafar bin Ali.

Abdulla bin Ali.


Hadrat Ali (r.a.) later married Laila bin Masood Nashaliyyah and the children from this marriage were:

Abu Bakr bin Ali.

Obaidullah bin Ali.


Hadrat Ali (r.a.) also married a woman from the tribe of Banu Taglab and the children from this marriage were twins: a boy and a girl named:

Umar bin Ali

Ruqqayyah bint Ali


Hadrat Ali (r.a.) later married a very famous woman named Asma bint Umais, who incidentally was the widow of both, Jaafar Al Tayyar (r.a.) and Abu Bakr as Siddiq (r.a.).   From this marriage they had a son named Yahya bin Ali.


I just want to point out something here:  

The above is all recorded history, but the impression our clergy give is that Hadrat Ali (r.a.) only married Hadrat Fatema (r.a.).   They mention Imam Hasan bin Ali and Imam Hussain bin Ali, but never talk about his other children, especially the ones named Abu Bakr bin Ali, Umar bin Ali and Uthman bin Ali. 

If what some sects of Islam say about the relationship between Hadrat Ali (r.a.) and Abu Bakr as Siddiq, Umar Al Khattab and Uthman bin Affan is true, then why would Hadrat Ali (r.a.) keep the names of his sons Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman?    Hadart Ali (r.a.) only married and fathered these children after the death of the Messenger of Allah (saws).   If Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman were indeed enemies of Hadrat Ali (r.a.), as some people would have us believe, why would Hadrat Ali (r.a.) name his children after their names?    


Some people have tried to explain this by saying that Hadrat Ali (r.a.) kept these names, despite his enmity with Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, because of political reasons!    That is absolutely absurd!    Those who claim this, actually dishonor and degrade the high position and the noble character of Hadrat Ali ibn Abi Taalib (r.a.), and have just not recognized the ‘maqaam’ of Hadrat Ali (r.a.).  By explaining that Hadrat Ali (r.a.) kept these names for political reasons, they actually accuse Hadrat Ali (r.a.) of hypocrisy…. And I swear by Allah, whoever claims thus are liars!!  Hadrat Ali’s (r.a.) bravery, courage, boldness, daring, heroism and fearlessness have been praised by the Messenger of Allah (saws) himself, and has been appropriately recorded in Islamic history.  The truth of the matter is that there was no enmity between all these noble companions of the Messenger of Allah (saws).    This enmity was manufactured and invented by unscrupulous and venal people for their own political gains, years after the death of these noble and close ‘sahabees’ of the Messenger of Allah (saws)!    And by doing so, they succeeded in breaking up Islam into various sects, and made each into a small kingdom of its own!    May Allah take full retribution with the people who have played this mischief and caused chaos in the Oneummah’ of Islam.  


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your Brother in Islam,





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