History & Hadith can be fabricated

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)



One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Assalamu alaykum,

Actually you are using your own sources and out of context ayat to justify your thinking...this is exactly what those that call themselves sunnis do.  You use hadith..which are in fact the history of the Prophets actions.  The history of Islam and the sunnah are part and partial of one another.  You deny what happened Ali and the Ahlul Bayt ...because it is history...yet reference their saying ..which is history...it's just a matter of authethification.  History and hadith can be fabricated and both were.  Your profess history in line with sunni who praise all the companions...while denying the history..which is just as authethicated ..of some of the companions deplorable acts!


(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




History & Hadith can be fabricated

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and who-ever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your Comment:  You use hadith..which are in fact the history of the Prophets actions.  The history of Islam and the sunnah are part and partial of one another. 

There is huge difference between the hadiths of the Prophet (saws) and the History of the Muslims after the death of the Prophet (saws)!  Allah Himself has commanded in the Holy Quran that we have to obey and follow the Prophet (saws), thus it becomes imperative for anyone who truly believes in Allah and the Last Day to follow the actions, deeds, and guidance of the Messenger of Allah (saws).


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah Nisa verse 79-80:We have sent you (O Mohamed) as a Messenger to mankind, and Allah’s witness suffices for this.   Whoever obeys the Messenger, in fact obeys Allah, and whoever turns away from him, he will be accountable for his deeds. Anyhow, we have not sent you (O Mohamed) to be a guardian over them.


Islam was completely revealed in the lifetime of the Prophet (saws).   The Quran was revealed in its entirety, and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws) was established and followed by the noble family, companions and the believers!    Whatever happened after the death of the Prophet (saws) is nothing but the History of the Muslims!   So you see brother, there is a huge difference between the Sunnah of the Messenger (saws) and the History of the Muslims!  They are not and will never be, as you say,  ‘part and parcel’ of one another!!!!


Your comment: You deny what happened Ali and the Ahlul Bayt ...because it is history...yet reference their saying ..which is history...it's just a matter of authethification

If Hadrat Ali (r.a.) or any of the noble companions did anything during the life of the Prophet (saws), and the Prophet (saws) approved, disapproved, commented, or re-acted in any way to their actions, then it is not considered the History of the Muslims, but rather what the Messenger (saws) said or did will be considered as part of the Sunnah.  

Allah is a witness, that there is not a muslim anywhere who truly loves Allah and the Messenger (saws), and says he does not love Hadrat Ali (r.a.) and the noble Ahle-Bayt!   Every muslim is grieved and saddened by the atrocities done on the noble Ahle-Bayt by the Bani Ummayyeds, and the whole Islamic Ummah, and all the scholars of all the schools of thought are united in their opinion, that these atrocities were committed, and that Hadrat Hussain (r.a.) was on the side of the Truth!   

Whatever happened to the Ahle-Bayt, and whatever atrocities were committed upon these noble souls, rest assured, that Allah was watching over everything.  And rest assured, Allah will give the reward to the doers of good, and punish the doers of evil, and no one will be wronged in the least on the Day of Qiyaamah.

And one more thing is assured from the clear guidance of the Holy Quran: Allah will neither ask you, nor me, about what happened and who did what in those times!    They will be accountable for their deeds, and we for our deeds, and we will not be asked about what exactly transpired 1300 years ago!!!!


Allah says extremely clearly in Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 134: They were a people who passed away. They shall receive the reward of what they earned, and you shall have the reward of what you will earn. And you will not be questioned as to what they did.


Whatever happened after the death of the Prophet (saws) is the History of the Muslims and should not affect the belief,  aqeedah, faith,  and the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah for the muslims! Allah and His Messenger (saws) never did command the believers to make a new religion, a new belief, a new aqeedah, and develop a new faith in the name and guise of the noble Ahle-Bayt!!!!!!  


Our deen is based on the worshipping Allah and following the Messenger (saws), and we have nothing to do with those who want to create a new deen out of the History of the Muslims!


Your Comment: History and hadith can be fabricated and both were. 

Yes, we do agree with you, as both the recording of Hadiths as well as History is the act of man,  and as with any act of man,  it is open to error!    But the severity of the lie is different!   If one fabricates something while recording History, he will only be considered a liar! But if one fabricates something, and attributes that to the blessed word or deed of the Messenger of Allah (saws), then he will be brought as a criminal in the Court of Allah and will be severely accountable for trying to mislead the believers!   


But Allah in His Wisdom and Grace, has revealed the Quran and kept it unchanged from its inception! There is absolutely no doubt about the authenticity of this Glorious Book!  But the problem with the ones who insist on misguidance is that they do not want to follow the clear guidance of this Book of Allah, but rather depend on the record of their historians, in the formation of their deen!    Rather than make this Glorious Book the Criterion of Truth and falsehood, they follow the happenings in history! Rather than take guidance from this Glorious Book, they choose guidance from their self-invented names and Personalities!  Rather than obey and follow the Glorious Quran, which was revealed by Allah Subhanah Himself, these misguided people follow the history of muslims after the death of the Prophet (saws)!   And when the clear aayahs of the Quran are recited and explained to them, these misguided people will always challenge the clear meanings of the aayahs, and look for their esoteric and hidden meanings, their ‘taaweels’ and their ‘baatins’, and always try to stay away from the clear guidance of the Quran. These are the one who challenge that the Quran cannot be understood!   These are the ones who claim that the Quran is only to be understood by some ‘special’ people and their families!  These are the ones who propagate one cannot understand the clear Message of Guidance from the Holy Quran!   These are the ones who say that every aayah of the Quran has 10 meanings each!  And if nothing else works, they will claim that the Quran aayahs quoted as evidence are ‘out of context’!!!   These are the ones who will do or say whatever it takes to stay away from the understanding and accepting of the clear guidance of the Holy Quran!    


These are the ones who have formed their aqeedah and beliefs from the happenings of the History of the Muslims, and try to find one word or one aayah in the Glorious Quran, to authenticate their beliefs! They have (aoodhobillah) used and tried to make the Glorious Quran follow them, rather than obey and follow this Magnificent Book of Guidance themselves!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 16 Surah Nahl verse 89:We have sent down to you this Book, which makes everything plain,  and is a guidance,  blessing and good news to those who have surrendered themselves entirely.


Allah Himself declares that the Quran is plain, and a guidance, and a blessing and good news for the believers!  But some misguided people insist on its aayahs being riddles and hints in search of the names of their Personalities!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 18 Surah Kahf verse 1-3:All praise is for Allah Alone, Who has sent down this Book to His Servant (Mohamed (saws), and assigned nothing crooked to it.   This Book says everything directly, so that he may warn the people of the severe chastisement of Allah and give good news to the believers, who do righteous deeds,  that they will have an excellent reward.


Allah Himself declares that the Book says everything directly and Allah has assigned nothing crooked to it!  Thus you yourself decide the actions and fates of the people who claim that Alif, Laam,  Meem,  mean Allah-Ali-Mohamed;  and who interpret the first words of Surah Baqarah ‘zaalekal kitaab’ as the Speaking Book, that is Hadrat Ali (r.a.)!!!   And when Allah Subhanah talks about the creation of the sun and moon amongst His Signs, these misguided people try to interpret that and say the Allah actually is implying that the sun are the ‘imaams’, and the moon are the ‘duat mutlaqeen’!!!!    May Allah take full retribution from the people who try to mis-represent the clear aayahs and guidance of the Glorious Quran for their own petty political and paltry worldly gains! 


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 43 Surah Zukhruf verses 43-44:So, hold fast to the Book that has been revealed to you, you are surely on the Siraat al Mustaqeem.  The fact is that this book is a great honor for you and your people, and soon you shall be CALLED TO ACCOUNT for it.


Allah Himself advises us to hold fast to the Quran, for soon we shall all be called to account for it!  Nowhere in the Quran does Allah advise the believers to follow the History of the Muslims after the death of the Prophet (saws), and choose the names amongst them and remember them, and wail over them, and beat oneself over their atrocities, and feed the poor in their name, and make shrines over their graves,  and visit these shrines as a pilgrimage, and invoke these names to help remove their perils, and invoke these names, and make them intercessors with Allah,  and bow down at their graves and shrines, and love and revere them as one should only revere Allah!   

Allah declares that we shall be called to account for this Glorious Quran, not the History of the Muslims or anything else!


In the aayahs quoted below, see how Allah recognizes and exposes those criminals, who find every excuse in the world not to understand, follow and obey the clear guidance of the Quran!  And the main reason they make all these excuses not to understand the Glorious Quran is because they just want to blindly follow the ways of their forefathers and the deen they were born into!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 170-171:When it is said to them, “Follow the Commands that Allah has sent down”, they reply, “We will follow only what we found our forefathers practicing.”  Well, will they go on following their forefathers even though they did not use common sense and did not find the Right Way!  The mental condition of those who rejected the way of Allah may be likened to that of the cattle whom the shepherd calls, but they nothing except the sound of shouts and cries.   They are deaf, they are dumb, they are blind; therefore they do not understand anything.


Allah calls these wicked people who refuse to understand and follow the clear guidance of the Holy Quran,deaf,  dumb and blind!!! These people are more interested in blindly following the ways of their forefathers rather than the Truth!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anaam verse 7:(O Prophet) even if We had sent down to you a Book written on paper,  and even if they had touched it with their own hands,  the disbelievers would have said, “This is nothing but manifest sorcery!”.


The truth of the matter is,  that in whatever way or format Allah revealed the Quran,  the disbelievers would always find one excuse or another to leave aside its guidance,  and follow the ways of their forefathers which they were born into!    


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anaam verse 33:We know that what they say grieves you.   But it is not you whom they charge with falsehood!  These wicked people are in fact, denying the Revelations of Allah!


Thus, if one abuses the one who wishes to guide his brethren from the Quran, and time and time again challenge the clear aayahs of the Quran;  Beware!   It might be, that in fact they are just bent on denying the Revelations of Allah!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anaam verse 157-158:Now that a clear proof, a Guidance and Blessing, has come to you from your Lord,  who can be more unjust than the one who treats Our Revelations as false and turns away from them?   We will inflict the severest torment on those who turn away from Our Revelations because of their aversion.   Do the people now await that the angels should come down before them?  Or that your Lord may Himself come down?  Or that the manifest Signs of your Lord should appear?


Subhan Allah!  Just imagine the Anger and Wrath of Allah on those who treat the aayahs of Allah unjustly and turn away from the clear guidance of the Holy Quran!!    Then Allah asks in Anger, what is it that it will take for the disbelievers to believe in this Glorious Quran?   Do they now await that the angels should come down before them?   Or that Allah Himself may come down before them?    Or that the events of the earthquakes and the devastations of the Day of Qiyaamah should appear as the Clear Signs of the Lord of the Worlds?   What Allah asks in His Anger is:  what is it that it will take for these unjust people to believe in the Word of Allah?


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 7 Surah Aaraaf verses 52-53:We have brought to these people a Book which gives details based on knowledge and which is a guidance and blessing for those who believe.  Now, are these people waiting for anything other than the consequence of which they have been warned in the Book?   When the consequence will come before them, those very people who aforetime had disregarded it, will say, “Indeed, the Messenger of our Lord had come with the Truth.   Shall we have, then, any ‘shufaa’ who will intercede for us?  Or could we be sent back that we might do deeds different from those we did before?” They have, indeed, incurred heavy loss upon themselves, and all the false things they had invented have forsaken them today.


Subhan Allah! How clearly Allah explains everything!  This is exactly what will happen to those who denied the guidance of the Book of Allah, even though they might have  invented a million reasons for it!  All the false things that they had invented in the name of guidance, will forsake them; and only those who truly believed and followed the Messenger and the Message as the Truth, will be saved!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 10 Surah Yunus verse 15:When Our clear Revelations are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet Us, say: “Bring another Quran in its stead,  or make some amendment in it.”  Say, “It is not for me to make any alteration in it of my own accord.   I follow only what is revealed to me.  Indeed,  if I disobey my Lord,  I fear the chastisement of a Dreadful Day.”


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 10 Surah Yunus verses 40-44:Some of these people will believe in (The Quran), and others will not. Your Lord knows these mischief-makers very well indeed.  If these people deny you, say to them: “I am responsible for my deeds and you are for yours.   You are not accountable for what I do, nor am I for what you do.”  There are many among them who hear what you say, but will you make the deaf to listen to you, even though they be incapable of understanding this?   Then there are many others among them who see you.   But will you show the way to the blind, even though they be bereft of sight?   The fact is that Allah does not in any way wrong the people, but they wronged themselves!


Thus brother, my sincere advise to you is to read and understand this Glorious Book of guidance, before you start denying any of its aayahs as ‘out of context’, or because you cannot understand Arabic,  or because the Quran is only supposed to be understood in the language it was revealed,  or because it can only be understood by a ‘special’ few,  or because each aayah has 10 meanings each!   You might be able to convince the world and even yourself with these weak arguments, but I assure you that these excuses will not be able to stand in the Court of Allah!  Read the Quran and then form your beliefs in accordance with its clear guidance, rather than the other way around!   


May Allah guide you and us all to the Siraat al Mustaqeem.


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your brother and well wisher in Islam,









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