While interceding the person has to be with you.

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)



One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Dear Brother,

Did you actually read the verses you quoted as well as the one I did.  Whether it was meant for mumin or munafiq it says: "..If they had only when they were unjust to themselves come unto thee and asked Allah's forgiveness and the Apostle had asked forgiveness for them they would have found Allah indeed Oft-Returning most Merciful."


this means those who had come to the Prophet and asked the Prophet to ask Allah for forgiveness for them, Allah would be most merciful.  If your argument is that this only applies to the munafiq, this makes absolutely no sense.   Why would Allah allow shafat by the Prophet for the munafiqin but not the muminin...those that are to be closer to Allah and the Prophet?  In either case, if they are coming to the Prophet to ask forgiveness from Allah then they are no longer to be considered munafiqin but muminin as they are asking "tawbur rahim" from their Master.  And according to this verse we are allowed to ask forgiveness from Allah through the shafat of the Prophet.


Another thing we want to point out here,  that there is absolutely nothing wrong in Islam,  if a believer goes to his muslim brother and  asks him to supplicate Allah for him.   This is absolutely legal and allowed in Islam,  provided the person is in audience with you. 


Where does it say the person has to be with you or did you make this analysis by yourself?


And my brother, you have the worst habit of quoting ayats of the Quran with the incorrect understanding of what the ayat says just to prove your point.

 You use ayats like "..Beware!  Religion is the exclusive Right of Allah.  As for those who have taken other ‘auliyas’ (guardians) with Allah (and justify their this conduct by saying): “We serve them only that they may bring us closer to Allah.”   Allah will surely judge between them concerning all that in which they differ."

 No mumin will ever say we serve or worship these awliya like or with Allah, as in a partership with Allah.  If this is what you think of those that ask shafat from the awliyas, then it is your ignorance to think so.  But don't prove a point without understanding what your trying to prove.

 Remember, again and again, that the entire point of even doing shafat of any awliya is to please Allah and for Allah to be pleased with us. 

 ".. Those whom you invoke with Allah are MERE SERVANTS OF ALLAH LIKE YOU!  Just invoke them,  and if what you say of them be true,  they will answer your prayers.."

 The awliya don't answer my prayers...they are just the presenters of the prayers to Allah, who answers the prayers.  Again, try to understand the difference.


(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




While interceding the person has to be with you.

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and who-ever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your Comment:  Did you actually read the verses you quoted as well as the one I did.  Whether it was meant for mumin or munafiq it says:

 "..If they had only when they were unjust to themselves come unto thee and asked Allah's forgiveness and the Apostle had asked forgiveness for them they would have found Allah indeed Oft-Returning most Merciful."

 this means those who had come to the Prophet and asked the Prophet to ask Allah for forgiveness for them, Allah would be most merciful.  If your argument is that this only applies to the munafiq, this makes absolutely no sense.   Why would Allah allow shafat by the Prophet for the munafiqin but not the muminin...those that are to be closer to Allah and the Prophet?  In either case, if they are coming to the Prophet to ask forgiveness from Allah then they are no longer to be considered munafiqin but muminin as they are asking "tawbur rahim" from their Master.  And according to this verse we are allowed to ask forgiveness from Allah through the shafat of the Prophet.


Inna Lillale wa inna ilayhe rajeoon!  

Brother, read the aayah in context of the whole paragraph… from verse 60 to verse 65 to get a full picture:

60   Hast thou not turned thy vision to those who declare that they believe in the revelations that have come to thee and to those before thee? Their (real) wish is to resort together for judgment (in their disputes) to the Evil One though they were ordered to reject him. But Satan's wish is to lead them astray far away (from the Right).

61   When it is said to them: "Come to what Allah hath revealed and to the Apostle": thou seest the Hypocrites avert their faces from thee in disgust.

62   How then when they are seized by misfortune because of the deeds which their hands have sent forth?  Then they come to thee swearing by Allah: "We meant no more than good-will and conciliation!"

63   Those men Allah knows what is in their hearts; so keep clear of them but admonish them and speak to them a word to reach their very souls.

64    We sent not an Apostle but to be obeyed in accordance with the will of Allah.  If they had only when they were unjust to themselves come unto thee and asked Allah's forgiveness and the Apostle had asked forgiveness for them they would have found Allah indeed Oft-Returning most Merciful.

65   But no by thy Lord they can have no (real) Faith until they make thee judge in all disputes between them and find in their souls no resistance against thy decisions but accept them with the fullest conviction.


Verse 60:  Who is Allah talking about when he asks Prophet Mohamed (saws) whether he has seen those who profess (with their mouths only) that they believe in the Quran and the other revealed books before him? Who are ‘they’ who always go to the ‘taghut’ for their judgments? Who are these people whom Shaitaan has led astray after they have professed belief? Are these the believers or the hypocrites?  Answer:  the hypocrites.


Verse 61:  Allah clearly says the word and term ‘munaafeqeen’ (hypocrites) in this verse!


Verse 62, when Allah says “they”, who does He mean? The believers or the hypocrites?   Answer:  hypocrites!


Verse 63:  Allah says He knows what is in ‘their’ hearts, and commands the Prophet (saws) to admonish them and speak to them a word that would reach their very souls! Who is Allah refereeing to when He says He Knows what is in ‘their’ hearts?  The believers or the hypocrites?  Answer:  hypocrites!


Verse 64:  Now when Allah says, if only ‘they’ had come to the presence of the Messenger of Allah (saws), asked forgiveness from Allah themselves, and the Apostle had asked forgiveness for them also…they would find Allah Forgiving. Who is Allah referring to when he says ‘they’ here? The believers or the hypocrites?  Answer:  the hypocrites!


Verse 65:  Here Allah swears by His Ownself that ‘they’ can have no Faith, until ‘they’ make the Messenger of Allah (saws) a judge in all their disputes. Who is Allah referring to when He says ‘they’ here?  The believers or the hypocrites?  Answer:  the hypocrites!


The whole paragraph, starting from Verse 60 identifies and talks about the hypocrites….Brother,  please take another opinion from any scholar of your choice,  and ask him who is Allah talking about here…!  And every one of them, if they indeed fear Allah and the Last Daywill tell you, the hypocrites!


Your Comment:  If your argument is that this only applies to the munafiq, this makes absolutely no sense.  Why would Allah allow shafat by the Prophet for the munafiqin but not the muminin...those that are to be closer to Allah and the Prophet?

There is absolutely no doubt, that in the context of the paragraph and the story, these verses refer to the hypocrites.  The reason it might not be making any sense to you, might be that you have made up your mind about your concept of ‘shafaa’ and desperately looking to find ‘a’ aayah to fit your belief! (Let me assure you, that there is NONE!  Not one aayah in the Whole Quran!)  Brother, the better thing to do is take Allah’s Word as True and Supreme, and form your opinion and belief from it, rather than forming a belief first, and then looking to the Quran to confirm this false belief! The Quran was revealed to guide us to the Siraat al Mustaqeem…. Not to confirm the beliefs that we found our forefathers following!!!


The message in the above aayahs is that through this Revelation, Allah exposes the hypocrites and their actions, and says that ‘IF’ they were true believers, they would have come to the Messenger of Allah (saws) and made him a judge in all their disputes, just like the true believers used to do. Then Allah swears on Himself, and says that NO!, these hypocrites cannot have real faith, unless they make the Messenger of Allah (saws) a judge in all their disputes… which the hypocrites just did not want to do!!!  By stating these verses, Allah exposes them and humiliates them and dares them to confirm with their belief and their actions what they have been professing with only their mouths, that Mohamed (saws) is indeed the appointed Messenger of Allah!  That is the message of these aayahs!   


Your Comment:  (You quote from my previous article)  Another thing we want to point out here,  that there is absolutely nothing wrong in Islam,  if a believer goes to his muslim brother and  asks him to supplicate Allah for him.   This is absolutely legal and allowed in Islam,  provided the person is in audience with you. 

Where does it say the person has to be with you or did you make this analysis by yourself?

No, I did not make this analysis myself! The Whole Quran and the recorded Sunnah is testimony, that time and again, one can only talk to another in audience, and ask something from his brother. There are literally hundreds of authentic narrations, whereby the believers came to the Prophet (saws) in his audience, and asked him to pray for them!   How many do you want me to list…..


But there is not one aayah, nor one recorded narration, whereby a companion sitting in Makkah is asking the Messenger of Allah (saws) who is sitting in Medina to pray for him!!  There is not one narration whereby the Messenger of Allah (saws), or any of his companions went to the grave of the great martyr Hadrat Hamza (r.a.), or anybody else’s grave, and used him as a ‘shafaa’!  There is not one narration, where the noble companions, including Hadrat Ali, Hadrat Fatema, Hadrat Hassan, or Hadrat Hussain, went to the grave of the Messenger of Allah (saws), and spoke to him in the grave and used him as their ‘shafaa’!!!


Thus brother, since you have the belief that one can ask a person who can hear from miles away (without any ‘asbaab’ or tools); who can understand 1000s of people at the same time; who can understand all the different languages of the world; who can even listen to people when they are dead; Then, I guess the onus should be on you to prove your this belief from the Quran and Sunnah….


Lets come to some agreement on what both of us have no problems in believing.   We both believe that no one except Allah Knows the unseen (ghaib). We both believe that no one except Allah can listen to everything, no matter how soft or how loud or how far it is spoken from Him!   We both believe that no one except Allah can understand any and all languages in the world!    We both believe that no one except Allah can understand and comprehend billions of people speaking at the same time, in any language, and in any place!   We both believe that only Allah knows the condition of everything, every soul, every plant, every animal, every human, every jinn and every angel! We both believe that Allah Alone knows even the deepest secrets of our hearts!


Now, just imagine, if we call on someone (no matter who he is, the Prophets, the Imams, or even a fellow human being) that is only 1-mile away from us…. Can he hear us?   No!   He cannot hear us.

It is Allah’s Attribute Alone that He can hear us, wherever we are!

Similarly, if 10 people speak in different languages to one person at the same time, can this person understand us? No! He cannot understand us. He can only understand one person at a time!

It is Allah’s Attribute Alone that He can understand even if billions of people speak at the same time!


And so on and so forth….

By claiming that these intermediaries in the grave can hear all of us, and respond to our prayers … is sharing an Attribute which belongs to Allah Alone with them… and that is precisely what is termed ‘shirk’ in the Holy Quran!


You show me the most pious and ‘wali’ of Allah today who is alive, and can hear me, and respond to me from a mile away without any tools, and I will start believing that these ‘awliyaas’ who are dead in their graves from hundreds of years can hear and respond to our prayers!  If the ‘wali’ cannot hear me when he is alive, how on Allah’s earth is he going to hear me when he is dead and buried in his grave?


Your Comment:  And my brother, you have the worst habit of quoting ayats of the Quran with the incorrect understanding of what the ayat says just to prove your point. You use ayats like:

"..Beware!  Religion is the exclusive Right of Allah.  As for those who have taken other ‘auliyas’ (guardians) with Allah (and justify their this conduct by saying): “We serve them only that they may bring us closer to Allah.”   Allah will surely judge between them concerning all that in which they differ."

 No mumin will ever say we serve or worship these awliya like or with Allah, as in a partership with Allah.  If this is what you think of those that ask shafat from the awliyas, then it is your ignorance to think so.  But don't prove a point without understanding what your trying to prove.

 Remember, again and again, that the entire point of even doing shafat of any awliya is to please Allah and for Allah to be pleased with us. 

 ".. Those whom you invoke with Allah are MERE SERVANTS OF ALLAH LIKE YOU!  Just invoke them,  and if what you say of them be true,  they will answer your prayers.."

The awliya don't answer my prayers...they are just the presenters of the prayers to Allah, who answers the prayers.  Again, try to understand the difference.


Brother, believe me, I understand the difference very well!  My only problem is that I cannot believe to be true what Allah and His Messenger (saws) say is false!


We absolutely agree with you on your viewpoint that the Prophet (saws), or the Imams or anybody else whom the people invoke in their graves, do not have any power of their own to answer the prayers of the supplicant.  All Power rests Solely with Allah, Lord of the Worlds!   This is precisely what the Quran states again and again.


Where the Quran disagrees is when the person invokes these pious people in their graves, assuming that they can hear his prayers, assuming that they can then present these prayers to Allah, and assuming that Allah will only respond when the prayers are done through an intermediary! This is precisely what Allah terms ‘shirk’ in the Quran.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39 Surah Zumur verse 2-3: So worship Allah Alone, making your religion His exclusively.  Beware!  Religion is the exclusive Right of Allah.  As for those who have taken other ‘auliyas’ (guardians) with Allah (and justify their this conduct by saying): “We serve them only that they may bring us closer to Allah.” Allah will surely judge between them concerning all that in which they differ.   Allah does not show guidance to any liar and denier of the Truth.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 10 Surah Yunus verse 18: These people serve beside Allah those which can neither harm nor benefit them, and say, “These are our ‘shofa’a’ (intercessors) with Allah!”  (O Mohammed), tell them, “Do you wish to inform Allah of that thing which He knows not in the heavens, or in the earth?”  He is absolutely free from, and exalted above the ‘shirk’ that they commit.


When we believe that Allah Alone has all the Power, then why don’t we simply ask and supplicate Allah directly.   That is what Allah demands from us in the Holy Quran.    Anyone who invokes any other being other than Allah for anything, or uses any other being as an intermediary, that is precisely what Allah has termed ‘shirk’ all over the Quran!  


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chater 40 Surah Mumin verse 60: And Your Lord says, “Call upon Me. I will answer your prayers. Those who disdain My worship on account of arrogance,  shall certainly enter Hell in disgrace!”


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 186: And if My servants ask you, O Prophet, concerning Me, tell them that I am quite near to them.  I hear and answer the prayer of the suppliant, when he calls on Me.  So let them respond to My call and believe in Me.  (Convey this to them), perhaps they may be guided aright!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 13 Surah Raad verse 14: To Him Alone is prayer, in Truth!  As regards the other beings whom they call besides Allah, they cannot answer their prayers.   It is as if a man were to stretch out his hands towards water and ask it to rise to his mouth, when it cannot reach it!  Likewise the prayers of the disbelievers are nothing but aimless efforts!


Where in the Quran does it say that one must use an intermediary everytime he needs to beg something from Allah?

Why have we formed this opinion about our Merciful Lord that He never answers our prayers without the use of an intermediary?


Please read again the above aayahs from the Quran, and honestly ask yourself what Allah considers ‘shirk’? Allah Himself says, “Call upon Me. I will answer your prayers!” But we insist that we will only call upon Him through an intermediary!!!!!!!!!   Glory be to Allah, Who is Far Exalted and High above the ‘shirk’ that these people commit.


Let me relate a simple worldly example to prove my point:

In this world, a ruler or someone in authority, is known never to get a job done without a ‘sifaarish’, mediator or agent in between.   He never approves anything or gets anything done, unless you come with a mediator or intermediary!   But as soon as you get some powerful ‘sifaarish’ or intermediary, he gets the job done immediately!    Would you consider him a just and good ruler or person?


On the other hand, a ruler or someone in authority, is known that he will do everything absolutely justly and on its merit. No matter, what ‘sifaarish’ and intermediary you bring with you to pressure him, if you do not deserve that thing, this just ruler will never give it to you!   Would you not consider a person like this to be just and honest, who judges everything on its own merit.


Are we not even ready to accept that our Merciful Lord is Just and Honest when dealing with His creation?  Why do we hold this notion that this Merciful Lord will never accept our supplications when we pray to Him directly?    Why do we invoke other intermediaries when Allah Himself says that we have to pray to Him Alone?    Why do we invoke other intermediaries when Allah Himself says that He listens to, and answers our prayers?   Is not our Lord Just and Honest to Judge with Justice?   


Those who think that Allah will only answer their prayers if they take a strong intermediary support of the Prophets or Imams, actually have just not recognized the Power and Sovereignty of Allah?  Allah knows our condition and our state better than anybody else; He Alone can listen to our prayers; He Alone can respond to our prayers; and He Alone has the Power to grant us what we ask of Him!   


There are literally hundreds of aayahs in the Glorious Quran whereby Allah warns us not to use any intermediary, any ‘shofaa’, any intercession, or anything else!  But the foolish people have invented and formed this belief that Allah only listens and responds when asked through someone! Allah Himself says that these intermediaries do not have the power to listen to you!   Allah Himself says that they do not have the power to respond to you! Allah Himself says that they do not have the power to support you in any way!  And Allah Himself says, to come back to Him and ask of Him Alone!   He has the Power and the Ability to listen and respond to all our prayers.   


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 7 Surah Aaraf verses 197: Those whom you call besides Allah, cannot help you, nor can they help themselves.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 22 Surah Hajj verse 73: O mankind!  A parable is related to you, so listen to it! Those on whom you call besides Allah, cannot create a fly, even though they may all combine together for this purpose!  Nay! If a fly snatches away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly!  How weak are those who petition, and how weak are those to whom they supplicate!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 34 Surah Saba verses 22: (O Prophet) say, “Call on those whom you invoke as deities besides Allah.  They neither own an atom’s weight of anything in the heavens, nor in the earth.   Nor have they anything to share in either, nor is any of them a helper of Allah”


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 36 Surah Yaa Seen verses 74-75: Yet, they have set up others besides Allah, hoping that they would be helped!   They (those invoked) do not have the power to help them, yet these people stand as an ever ready troop at their service!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 3 Surah Ale Imran verses160: If Allah helps you, none can overcome you!  And if Allah forsakes you, who is there, then, after Allah that can help you?  Therefore, the true believers should trust in Allah Alone.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 5 Surah Maidah verse 76: (O Prophet) say to them, “Do you worship besides Allah that which has no power to harm you nor benefit you?  In fact, it is Allah Alone Who hears everything and knows everything.”


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 10 Surah Yunus verses 106-107: And do not call besides Allah, any being that can neither do you any good nor any harm.  For if you will do so, you shall be one of the doers of wrong.  If Allah afflicts you with a calamity, there is none to remove it, but He Himself.  Likewise, if Allah wills to bestow a favor on you, there is none to withhold Allah’s bounty. He bestows His bounty on anyone of His servants He wills.  And He is The Forgiving, The Merciful.


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 17 Surah Isra (Bani Israel) verses 56-57: (O Prophet) say, “You may call for help those, besides Allah, whom you fancy.  They have neither the power to remove your troubles from you, nor change them!”  In fact, those beings whom these people call for help themselves seek the means of approach to Allah, and vie with one another to be nearer to Him, and hope for His Mercy and fear His Wrath.   The fact is that the Wrath of your Lord is a thing to be dreaded!


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39 Surah Zumar verse 38: If indeed you (O Prophet) asked them,  “Who is it that created the earth?”, they would surely say, “Allah”.   Say, “See you then?  The things that you invoke besides Allah, can they, if Allah wills some penalty for me, remove His penalty?   Or if Allah wills some mercy for me, can they keep back his mercy?”   Say: “Sufficient is Allah for me!  In Him trust those who put their trust.”


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 22 Surah Hajj verses 13: Then, instead of Allah, he invokes those who can do him neither harm nor good.  This is the last extremity of deviation.   He invokes those who are more likely to do him harm, than good!  What an evil ‘maula’ he chooses, and what an evil companion.


The people who insist on invoking their ‘intermediaries’, then obviously serve and do deeds all their lives to please these so-called ‘intermediaries’, instead of doing deeds to please Allah Subhanah. This is precisely why they invoke the names of their ‘intermediaries’ standing, sitting and lying down! This is precisely why they are so dedicated to their ‘intermediaries’…  They celebrate their ‘milaads’, and their ‘urs’, they promise and take ‘minnats’ on their graves, they spend money traveling to their ‘intermediaries’ shrines, they then commit to perform ‘zari’, ‘chaadar’, ‘niyaaz’,  ‘jaman’, etc.  in the names of these intermediaries!  

They go away so far in their deviation, that they appoint some holy men amongst them and make them their ‘intermediaries’ with Allah.  They serve them devotedly; obey his every order; pay him their zakat, sabeel; khums;  sadaqa; nazrul maqaam;  or whatever else they might seem to demand;   they stand with their hands folded in front of them;   they bow down to them in ‘tasleem’;   they kiss their hands;  they kiss their knees;  they even kiss their feet;  and then in total respect,  reverence,  shukr and submission,  they bow down in prostration to them!     

They take ‘raza’ or permission from these intermediaries for everything they want to do… to marry they need ‘raza’!  to celebrate any occasion,  they need ‘raza’!  to name a child they need ‘raza’!   to listen to anything Islamic,  they need ‘raza’!  to lead prayers they need ‘raza’!   to pay zakat,  they need ‘raza’!   to give charity,  they need ‘raza’!   to start a business they need ‘raza’!  to perform any pilgrimage, even to go to the Sacred House of Allah,  they need ‘raza’ from their intermediaries!  To perform ‘hajj’, they need ‘raza’! 

Subhan Allah!  Who are you worshipping?  Allah or these intermediaries?  Who are you invoking at your times of need?  Allah or these intermediaries?  Who do you thank when Allah gives you what you have prayed for? Allah or these intermediaries?   Who deserves your sajdah-tus-shukr?  Allah or these intermediaries?


Subhan Allah!  Who are you trying to please by doing all the above deeds?   Allah or these intermediaries?


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39 Surah Zumar verse 8: When an affliction befalls man, he calls upon his Lord, turning to Him in penitence.  Then, when Allah blesses him with His favor, the person forgets the affliction for which he was calling on Allah before, and sets up others as equals with Allah, thus mis-leading others from Allah’s Way.   (O Prophet, tell him): “Enjoy your disbelief for a while.  You shall certainly go to Hell!”


When they are childless, they pray to Allah for a child (sometimes directly, and most times through the intermediaries)!  Then when Allah blesses them with a child, they immediately begin to thank and show gratitude to their ‘intermediaries’ for the birth of this child, thinking erroneously that it was because of their intercession, that Allah granted them this child! Then they name him Abd-Rasool, or Abde-Ali, or Abdul-Hussain, and proudly give them a life long title of Abde-Syedna!

Just take a good look at what Allah says about these kind of people:


 Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 7 Surah Aaraf verse 189-196: Then when a man covered a woman, she bore a light burden with which she moved around.   But when she became heavy with it, both of them prayed together to Allah, their Lord: “If Thou give us a sound child, we will be grateful to Thee.”   But when Allah gave them a child of sound body and sound mind, they both began to associate partners with Allah, for this Allah’s Favor!  Allah is Exalted far above the ‘shirk’ that they commit! They associate with Allah partners who do not create anything, but are themselves created!   Who cannot help them nor have the power to help themselves!   If you invite them to follow the Right Way, they will not follow you!  It will be all the same for you whether you call them or keep silent.   Those whom you invoke with Allah are MERE SERVANTS OF ALLAH LIKE YOU!  Just invoke them, and if what you say of them be true, they will answer your prayers!  Have they feet that they should walk with them? Or have they hands that they should hold with them?   Or have they eyes that they should see with them?   Or have they ears that they should hear with them?   Tell them, O Mohammed, “Call up the partners you have set up, and then all of you sit down together and plot against me, and give me no respite.  My Protector and Helper is Allah, Who has sent down this Book (Al Quran), and, it is He who protects the righteous people.”


Did these intermediaries give you ‘raza’ to be born?

Did these intermediaries provide for you?

Did these intermediaries give you your health?  Your eyes?  Your ears?  Your hands? Your feet?

Do these intermediaries cure you when you are ill?

Do these intermediaries give you the air you breathe?

Do these intermediaries give you the water that you drink?

Do these intermediaries give you the food that you eat?

Did these intermediaries give you your parents?  Your brothers?  Your sisters? Your family?  Your friends?

Did these intermediaries give you honor in this world?  Can they give you honor in the Hereafter?

Do these intermediaries give you everything that you ever wanted?

Will these intermediaries give ‘raza’ to the angel of death to take your soul?

Will these intermediaries give you life again on the Day of Judgement?

Will these intermediaries be the Judge on the Day of Judgement?

Will these intermediaries grant you Paradise on that Day?


If Allah Alone is the One Who gives us each and everything listed above, then tell me honestly, who deserves our ‘sajdah-tus-shukr’, our ‘sajdah-tul tahdeem’, and our ‘sajdah-tul-ibaadah’?   Allah or these self-created intermediaries?


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 26 Surah Shuaraa verse 69-82: And tell them the story of Ibrahim, when he asked his father and his people: “What are these things that you worship?”  They answered, “These are idols which we worship and we serve them devotedly.”  Ibrahim asked, “Do they hear you when you call on them?  Or do they bring any good or harm to you?”  They replied, “No, but we have found our elders doing the same.”  At this, Ibrahim said, “Have you ever seen with open eyes the things which you and your elders have been worshipping? They are all enemies to me, except the One Lord of the Worlds, Who created me, then He it is Who guides me, Who gives me food and drink, and Who gives me health when I am ill, Who will cause me to die and then will give me life again, and of Whom I expect that He will forgive me my errors on the Day of Judgment.”


Brother, read the Quran with understanding, and you will realize the worth of all these intermediaries that have been invented by man himself without any authority whatsoever from Allah Subhanah!   


All Power and All Strength belongs to Allah Alone, and all these intermediaries, neither have any power of their own, nor do they have any power from Allah to listen or respond to your prayers; and neither do they present any of your prayers to your Lord and Creator, Allah Subhanah!!  Where and why do these people insist on being mis-guided, when Allah has revealed everything clearly in the Glorious Quran for our guidance?


What is the difference between the mushriks of Makkah and the people of today who invoke intermediaries to pray to Allah? The mushriks used to believe in Allah, perform Umrah, perform Hajj and thought they were rightly guided and on the deen of Ibrahim (a.s.).  They invented and created idols in the images of their pious holy men and used them as intermediaries with Allah!  What is the difference with those Abu Jahls, and Abu Lahbs, and Ummayahs, and the people today who invoke intermediaries with Allah?

The Christians invoke Prophet Jesus (a.s.) as their intermediary to Allah! The Jews invoke Prophet Uzair (a.s.) as their intermediary with Allah!  The Hindus combine all their gods and use them as intermediaries with their Parmatma!  And some mis-guided muslims invoke their pious holy men as intermediaries with Allah!    What and where is the difference?????


The only reason why one creates and invents and follows devotedly all these ‘intermediaries’, is simply because they just do not understand the clear aayahs of the Quran!   And that is precisely why today, these self-proclaimed intermediaries do everything in their power to keep their followers away from the clear teachings and guidance of the Glorious Quran. They neither teach it themselves, nor do they allow their followers to understand it!  


Brother, you have one of the best English translations of the Quran with you (by Brother Abdulla Yusuf Ali).  I know this, because you quoted the aayah of Surah Nisaa from it!   For you own sake read the Quran with understanding… from the beginning Surah Al-Fateha, to the end, Surah An-Naas!   Read it brother… and beg Allah to guide you … and see how crystal clear are the aayahs of Allah…  no hints, no innuendoes, no secrets…  just the plain truth from our Lord and Creator, Allah Subhanah.  Once you read the Holy Quran, then testify that whatever Allah says is the Absolute Truth…. And whatever anybody else says which is against the clear aayahs of the Quran is nothing but manifest falsehood!


May Allah guide you and us all to read and understand the clear aayahs of the Holy Quran, so that we can all be guided aright!


May the Peace, Blessings and Mercy be upon you and your family.  Brother, you owe it to yourself and your Creator to at least read and understand the Message that He has revealed for our guidance!  You have Maa Shaa Allah, come so far…. So don’t miss this opportunity to understand the Message of the Holy Quran.    By Allah, I don’t know who you are, or where you are…. But I pray that Allah guide you to the Truth from the Holy Quran.  


I leave you with these beautiful and powerful words of the Glorious Quran:


Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 66 Surah Tahreem verse 6: O you who have believed, save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel shall be men and stones; over which shall be appointed fierce and stern angels, who never disobey Allah’s Command, and they only do as they are commanded!


My dear brother in Islam, Allah Himself says to the ones who have believed in Him:  save yourselves and your family from a Fire, whose fuel shall me men and stones!    


Don’t believe a word that I have ever said… but for your sake and your family’s sake… believe what Allah says in the Holy Quran!  And Allah speaks nothing but the Truth!   


I just ask one thing of you… read the Glorious Quran with an open mind. Don’t form a set of beliefs and try to justify them from the Quran.   But rather, read the Glorious Quran and then form your set of beliefs according its clear guidance and teachings.  


May Allah have mercy on you and your family and keep you all in His Protection and Mercy.  Ameen.  


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me.  Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your brother and well wisher in Islam








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