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Ar-Rad (The Thunder)

Verse 7


7. And the Unbelievers say! "Why is not a Sign sent down to him from his Lord?" But thou art truly a warner and to every people a guide.

Notes (Tafseer):

1811. After all the Signs that have just been mentioned it is mere fractiousness to say, "Bring down a Sign." Al-Mustafa brought Signs and credentials as other Prophets did, and like them, refused to satisfy mere idle curiosity.

1812. The last sentence of this verse has usually been interpreted to mean that the Prophet's function was merely to warn, and that guidance was sent by Allah to every nation through its Prophets. I think the following interpretation is equally possible: 'it is itself a Sign that Al-Mustafa should warn and preach and produce the Qur-an, and the guidance which he brings is universal guidance, as from Allah.

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